1.Expression and phosphorylation of synapsin I in rat brain after transient ischemia followed by reperfusion;短暂脑缺血再灌流后大鼠突触蛋白-I的表达及其磷酸化水平
2.Clinical analysis of 40 cases for transient global amnesia syndrome;短暂性全面性遗忘综合征40例临床分析

1.a short-lived triumph, relationship短暂的胜利、 关系
2.Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life.短命的或短暂的,如生命
3.An interval likened to the one occurring between two acts of a drama.短暂间歇和幕间休息一样的短暂间歇
4.A temporary halt, as in a countdown.短暂停止倒计时中的短暂停止
5.The quality or state of being brief in duration.短促,短暂在时间上简暂的性质或状态
6.a brief, welcome respite短暂的、 愉快的休息
7.A brief, wavering blaze of light.闪光短暂而摇曳的光
8.touch at three port(船)短暂停靠三个港口
9.Time flies and life is short.光阴似箭而人生短暂
10.the brevity of Mozart's life莫扎特短暂的一生.
11.matter is the unreal and temporal物质是不真实的、短暂
12.Short pleasure, long repentance.短暂的快乐,长久的後悔。
13.And in a short campaign而且这一场短暂的竞选
14.a specific state of mind that is temporary.短暂具体的心理状态。
15.Life is short, art is long.生命短暂,艺术长久。
16.Art be long, and life be short .生命短暂,艺术永恒。
17.transient impairment of cortical function demonstrable only by 3-per-second brain-wave spikes.脑皮层功能的短暂损伤。
18.But yet for a while do I leave thee now!离别虽短暂,难舍又难分!

1.Compared with other standard dialects in southwest China, Kunming dialect has the typical trait of "vv" and "v+Yixia" to express the meanings of transience and trial.与其他西南官话相比,昆明方言最突出的特点之—就是具有动词重叠式,形成了"VV"与"V一下"表示短暂、尝试意义两种形式共存的局面。
4)Transient separation短暂分离
1.Transient separation phenomenon at piston knocking drill bit;活塞撞击钻头时的短暂分离现象
1.Relationship between helicobacter pylori infection and transient ischemic attack as well as cerebral infarction;短暂性脑缺血发作及脑梗死与血清幽门螺杆菌抗体的相关性
2.Effects of the interval of transient ischemic attack on a subsequent cerebral infarction;短暂性脑缺血发作间隔时间对后继脑梗死的影响
3.Effect of cigarette smoking on the level of plasma tissue factor in transient ischemic attack patients;吸烟对短暂性脑缺血发作患者血浆组织因子水平的影响
6)short time stay-putting短暂留置
1.In the last 2 years, our department had studied 49 patients with 196 normal short time stay-putting scalp-needles (time: 10-80 minutes).对49例患者行196次普通头皮针短暂留置(时间10~80min),除3例因留置时间过长(大于60 min)针头阻塞而拔针外,无1例发生局部损伤、液体外渗、血肿、静脉炎等并发症,60 min内留置成功率100%,60~80min留置成功率78。
