经济总量,economic aggregate
1)economic aggregate经济总量
1.By using the comparative analysis method,this paper researches on the indexes of economic and social development in various regions of Shanxi Province such as the economic aggregate,industrial structure,foreign trade dependence degree,FDI,sci-tech and educational output and ecological environment.运用比较分析法,对山西省各地区经济总量、产业结构、外贸依存度、FDI、科技教育支出以及生态环境等经济社会发展指标进行了研究。
2.Based on a series of reasonable hypothesises,this paper builds a simple mathematical model that describes the mechanism of how economic aggregate restricts defense spending and how defense spending counteracts to economic growth.文章在一系列假设前提下,构建了一个简单的数学模型,描述了经济总量制约国防支出、国防支出又反作用于经济增长的内在机理,并通过数字模拟比较了三种国防支出战略对于经济增长和国防资本积累的不同影响,对现实中的很多问题给予了解释,得出了一些有意义的结论。
3.The paper points out,based on the analysis of economic condition of Chengdu,the differences in the three layers of Chengdu economy in the following four aspects: economic aggregate,industrial structure,income levels and economic growth momentum.本文通过对成都区域内各圈层的经济状况的分析,指出了成都三圈层在经济总量、产业结构、居民收入水平和经济增长动力结构四个方面存在显著差异,并在此基础上对这四个差异与受金融危机影响程度的关系进行了分析。

1.China came up to the sixth place in the world in terms of economic aggregate.经济总量已居世界第六位。
2.Its economy has now taken off and its total economic output has surpassed Dalian.近年来迅速崛起,经济总量已超越大连。
3.Research on Economic Total Amount and Industrial Structure Condition of Quanzhou City;泉州市经济总量与产业结构状况研究
4.The Relevance Research on Land Supply Capacity and Macro Economic Total Quantity土地供给量与宏观经济总量的相关性研究
5.The national economy maintained good momentum and a new high was scored in economic aggregates.国民经济保持良好发展势头,经济总量迈上新的台阶;
6.And what percentage of our economy does that represent?这笔钱占我们国家 经济总量的比例是多少?
7.Estimation of China s Non-observed Economy Scale and Indices from 1982 to 2006;中国未观测经济总量与指数的测算:1982~2006
8.Resource Depletion and Relevant Adjustment in National Accounts;资源耗减及其对宏观经济总量调整的思考
9.The Relationship between China s Aggregate National Economy and its Real Estate Industry;中国国民经济总量与房地产业的关系研究
10.The Research on the Relationship between the Real Estate and the Total Amount of China′s National Economy;房地产业与中国国民经济总量关系研究
11.Theoretical analysis of limited economic gross in conventional areas of China;传统中国区域有限经济总量的理论分析
12.Positive Analysis on the Relationship between Finance Development and Economic Growth in Suzhou Industrial Park;苏州工业园区金融与经济总量关系的实证分析
13.The Basic Trend Analysis on the Economic Growth of China;中国经济总量及要素增长的基本趋势分析
14.Control of overall volume and economic restructuring总量控制与经济结构调整
15.Individual and Private Sector Contributes 18.3% Of China's GDP个体私营经济创造全国gdp总量的18.3%
16.Identification and Structural Analysis of Aggregate Economic Fluctuation in China;我国总量经济波动的识别与结构分析
17.Econometric Model of Production and Total Output of Fujian Province;福建省生产与总产出的计量经济模型
18.Developing Gross Contract to Adapt to the Progress of Market Economy;开展总量承包 适应市场经济发展

GDP[英][,d?i: di: 'pi:][美]['d?i 'di 'pi]经济总量
1.Granger causality and co-integration test are employed to analyze the time series data formed by the thirty-year GDP s data on flow and the annual FDI data after China s reform and opening up.在对数据进行处理之后对其进行了协整分析,对我国利用FDI与我国经济总量发展的关系进行模拟,模拟结果显示我国利用FDI流量与国民生产总值(GDP)的数量关系成正指数性关系,FDI的利用对我国经济的发展起到了拉动的作用;而反过来,我国经济的良好运行同时又吸引了FDI流入我国,两者呈互为因果、互相促进的关系。
2.In this paper, we studied the impact of scale of investment on GDP and industrial structure statistically.本文使用统计学的手段分别研究了我国投资规模对经济总量和产业结构的影响。
3)Aggregate Economy总量经济
4)aggregate economics总量经济学
5)general economic quantity经济总量规模
6)Population-economy Scale人口经济总量

经济总量  经济总量包括社会总需求和社会总供给两方面.社会总需求—社会总的购买力(买方);社会总供给—社会商品和服务的总供应量(卖方),如果社会总需求大于社会总供给就会引起通货膨胀,如果社会总需求小于社会总供给则会引起通货紧缩.对经济发展都不利。