1.The model shows that the interest rate and collateral in diversified credit contracts may be utilized as screening mechanism to reach a Spence.模型揭示,多样性的信贷合同组合可以通过贷款利率、抵押品作为甄别机制而达到斯宾塞-莫里斯分离均衡,并分析了其存在的条件与范围,阐述了模型对中国金融系统改革及中小企业信贷配给的现实启示。
2.The signaling role of collateral,which serves as a measure for the bank to screen risky types of the firms,is emphasized in this paper when the firms in credit market have more risky information on their projects than that of the bank.着重分析在信贷市场中企业拥有的投资项目风险信息比银行多时,抵押品作为银行鉴别和筛选企业的风险类型的信号作用。

1.collateral register抵押品档案,抵押品纪录
2.mortgage debenture有抵押品的公司债券,抵押债券
3.Mortgage Backed Security,MBS抵押品证券、抵押贷款证券
4.Something deposited or given as security against an obligation; a pledge.担保品为合同安全起见而抵押的物品;抵押品
5.Common Collateral Management System共同抵押品管理系统
6."I don't like your collateral."我不希罕你的抵押品
7.collateral surety作为抵押品的商业票据
8.To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage.取消赎回抵押品的权利
9.keep a watch as a pledge把手表作为抵押品保管
10.Collateral security副保,抵押品,附属担保物
11.a collateral security附属担保物,抵押品
12.subject to foreclosing procedures; take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage.使服从取消抵押品赎回权程序;剥夺抵押人赎回抵押的权利。
13.As for the pledge, we won't accept any kind of silk, finished, raw, or mixed. We'll accept only dry cocoons.抵押品呢,厂丝,干丝,灰丝,全不要,单要干茧作抵押;
14.a mortgage that has priority over all mortgages and liens except those imposed by law.优先于所有抵押品的抵押,只有执法部门有权扣押。
15.The act of foreclosing, especially a legal proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed.抵押品赎回权的丧失取消抵押品赎回权的行为,尤其指取消收回抵押品权利的法律程序
16.A guaranty by which one person assumes responsibility for paying another's debts or fulfilling another's responsibilities.抵押品一种约束某人还债或承担某种责任的抵押品
17.Something given as security for a loan;a pledge or guaranty.抵押品,典当物当作借贷保证的事物;保证物或抵押物
18.Collateral, such as property or investments, secures the repayment of traditional loans.抵押品是传统贷款的安全保证,通常包括财产或投资抵押。

1.In recent years the banks of our country generally adopted rigid pledge credit rationing to small and medium-sized business with on information publication and high credit risk in order to avoid treaty violation risk caused by bad credit, and SMBs entrance to credit market is restricted because of insufficient pledge assets.近年来我国银行为避免企业信用状况不良导致的违约风险问题,对信息不透明、信用风险高的中小企业普遍采取严格的抵押品型信贷配给,而中小企业介入信贷市场普遍受到抵押资产不足的约束。
4)lending library[商]抵押品
5)mortgage forfeit抵押品没收
6)mortgage sale抵押品销售
