历史传承,historical inheritance
1)historical inheritance历史传承
1.This paper deals with a framework within which economic development research from the perspective of historical inheritance can be conducted.从品牌价值的提高、产业模式的选择到科技革命与世界科技水平的提高这一思维脉络,进行论证,以说明经济发展的历史传承性。
2.They had historical inheritance especially in South Song dynast.这一诗性精神使诗人的创作在表现自我人生感受的同时,更纳入具有充实社会内容的抒怀轨道,而在屈骚精神相对缺失的南宋年代更显珍贵,从而表现出极强的历史传承性。

1.On the Historical Heritage and Modern Variation of "Harmony between Man and Nature";试析“天人合一”的历史传承和现代变异
2.The Historical Inheritance of the Doubt Spirit from Weeds by Mu Dan;穆旦诗对《野草》中怀疑精神的历史传承
3.National College Entrance Examination:Historical Inheritance,Current Situation and Future Trend;高考的历史传承、现状及其未来走向
4.The Role of Village Leaders:Historical and Cultural Evolution论“村官”角色的历史传承与文化变迁
5.Narrative Pattern,Value Orientation,Historical Inheritance:an Outline to the Study of the "Aerial Historical Fiction"叙事模式·价值取向·历史传承——“架空历史小说”研究论纲
6.The Briefhistory and Influence of the French-Belgian Violin School;法比小提琴学派的历史传承及影响述评
7.The Development of ZhuGe Village s Culture and the Protection Process;诸葛八卦村文化的历史传承和当代保护
8.The historical heritage of family education--A case study of Xiayang township in the north of Fujian;家族教育的历史传承——以闽北峡阳为个案
9.On Economic Development Research from the Perspective of Historical Inheritance;以历史传承为视角的经济发展研究框架
10.Yanan New Yangge Historical Inheritance and Development During the Anti-Japanese War;论抗战时期延安新秧歌的历史传承与发展
11.The Historical Inheritance and the Practical Significance of South-West Guixi Embroider-Ball-Throwing;桂西南壮乡抛绣球的历史传承和现实意义
12.On the Passing Down and Development of the Historical Information and Keeping of "Red Old Town";论“红色古镇”之历史信息、历史遗存的传承和发展
13.Life in Shanbei s Cave-houses:History, inheritance and change;陕北人的窑洞生活:历史、传承与变迁
14.Morphological Protection and Context Succession of Historic City历史文化名城的形态保护与文脉传承
15.The Origin and Heritage of ‘blow gun’ in Yunnan Province云南苗族“吹枪”的历史渊源和现代传承
16.General Catalogue of Chinese Pedigrees Compiled to Develop Chinese Culture编纂《中国家谱总目》传承中华历史文化
17.The Historical Mission of Chinese Traditional Culture Inheritance for the Contemporary Wushu当代武术传承中华传统文化的历史使命
18.On the Succession and Development of History and Society Curriculum to Traditional History Curriculum;论初中《历史与社会》课程对传统历史课程的继承与发展

historical heritage历史传承
1.The Modern Effect and Historical Heritage of Yi Folk Law;彝族民间法的历史传承和现代作用
2.Based Process characteristics,historical heritage,aesthetics,and other aspects of Sichuan sort out cross-stitch work,with a view to carrying forward the traditional culture,the folk cultural heritage due attention,and to inheritance and development.文章从工艺特征、历史传承、美学观等几个方面对四川挑花进行梳理,以冀弘扬民族传统文化,使这一民族民间文化遗产受到应有的重视,并得以传承和发展。
3)the Inheritance传承历史
1.On Luo er Melody of Tujia Ethnic Group in Shizhu: the Inheritance,the Present Situation and Protection;论石柱土家“啰儿调”的传承历史、现状及保护
4)historical traditional transmission历史传承脉络
5)Historical Tradition历史传统
1.Social interest morphology is an obtaining, distributing and exchanging morphology functioned comprehensively by social systems, living habits and historical traditions in a society, which determines people s basic value orientation and lays a solid foundation for the establishment of ideology in the main society.社会利益形态是社会制度、生活习惯和历史传统综合作用而形成的利益取得、分配和交换形态,它决定人们的基本价直取向,为主流社会意识形态的确立奠定深层基础。
2.The reconstruction of contemporary Chinese thought is under way now chiefly in the following four respects: reconstruction of socialist model, new awareness of democracy, re-orientation of science and re-examination of historical traditions.当代中国思想的重构,主要从以下四个方面进行:社会主义模式的新构建,民主的新觉悟,科学的新定位,历史传统的新审视。
3.Being an oriental famous ancient capital with a city’s history of more than 3,000 years, a capital’s history of more than 850 years, Beijing has profound historical traditions, which makes the charm and context of Beijing come down.作为有着850多年建都史和3000多年建城史的东方著名古都,北京有着深厚的历史传统,这些悠久的历史传统是北京的城市文脉及城市魅力所在。
6)History tradition历史传统
1.Japanese history tradition is characterized by attaching much importance to moral education,nationalism,concept of totality and politicization of moral education,which can be attributed to the influences of Confucianism and fast modernization pace.日本的道德教育,具有高度重视道德教育、国家主义、整体主义、道德教育的政治化等历史传统特征。
2.The existence and spread of essence of life of person is a process that man develop and progress, in reality, it is a process of formation and discard of history tradition.人的生命本质的存在与展开表现为人类不断发展和进步的历程 ;在现实性上就是历史传统生成、扬弃的过程。
