媒介地理学,geography of media
1)geography of media媒介地理学
1.From the vision about geography of media, media policy in a sense may be viewed as an extension of the geographical environment.在媒介地理学的视野下,新闻媒介政策在一定意义上可以被看做地理环境造就的延伸物。
2.Media spectacle possesses distinctive features of geography of media in that the media space is geographically local,open,compatible and storable.传媒奇观具有鲜明的媒介地理学涵义。
3.This paper attempts to explore the issue from the perspective of geography of media.面对韩剧,各家评论贬褒不一,此文试图从媒介地理学角度切入,从韩剧本身负载的文化涵义,韩剧与中国文化交会时的共鸣以及中韩两国应该努力传播亚洲文化这三方面进行分析和阐述,认为“韩流”与“汉流”应对流,共同把“亚流”推向世界。

1.Computer and Network:Overthrower of Media Geographic Science;更新媒介形态学和媒介地理学的“杰作”
2.Participatory GIS:Geo-media under the Web2.0参与型GIS:Web2.0下的地理媒介
3.Medium Revolution and Learning Revolution -- A Review of M. Macluhan′ s Medium Concept;媒介革命与学习革命——麦克卢汉媒介理论批评
4.Media Coverage and Cultural Identity of Urban Geographical Elements:A Case Study of Toronto,Canada;媒介地理论:多伦多城市媒介的地理印记与文化认同
5.Media s Functions in the Crisis Management:Take the Case of the Media in Wenchuang Earthquake;媒介在危机治理中的功能——以汶川大地震中的媒介为例
6.The Order of the Senses: A Media Theoretical Approach;感知的秩序:媒介经济学的理论方法
7.Theoretical Research of Comprehensive English Teaching;多媒体介入综合英语教学的理论研究
8.Grasp the Media s Attribute of Politics and Moral, Strengthen the Education of Media Quality for College Students;把握媒介政治道德伦理属性,加强大学生媒介素质教育
9.The Negative Culture Tendency of the Media and Media Management;大众媒介的消极文化倾向与媒介管理
10.Disastrous Accidents and Communication Theories in the Context of Chinese Media:A Case Study of the News Reports on the Wenchuan Earthquake;中国媒介语境下的突发灾难事件与传播学理论的检视与思考——以汶川地震报道为例
11.Chinese Research on the Critical Theory about Mass Media of the Frankful School;法兰克福学派媒介批判理论的中国解读
12.Research History, Status and Theoretical Reflection of Media Ecology in both North America and China;中西方媒介生态学的研究状况和理论反思
13.Appraisal Theory,Teaching English from News/Magazines and Media Literacy;评价理论、英语报刊教学与媒介素养教育
14.On the Change of Medien Basic of Engineering Ethic from View of Information Philosophy;信息哲学视域下的工程伦理媒介基础转换
15.Colloge Journal Editors Propagative Notion and Media Accomplishment in lnformation Age;信息时代高校学报编辑的传播理念与媒介素养
16.Cultural Psychology Experience and Literature Affected by Technical Media;技术媒介影响下的文化心理体验和文学
17.Media Literacy Changes to Recognition Science and Information Processing;媒介素养教育向认知科学、信息处理思路的转换
18.Problems & countermeasures in the subject construct of media management;“媒介经营管理”学科建设中的问题与对策

media geography媒介地理论
3)media psychology媒介心理学
1.the Media-Position of the Weak Group from "Knowledge Gap" Phenomenon;从“知沟”现象看弱势群体的媒介地位
5)Media theory媒介理论
6)Media ethic媒介伦理
1.From the view of ethic, the article introduced indispensability of media ethic for the establishment of harmonious society, thus pointing out the significant meaning of media ethic to re-form rationalism.本文从伦理基础的角度,阐述了媒介伦理对构建和谐社会的必要性,进而揭示了媒介伦理对重塑价值理性的作用。

部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geography bumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。