1.The cytotoxicity of Andi on neoplasm cells in vitro;中药安迪粉针剂对离体肿瘤细胞的细胞毒作用
2.Inducement of differentiation of HL-60 cells by Chinese medicine Andi;中药安迪对HL-60细胞分化的诱导作用
3.Establishment of animal model of AA and the treatment study of andi to AA mouse;再生障碍性贫血动物模型的建立及安迪对其治疗作用的实验研究

1.Andy! This is not glue.安迪!这不是胶水。
2.Hello! May I speak to Andy?你好!请问安迪在吗?
3.And the meanest is Andy.其实最精的还是安迪
4.Andy is working on a business degree.安迪正在攻读商学学位。
5.He looks just like Andy."孩子们叫出声来,"安迪!长得跟安迪一模一样!"。
6.Ann and Andy's anniversary is in April.安和安迪的结婚纪念日是在四月。
7.Tom took Andy under his care, and the two were side-by-side when Andy's pole began to quiver. Tom jumped up.汤姆负责安迪,当安迪的渔杆开始颤动的时候,他跳了起来。
8.Mel said I was wrong,but Andy was on my side.梅尔说我错了,但是安迪站在我这边。
9.Andy thought out a way of climbing to the top of the pole.安迪想出了爬上杆顶的办法。
10.Andy, may I use your glue?安迪,我可以用你的胶水吗?
11.Golom was voiced by actor Andy Serkis,戈洛姆由演员安迪?瑟金斯配音,
12.Jim asked Andy to shake hands with him, just to sow that there were no hard feeling.吉姆请安迪握手言欢。以示他并无敌意。
13.May I use your eraser, Andy?我可以用你的橡皮吗,安迪
14.I know!It's Andy's yo-yo.我知道!这是安迪的悠悠球。
15.Janny and Andy have an affinity for [to] each other.珍妮和安迪彼此情投意合。
16.This is the ghost in the park,' Andy said.‘这就是公园里的幽灵,’安迪说。
17.I'm sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.安迪,我看你需要做一次X光透视。
18.Fang Qun has just met Dean, who is Canadian.方群刚才见到迪安,迪安是加拿大人。

Dean flow迪安流
1.The Taylor-Dean flow through a curved duct of square cross section,in which walls of the duct except the outer wall rotate around the center of curvature and an azimuthal pressure gradient is imposed,is investigated numerically using the spectral method.流过横截面为正方形的弯曲管内的泰勒-迪安流,除了外墙以外的其它墙壁随着弯曲管中心轴旋转,沿着管的轴向具有压力梯度。
3)Andir river安迪尔河
1.The Andir river situates in the southern Tarim desert and originates from the Kunlun mountains.安迪尔河位于塔里木沙漠南缘,发源于昆仑山,上游河水沿河床大量入渗,中游为干河床,下游为泉水溢出补给型河流。
1.Race·Sexuality·Identity——Alice Walker s Ideas on Race in Meridian;种族 性别 身份——论《梅丽迪安》中艾丽斯·沃克的种族观
2.Analysis of the Feminist Poetics in Meridian;《梅丽迪安》的女性主义诗学建构
3.Resistance and Revival: An Analysis of the Personality of the Hero in Meridian;挣脱传统羁绊 再塑健康人生——《梅丽迪安》中男主人公性格分析
1.Most scholars follow Hofstede’s way to consider individualism and collectivism as two opposite poles of one culture dimension, however, when Triandis (1990) measured these tendencies empirically, individualism and collectivism emerged as uncorrelated tendencies.然而,当泰安迪斯1990年对这两种倾向进行实证性研究时发现,个人主义和集体主义并没有表现出必然的相关性。

卡里亚斯·安迪诺,T.  洪都拉斯独裁者,总统。1876年 3月15日生于特古西加尔巴。1903年参加国民党,在国民党和自由党激烈冲突中,多次流亡到萨尔瓦多和危地马拉,后成为国民党领袖。1924年大选时,他作为国民党候选人参加总统竞选,因得票不足半数,被议会否决。1928年再次参加总统竞选,被自由党击败。1932年竞选获胜。1933年就任总统。执政期间,大肆镇压反对派,取消劳工组织,限制出版自由,实行财政紧缩政策。1936年修改宪法,延长总统任期到1948年。卡里亚斯·安迪诺下台后,由亲国民党的J.M.加尔韦斯任总统,但他继续起着幕后决策的作用。1954年再次参加竞选,因遭党内反对派抵制而失败,从此在国民党内的地位日趋下降。1969年10月23日死于特古西加尔巴。