科幻,Science fiction
1)Science fiction科幻
1.The relationship between science fiction and capacity building of national creative abilities has not been deeply explored.科幻与一个民族自主创新能力之间的关系多年以来没有被深入研究。
2.The development of the technology of robots has been shown in science fiction movies,in which the series of The Matrix is an representative.机器人的迅猛发展在有关科幻片中得到生动形象的表现《,骇客帝国1、2、3》是其中的代表。
3.Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece Slaughterhouse Five exposes relentlessly and satirizes tartly the cruel reality and absurd life through the form of science fiction and the use of many postmodernist techniques.库尔特·冯内古特的代表作《五号屠场》以科幻小说为外衣,运用各种后现代主义技巧,无情地揭露和辛辣地讽刺了现实社会的残酷和人生的荒诞。

1."Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision"科幻小说:历史、科学、想象
2.Would this science-fiction movie be alright?这部科幻片好不好?
3.be into yoga, science fiction, stamp collecting喜爱瑜伽、 科幻小说、 集邮.
4.He is great on science fiction.他很喜欢科幻小说。
5.an ace science fiction writer第一流的科幻小说作家
6.I'd go for science fiction.我可喜欢科幻小说。
7.He loves science fiction in particular.他特别喜欢科幻小说。
8.A warp in his character(科幻小说中的)时间错位
9.The Union of Existence and Figment“真”与“幻”的结合——跨文学与科学领域的科幻小说
10.Science Fiction, the Horror movie, Animation, and Fantasy are also possible genres.科幻电影、恐怖片、动画、幻想片也是可行的範畴。
11.Fantasy and Reality: A Cultural Study of Science-fiction Translation in Twentieth-century China;幻想与现实:二十世纪科幻小说在中国的译介
12.A comprehension of the Chinese Fiction:Its Human Spirit and Scientific Sense;解读中国科幻:中国科幻文学的人文精神与科学意识
13.Science fiction movies and science fiction novels promote the idea greatly, constantly painting a terrifying future world.科幻电影﹐科幻小说也在推波助澜﹐一再描绘这种可怕的未来世界。
14.Extraterrestrial Civilization and Time Travel--Between Science and Fiction;外星文明与时空旅行:在科学与幻想之间——兼及一系列科幻电影
15.This science fiction film lends itself well to wide screen.这部科幻电影是适合于宽银幕播放的。
16.Horror films and thrillers and science fiction.恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。
17.Is sf a" realistic" or a" fantastic" mode?科幻的模式是现实主义的还是荒诞的?
18.I'm not a big sci-fi fan.我不是个超级科幻电影迷。

scientific fantasy科学幻想
1.Using the real world as its starting,the scientific fantasy subject creates the alternative,radical,different and hypothetical world,which were inspired by the conventions and science.受到传统和科学的启发,科学幻想曾经利用现实世界作为起点,创造了可供选择的、激进的、截然不同的假设性世界。
3)science fiction科学幻想
1.Science fiction is peculiar imagination with creation, it not only guess development of science and dipict future of the science ,but also enlight the scientific worker, the limit of realism prejudice are broken through and giant success will be accomplis科学幻想是一种特殊的创造想象,它猜测科学的发展,描绘科学技术进步的远景,深入探索并不断揭示大自然的奥秘,激励和启迪一代又一代科学工作者,突破现实与成见的局限,打开通向未来世界的缺口,不断实现“超越”。
2.And the term "science fiction" itself sounds somehow strange when we think over the contrasting features of science, commonly understood as systematic and precise investigation and study of the world around us, and those of fiction, generally conceived as something created by writers based on sheer imagination.而“科学幻想小说”这个术语本身也显得有些奇怪,当我们仔细想一想“科学”与“幻想”这两个词的反差极大的含义时——前者通常被理解为对于我们周围世界的系统而准确的研究,而后者则常常被认为是由作家根据他们的想象虚构出来的东西。
4)Science fiction科幻小说
1.Modern Frankenstein—interpreting scientist image in American cold war science fiction;当代弗兰肯斯坦——解析美国冷战科幻小说中的科学家形象
2.On the scientific and technological innovation function of science fictions;科幻小说的科技创新功能
5)Science fiction world《科幻世界》
6)pattern of science fiction科幻模式

软科幻软科幻小说(英语soft science fiction,简称soft sf)是情节和题材集中于哲学、心理学、政治学或社会学等倾向的科幻小说分支。相对于“硬科幻”,作品中科学技术和物理定律的重要性被降低了。因为它所涉及的题材往往被归类为软科学或人文学科,所以它被称为“软”科幻小说。例如,系列科幻小说《沙丘》中,弗兰克·赫伯特通过创造一个全新的世界,抛弃了智能机器,而回到了封建社会。赫伯特借对当前社会政治现实的逼真模拟,以“沙丘”的传奇对人类的现状进行批判。软科幻小说也探索社会对事件的反应,和纯粹由自然现象或技术进步引发的问题(往往是灾难),主题往往是说明科学像一把“双刃剑”,需要人文关怀的引导(最常见的就是指责机器不能代替人伦情感)。有趣的是,关于软科幻定义的争议很少,或许这正是因为其界限似乎比硬科幻更为模糊。