文化品牌,cultural brand
1)cultural brand文化品牌
1.Regarding sports as a creative industry, the issue concerning the advertising effect of sports, a cultural brand in modern society, was discussed in the article.本文从体育运动作为创意产业 (CreativeIndustries)的角度 ,提出文化品牌的广告效应问题 ,特别就 2 0 0 8年北京奥运会如何认识奥运会的文化品牌 ,充分展示体育运动在现代社会发展中的广告效应提出具体分析。
2.Cultural brand shares many similarities with common commercial brand.寺外的各种活动与少林寺无涉,但因与少林文化品牌之间具有品牌联想关系,使少林文化的内涵开始被混淆和曲解。
3.For cultural management,we should stick to cultural idea,create the national cultural brand,and prevent the information pollution and the cultural heterogeneity according to law.文化的经营应坚守文化理想,着力打造本民族的文化品牌,依法防治信息污染与文化异质化。

1.Study on Shaolin Culture Branding in Contrast with Commercial Brand商业品牌参照下的少林文化品牌化研究
2.Thought on Promoting Cultural Connotation and Brand of Tanggu;提升塘沽文化内涵和文化品牌的思考
3.Forging the Best Brands of Culture to Build a Stong Province in Culture;打造强势文化品牌 建设文化强省
4.Construction of Urban Culture in the Field of Gymnastics Culture体操文化视域中的城市文化品牌建设
5.To Cast the Brand of Culture with Local Art-Resources整合民间文化资源 打造安康文化品牌
6.Personal Viewpoint on the Function of Cultural Brand of Campus Physical Education (PE);刍议校园体育文化品牌之功效——CUBA体育文化品牌创建的启迪
7.A Study of Urban Cultural Brand Construction from the Communication Sociology Perspective;城市文化品牌建设的传播社会学思考
8.Introducing CIS,and Forming the Brand of Campus Culture;导入CIS理念 打造高职校园文化品牌
9.Basic theory question about enterprise brand and brand culoure;关于企业品牌与品牌文化的基本理论问题
10.Guangxi Industrial Brand Enhancing--Some Thoughts on the Strategies for Brand Enhancing广西工业品牌提升——关于品牌文化战略的思考
11.On Establishment of Modern Packaging Brand Culture in Brand Competition Era品牌竞争时代下的现代包装品牌文化建立
12.The Translation of Brand Names Embodies the Local Culture--The First Attempt of Brand names in Guangzhou商标品牌翻译中的文化内涵——广州本地品牌初探
13."Imitational Calligraphy" of the "Brand Image Characters" in Commodity Package Design;产品包装品牌形象文字的拟态化书写
14.Consumption Culture:Promote the Impetus of the Brand of Sports Product;消费文化:提升体育产品品牌的着力点
15.Culture Significance on Brand Name of Commodity and Advertisement Language in English and Chinese;中英文品牌命名和广告语言的文化性
16.Exploiting Market of Culture and Creating Cultural Product with Salable Brand开拓文化市场与打造文化产品畅销品牌
17.Brand Forging and Cultural Packing:Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Packing of Dining Brand in Changsha;品牌打造与文化包装——兼论长沙餐饮品牌文化包装之得失
18.Intercultural Communication’s Influence to Internationalization of Trademarks;跨文化交际对品牌名称国际化的影响

culture brand文化品牌
1.To implement the brand strat egy of library development is to make remarkable management brand, service brand and culture brand of library, and to promote self-image, public image and overa ll image of library in an all round way, therefore, we can create a prestigious library.实施图书馆发展的品牌化战略,就是要打造出卓越的图书馆管理品牌、服务品牌和文化品牌,全面提升图书馆的自身形象、公众形象和整体形象,创出名牌图书馆。
2.To build up Zhuang s Drama as a culture brand of Wenshan state,we should absorb experiences and lessons of other culture brands in or out of our province.要将壮剧树立为文山州的文化品牌,必须吸取省内外营造文化品牌的经验教训。
3.This paper uses city brand mold theory and difference-rization theory,aiming at Pingdingshan City s reality,to propose the brand-rization of three big industries(industry brand,culture brand and tourism brand),in order to construct the Pingdingshan City s own city brand.利用城市竞争力理论、差异化理论等城市品牌塑造理论,针对平顶山市实际,提出三大行业品牌化(工业品牌、文化品牌、旅游品牌),构建平顶山城市品牌。
3)Brand culture品牌文化
1.On the obstacles and solutions of constructing the brand culture of the China Postal Savings Bank;中国邮政储蓄银行品牌文化的构建障碍及其对策
2.Building brand culture to promote hospital core competition;建设品牌文化 提高医院核心竞争力
3.Research on Brand Culture Strategy of Haidian District s City Marketing;海淀区城市营销之品牌文化策略研究
4)Qing cultural brand清文化品牌
5)connotation of brand culture品牌文化内涵
1.Discussion on the connotation of brand culture from the weaknessof century-old Chinese enterprises;从我国百年老字号的日渐衰落谈企业品牌文化内涵
6)well-known cultural brand知名文化品牌

CPU品牌 笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料