
1.On Min("民")As a Suffix;“民”作为一种后缀——以“彩民”、“股民”、“网民”、“烟民”等为例
2.The news of plummeting stock prices dismayed speculators.股票价格骤然下跌的消息使股民大为失望。
3.Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up.股民们总是逢低建仓, 逢高就抛售。
4.A Genre-based Approach to the Analysis and Teaching of Letters to Shareholders;以体裁为基础分析和教授《致股民的信》
5.On China Stock Mania and Stock Bubbles;关于全民炒股和股市泡沫的经济分析
6.The fisherman's house smells of fish.渔民家总有股鱼腥味。
7.The Comparative Study of Ownership by the Whole People and Shareholding System for the Whole People全民所有制与全民股份制的比较研究
8.A Study of the Association between the Appreciation of RMB and the A-share of Real Estate Stock Price;人民币升值与A股地产股价的关联效应研究
9.Different Listed Ways,Large Shareholder s Holding,and Performance of the Private Listed Companies in China;上市方式、大股东持股与民营上市公司的绩效
10.The Effect of Opening B Shares Market to Domestic Investors on Market Segmentation;B股向境内居民开放对A、B股市场分割的影响
11.The KMT money machine is trying to manipulate the stock market in order to scare voters about the consequences of voting for its opponents.国民党大钱库利用股市来给选民吓惊讲若投毋著郎股市道会崩。
12.The Securitization of the Right to Vote in the State-owned Stocks Promotes Economic Democracy and Political Democracy;国有股表决权证券化推进经济民主与政治民主
13.Low interest rate in the bank encourages citizens to invest in the stock market.银行利率低促使市民向 股市投资.
14.Energy stocks fell on concern that with Democrats in control of the Senate,能源股大跌,乃因民主党主掌参议院,
15.CIREFCA Joint Support Unit中美洲难民问题国际会议联合支助股
16.Special Unit on Palestinian Rights巴勒斯坦人民权利特别工作股
17.Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.民族主义迅速变为一股危险的势力。
18.Is a foreign citizen allowed to do trading in your securities market?外国公民可以在你们股市做交易吗?

stock holder diathesis股民素质
3)China Stock Mania全民炒股
1.On China Stock Mania and Stock Bubbles;关于全民炒股和股市泡沫的经济分析
4)private shares民间股
1.In order to put the joint stock system into practice, the relationship between state shares and private shares should be correctly handled.在国家绝对控股的条件下,实行规范的股份制,必须处理好国家股权与民间股权在股东代表大会上的关系,凡决定涉及国家控股地位和执行宏观经济政策方面的问题,应发挥国家股权的控股作用,而对于银行主要管理人员聘任,经营管理和业务活动方针,利润分配等方面的问题,一定要尊重民间股东意见。
5)stockholders right and interests股民权益
6)women stock trad女性股民
1.The article calculates the dimension and development of Chinese women stock traders according to the statistics from China Securities Daily, and analyzes the age group, education level, profession structure, income level, and financial and capital structure.据中国证券报近两年调查数据推算出我国女性股民的规模和发展速度 ,分析了女股民的年龄、文化、职业结构 ,以及收入水平、金融、股金结构。
