1.The phenomenon of appropriation is common to be found in artistic fields.挪用现象在艺术领域十分普遍,可以说没有挪用就没有艺术,而关于挪用的理论在我国却未曾得见,在国外也只是只言片语,系统的论述也未被发现。
2.This paper attempts to summarize the concept,context,form and function of the appropriation,combining with the research of Chinese Contemporary painting Art historical Analysis and empirical research,through my own graduation creation work,and I try to complete the restudy on the application of appropriation in Chinese Contemporary painting Art.挪用是上世纪60年代后一种常用的艺术形式,是指艺术家利用既有的图式、图像资源进行艺术创作。

1.make an appropriation of 20000 for payment of debts挪用20000英镑还债.
2.A Study on Some Special Misappropriation of the Guilty of Misappropriate Public Funds.;浅析挪用公款罪的几种特殊“挪用
3.Misappropriation or diversion of financial investment挤占、挪用财政投资
4.He was found to have helped himself to public money.他被发现挪用公款。
5.The fund earmarked for capital construction is not to be diverted to any other purpose.不得挪用基本建设资金。
6.On the Issue of "Misappropriation of Corporate Funds without Actual Use"关于挪用公款罪中“挪而未用”问题的思考
7.To take control of ( something ) for one 's own use占用,挪用,占有某物作为已用
8.ON IMPLICATED OFFENCE OF DEFALCATION--From the view of implicated between defalcation and the crime of bribery;挪用公款罪的牵连犯问题——以挪用公款罪与受贿罪相牵连为视角
9.The Research of Difficult Problem about the Crime of Defalcation--From the point of the case of unused defalcation;挪用公款罪疑难问题研究——从“挪而未用”案件的视角展开
10.The Crime Components of Embezzling Public Funds;试析挪用公款罪的犯罪构成──从一起挪用公款案的辩护谈起
11.Research On The Characterization About The Embezzled & Unused Public Funds“挪而未用”之定性研究——兼论挪用公款罪的既遂标准
12.Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds:Thinking of Amendment挪用公款罪构成的修正思路——修改挪用公款罪构成的可行性研究
13.Those directly responsible for misappropriating state funds and materials allocated for disaster relief, emergencies, flood control, allowances for disabled servicemen and the families of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen,挪用用于救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、
14.Challege about "Belonging to Personal Use" in embezzlement Crime;对挪用公款罪中“归个人使用”的质疑
15.His boss pumped out of him how much money he had used for himself.老板逼他说出他私自挪用了多少钱。
16.She is playing with fire by secretly borrowing office fund她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火
17.He's under arrest for allegedly embezzling funds from the company.他因为被指挪用公款已经被逮捕了。
18.She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds.她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。

1.There are a lot of controversy theoretically and in judicial practice about whether the behavior of“diverting but has not used”constitutes the crime of misappropriating public funds and how to understand“misappropriation surpassing for three months”.“挪而未用”的行为是否构成挪用公款罪,以及对“超过三个月未还”如何理解,在理论和司法实践中均有颇多争议。
2.According to Stock Law,the action of misappropriation is illegal and will bear responsibility for a crime if it constitutes a crime,but Criminal Law doesn t give relevant accusation,and it is legal flaws and should be perfected.证券公司普遍存在挪用客户保证金的行为,这种行为的危害性十分大。
3.We should take advantage of the Criminal Law to regulate and adjust the misappropriation of emigrant funds and solve some urgent problems in the cases of the misappropriation of particular money and objects.三峡移民资金管理及使用中存在着许多违纪违法情况,我们应用刑法来调整其挪用移民资金行为,解决并查办挪用特定款物案件中的几个问题。
1.From this in Chinese present age oil painting art presented the phenomenon which the image duplication diverts, and by the strong tendency development until now, has been forming the suitable scale in the Chinese present age oil painting art.由此中国当代油画艺术中出现了图像复制挪用的现象,并且正在以强劲的势头发展至今,在中国当代油画艺术中形成了相当的规模。
5)The act of appropriating.挪用挪用的行为
6)diverted fund挤占挪用

挪用资金罪挪用资金罪 [释义] 挪用资金罪是指公司董事、监事、职工或其他非国有企业职工利用职务或工作便利,挪用本单位资金构成犯罪的行为。 [刑法条文] 第二百七十二条 公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员,利用职务上的便利,挪用本单位资金归个人使用或者借贷给他人,数额较大、超过三个月未还的,或者虽未超过三个月,但数额较大、进行营利活动的,或者进行非法活动的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;挪用本单位资金数额巨大的,或者数额较大不退还的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 国有公司、企业或者其他国有单位中从事公务的人员和国有公司、企业或者其他国有单位委派到非国有公司、企业以及其他单位从事公务的人员有前款行为的,依照本法第三百八十四条的规定定罪处罚。 第一百八十五条第一款 银行或者其他金融机构的工作人员利用职务上的便利,挪用本单位或者客户资金的,依照本法第二百七十二条的规定定罪处罚。 挪用资金罪的构成要件: (一)客体要件:挪用资金罪所侵害的客体是公司、企业或者其他单位资金的使用收益权,对象则是本单位的资金。 (二)客观要件:挪用资金罪在客观方面表现为行为人利用职务上的便利,挪用本单位资金归个人使用或者借贷给他人,数额较大、超过三个月未还的或者虽未超过三个月,但数额较大、进行营利活动的,或者进行非法活动的行为 (三)主体要件:挪用资金罪的主体为特殊主体,即公司、企业或者其他单位工作人员。 (四)主观要件挪用资金罪:在主观方面只能出于故意,即行为人明知自已在挪用或借贷本单位资金,并且利用了职务上的便利,而仍故意为之。