1.This article aims at introducing this new teaching concept into Foreign language teaching (FLT) in China, including its definitions, obstacles of cultivating learner autonomy in the process of foreign language learning, and corresponding strategies for promoting learner autonomy.本文简要介绍了自主学习的定义、培养自主学习能力的阻碍因素及其应对策略。

1.Analysis of Developments and Constraints in Hainan Agriculture Informatization;海南农业信息化发展及阻碍因素浅析
2.A comparative study of the career barriers of Chinese college students;大学生职业生涯阻碍因素之比较研究
3.On the Obstacles and Countermeasures to Start an Undertaking of College Girl Students;女大学生创业的阻碍因素及对策研究
4.The Analysis on the Baffling Factors of the Kindergarten Teachers Professional Development;幼儿园教师专业发展阻碍因素之分析
5.Differences between English and Chinese Languages--Hindrances in English Writing;英汉表达差异——英语写作中的阻碍因素
6.On the features of the sino-Japan post cold war relations and its hindering factors;冷战后中日关系的特点及其阻碍因素
7.Obstacles in China s Economic Cycle and Its Countermeasures;中国循环经济发展中的阻碍因素及对策分析
8.An analytical study of the hindrance of the working-learning mode;实施工学结合人才培养模式的阻碍因素分析
9.Sterility is some permanent factor preventing procreation.不育是阻碍生殖的一种永久性因素。
10.Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development.缺乏资金是阻碍经济发展的一个因素。
11.Factors Impeding the Litigation Right in Civil Proceedings and the Settlements to the Issue;论阻碍民事诉权行使的因素及其对策
12.An Analysis of Resistance in the New Curriculum Reform;试论阻碍新课程改革深入的几大因素
13.On Psychological Barriers Hindering English Active Learning and Countermeasures;阻碍英语自主学习的心理因素及对策
14.Factors and Strategies in Listening (Part One);阻碍英语听力理解的因素及对策(一)
15.Exploring the Factors Influencing the Development of Supply Chain Management Mode;阻碍供应链管理模式发展的因素分析
16.An Analysis of the Barriers in Developing Mass Sports in the Institutions of Higher Learning;阻碍高校群体工作开展的因素之分析
17.Exploring the Factors that Resist the Cultivation of Graduate Students Innovative Abilities;阻碍研究生创新能力培养的因素探析
18.An exploration of the hindrances of the creative competence of undergraduates;阻碍大学生创新能力因素的调查研究

Hindering factors阻碍因素
1.An analysis of the present situation of the historical resources,cultural industry development as well as the barriers helps find a proper solution to change of Xi an city from superiority in historical resources to cultural industry.用新制度经济学的路径依赖理论,分析西安历史文化资源优势、文化产业发展现状以及历史文化资源产业化过程中存在的路径阻碍因素,并提出历史文化资源优势向文化产业优势转化过程中应选择的正确路径。
2.This paper prepares to analyze the barriers in Cooperative R&D activities from the development situations of Chinese Cooperative R&D and to point out interrelated policies.本文试从我国合作研发的发展现状出发,分析目前合作研发中的阻碍因素,并提出相应的政策建议。
3.Barriers to, and Facilitators of, Research Utilization: A Survey of Chengdu Registered Nurses of General Tertiary-level Hospitals;研究结果1研究变量的统计描述(1)有8个阻碍因素条目被超过50%的护士列为应用研究成果的中重度阻碍,其中6个条目属于环境维度;(2)成都市三级甲等综合医院护士应用研究成果的最大阻碍是“护士觉得自己没有足够的权力去改变护理病人的程序”(15。
1.An analytical study of the hindrance of the working-learning mode;实施工学结合人才培养模式的阻碍因素分析
2.Focusing on university graduates employment marketization,this paper analyses the hindrances of our university graduates marketization,sums up the experiences of foreign university graduates employment marketization and puts forward some solutions to the betterment of our university graduates marketization.本文以大学毕业生就业市场化为基点,对我国大学毕业生就业市场化发展的阻碍因素进行分析,继而在总结国外大学毕业生就业市场化运作经验的基础上,提出进一步推进我国大学毕业生就业市场化进程的一些思路。
1.Analysis of Developments and Constraints in Hainan Agriculture Informatization;海南农业信息化发展及阻碍因素浅析
2.Study On the Constraints and Countermeasures of Chinese Urban Youths Sports Participation;中国城市青年体育参与的阻碍因素与对策分析
1.This paper,based on the cycling economy theory,analyzes the cumbers from many views,and presents some approaches to the cycling economy and to the economic growth means.基于循环经济理论,本文从不同方面分析了我国当前发展循环经济的阻碍性因素,并根据这些阻碍性因素的特征,提出了我国发展循环经济、实现经济增长方式转变的对策措施。

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后