1)warrant[英]['w?r?nt][美]['w?r?nt, 'wɑr-]认股证
1.In this paper, the benificial functions and the possbile unfavorable effects of warrant in the financing activities of modern company are analyzed according to its basic features.根据认股证的基本特征,分析了认股证在现代企业筹资活动中能够起到的积极作用及可能造成的不利影响,从而为企业的财务管理人员进行筹资决策提供参考依据。

1.covered warrant备兑认股权证,备兑认股证,回购认股证
2.Underlying Security认股权证相关的股份
3.warrant exercised [listing method]行使认股权证〔上市方式〕
4.non-collateralized derivatives warrant非抵押衍生认股权证
5.A Study on the Application of Warrant in the Split Share Structure Reform;股权分置改革中认股权证的应用研究
6.An Empirical Analysis of Effect of Stock Warrant Pricing on Target Stock;认股权证的定价及对标的股票影响的实证分析
7.call spread derivative warrant跨价衍生权证,跨价衍生认股权证
8.preferred stock or convertible bonds or stock warrants that can be converted into common stock.可以转换成普通股的优先股或可转换证券或认股权证。
9.The Impact of Warrant Introductions on the Behavior of Underlying Stocks of Mainland of China;我国内地认股权证发行对标的股票的影响
10.The Research on Application of Warrants Involving in Non-liquidity Shares Transfer;认股权证在非流通股转让中的应用研究
11.Research on the Pricing of Warrants in the Share Splitting Reform;股权分置改革中的认股权证定价问题研究
12.To guarantee the purchase of(a full issue of stocks or bonds).认购保证购买(全部发行的股票或公债)
13.Study on China s Introduction of Put Warrants into Its Markets for Additional Stock Issues;我国股票增发市场引入认售权证研究
14.The Research of the Dividend Warrants Pricing Model in ChineseFinance Market;我国带红利认股权证定价模型的研究
15.The Value Analysis of Warrant in China;认股权证在中国当前的投资价值分析
16.Improvement for the Iterative Algorithm of Implied Volatility of Warrant认股权证隐含波动率迭代算法的改进
17.Analysis on warrants,leverage and income on investment认股权证、杠杆效应与投资收益分析
18.The Empirical Analysis of warrant pricing of Compound Opations in China;复合期权在我国认股权证定价中的实证分析

stock warrant认股证;认股权证
3)WT warrant(股票)认证股
4)warrant[英]['w?r?nt][美]['w?r?nt, 'wɑr-]认股权证
1.The Empirical Analysis of warrant pricing of Compound Opations in China;复合期权在我国认股权证定价中的实证分析
2.The Value Analysis of Warrant in China;认股权证在中国当前的投资价值分析
3.Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Warrant Issuance;我国认股权证发行对标的股票价格影响的实证分析
1.Empirical Analysis on Price Fluctuations of Warrants in Our Stock Market;关于我国证券市场认股权证价格波动的实证分析
2.The Research on Application of Warrants Involving in Non-liquidity Shares Transfer;认股权证在非流通股转让中的应用研究
6)stock warrants认股权证
1.With the slump of underlyingsecurities, stock warrants lost their value.附认股权公司债券于[(20)-50(\312\300\274\315)0(60)]年代开始受到美国企业界青睐;到了80年代,由日本公司发行的附认股权公司债券风靡欧洲,为日本公司在海外融资发挥了重要作用,欧洲、亚洲各国企业纷纷效仿采用这一融资工具;90年代日本泡沫经济破灭,正股价的暴跌使认股权证失去价值,附认股权公司债券的发展趋于缓慢。
2.Although the stock warrants were introduced into China for Share Merger Reform, however, it means more than that .虽然我国认股权证是为解决股权分置改革问题而引入市场,但是很显然权证的意义不会仅仅局限于解决股权分置。

上证B股指数 上证B股指数简介   上证B股指数是由上海证券交易所编制,其样本股是全部上市B股,以1992年2月21日为基准日,基日指数定为100点。反映了B股的股价整体变动状况,自1992年2月21日起正式发布。