1.The test of matching highlight with emotion and overvalue on stock price was used to measure if highlight leads to emotion and overvalue in this study.研究发现高突显(正向)伴随高乐观,同时具有正高估,高突显(负向)伴随悲观情绪,同时具有负高估;即刻情绪波动大的估值波幅也大,换手率也高。

1.To estimate too highly.过高估计估计得太高
2.To overstate the value of(assets).对资产高估高估评(一笔资产)的价值
3.Improve Method and Raise Quality of Estimate Editing;改进估算编制方法 提高估算编制质量
4.overrate sB.'s aBilities过高估计某人的能力
5.He has a swollen opinion of himself.他高估了自己 [狂妄自大] 。
6.He overestimated his own powers.他高估了他手中的权力。
7.lowance for overvaluation of branch inventory分店存货高估价额准备
8.overestimate (=overrate) one's own merit过高估计自己的功绩
9.They invariably overestimate their own strength and underestimate ours.他们总是高估了自己的力量,低估了我们的力量。
10.The valuation of the assets of a business firm beyond their real value.高估一公司超过其实际价值的资产估价
11.Let your friends underrate your advantage,while let your enemies overrate your disadvantage.让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。
12.To overestimate the merits of; rate too highly.对…估计(评价)过高对…的价值估计过高;评估过高
13.The total height is put at 390 feet.整个高度估计为390英尺。
14.His fortune was overrated.他的财产被估计过高了。
15.To estimate the value of(property) too highly.对(财产)的资本估计过高
16.I make the height 20 feet.我估计有20英尺高
17.Gauss-Markov estimator高斯-马尔可夫估计量
18.Experts put/set a high valuation on the painting.专家对这幅画估价很高.

altitude estimation高度估计
1.HPEKF algorithm of target altitude estimation initializing in HF surface wave radar;高频地波雷达目标高度估计起始的HPEKF算法
2.By adopting AR model to model the random fluctuation of RCS and self adapting estimating of model parameters,an extended Kalman filter(EKF) algorithm for altitude estimation with varying RCS is proposed in this paper.高度估计对于高频地波雷获取三维信息、提高预警能力很有意义。
3)college evaluation高职评估
4)height estimation高度估计
1.In a radar network composed of two 2-dimensional radars, the CRLB of height estimation is obtained.在由2坐标雷达组成的雷达网中,推导了目标高度估计误差的CRLB(Cram啨r Rao限),并通过不同条件下的数值计算得到了一些结论。
2.The performance of the height estimation is evaluated by using Monte Carlo simulation.在由 2 D雷达组成的雷达网中 ,首先用几何方法得到了 2个目标高度估计值 ,然后利用信息融合思想 ,在最小均方误差估计准则下得到了目标高度估计融合值及其方差表示。
3.The CRLB of height estimation is also derived.给出2D多雷达组网中基于最大似然估计目标高度的方法,以及有先验信息约束条件下的目标高度估计误差的下界(CRLB)。
5)the higher institution appraisal高效评估
6)university evaluation高校评估
1.Under the environment of university evaluation,this paper discussed the emergence,development and implementation of books bidding and outsourcing of collecting and categorizing service in library.面对高校评估,就图书招标、采编业务外包的产生、发展与其实施的步骤进行了阐述,并针对目前图书馆发展中存在的不足和弊端予以分析,并提出了影响图书馆发展的若干对策。
2.This paper points out some problems appearing in the book purchasing on the background of university evaluation,analyzes the internal and external reasons of book purchasing difficulties,and affirms the promoting function of university evaluation work for the library.指出了高校评估工作中图书采购所出现的问题,对图书采购困境的内外因素进行了分析,肯定了高校评估工作对图书馆的促进作用。
3.This paper analyzes the negative influences of university evaluation on the quality of library collection, and based on this, advances the book acquisitioning countermeasures for dealing with the negative influences.分析了高校评估对图书馆藏书质量带来的负面影响,并在此基础上提出了应对其负面影响的图书采访对策。

高估1.高价。 2.过高地估计。