1.All the clans in the Six Dynasties paid great attention to the younger generation’s education in order to train some excellent youngsters who could continue and develop the family.六朝时代之世族无不重视对子弟的教育,目的在于培养佳子弟,以延续和光大门第。
2.Wang Yongping s book of Study on Clans Family Characteristics and Education of East Changjiang River in Six Dynasties fundamentally changes the weak situation of studying on the clans of east Changjiang river in Six Dynasties. 王永平《六朝江东世族之家风家学研究》一书从根本上改变了六朝江东土著世族研究一向比较薄弱的局面。

1.The Study Of "aristocrat" 、"nobleman" and "scholar-nobleman" Of XiJin Dynasty;西晋“世族”、“势族”及“士族”之考辨
2.a family of ancient extraction世系古老的家族,世家
3.There are many races of people in the world.世界上有许多种族。
4.the French-speaking peoples of the world世界上说法语的民族.
5.To Foster a World-level Brand创世界品牌 扬民族志气
6.national democratic movement in the Third World第三世界民族民主运动
7.The two tribes feuded with each other for generations.这两个部族世代为敌。
8.Let Mongolian be known by the world, let Mongolian head for all over the world.让世界了解蒙古民族,让蒙古民族走向世界。
9.The Nationalization of Ecumenical Ethics and The Cumenicalization of National Ethics;论普世伦理的民族化和民族伦理的普世化
10.This ethnic group was absorbed into the Han Nationality centuries ago.汉族几个世纪前就同化了这个民族.
11.Noble People s Point of View in Powful Family in <New Narrations of Social Events>;《世说新语》中门阀士人的家族与家族观
12.The Factors of Han Nationality to be the Largest One in the World;论汉民族成为世界第一大民族的因素
13.On the Transnational Ethnic Problem in World Ethnic Problem;浅析世界民族问题中的跨国民族问题
14.The House of Lords is made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.贵族院(上议院)由神职贵族和世俗贵族组成。
15.The life of the clan and the lane in Four Generations Under One Roof;《四世同堂》的家族景观和胡同世情
16.A book listing peers, peeresses, and their families.贵族名册列有男贵族、女贵族及其世系的贵族姓名录
17.there still stands our nation---China,但是中华民族依然屹立于世界民族之林----
18.Folklore Variance and Ethnic Group Development--Guangzhou Manchu's Sacrifice in Ancestral Hall民俗变迁与族群发展——广州世居满族的宗祠祭祀

Native Tibetan世居藏族
1.Objective To explore the changes of myocardial enzyme and myoglobin activity in the native tibetans and the migrated Hans Method In 20 soldiers of the natives and the Hans at Ali, Xizhang areas (4 300 m) their AST, LDH, α-HBDH, CK, CK-MB, BLA and Mb were detected Result AST, LDH, α-HBDH, CK-MB, BLA and Mb in the Hans at high altitude were remarkably higher than that in the natives ( P <0.目的 探讨高原世居藏族和移居汉族青年心肌酶及肌红蛋白活性变化。
2.Objective Purpose right native Tibetan hepatitis B virus(HBV) genotype and clinical characteristics were analyzed.目的对世居藏族乙肝病毒(HBV)的基因型及其临床特点进行分析。
3)racial stocks种族世系
4)native tibetans世居藏族
1.Changes of sex hormone in the native tibetans and the migrated Han at 4300m;海拔4300m高原世居藏族和移居汉族性激素的变化
5)long-dwelling people世居民族
1.The current study generalizes and analyzes the multiple cultural connotations of traditional festivals of the long-dwelling peoples in Guizhou through an understanding of their solar terms, primitive worship, religious concepts and taboos, farming activities and expectations for the future.本文在广泛收集贵州世居民族传统岁时节日的基础上,从岁时节日反映古时自然节气和时间记忆方式、原始崇拜和宗教禁忌观念、农耕经济形态、对生活的美好向往等四个方面对其多重文化意义进行了概括分析。
6)rise and fall of aristocratic family世族兴衰

世族地主  见中国地主制经济。