传统价值观,traditional values
1)traditional values传统价值观
1.Traditional culture of traditional values is an important part.传统价值观是传统文化的重要组成部分。

1.The Value of Seeking Truth and Being Enterprising vs.the Chinese Traditional Values;论求实进取价值观与中国传统价值观
2.The Influence of Chinese Conventional Values on Innovation Spirit;中国传统价值观念对创新精神的影响
3.Promoting and Developing Chinese Traditional Values and Cultivating the Concept of Value of Modern Teen-agers;弘扬中华传统价值观念,培养当代青少年的价值观
4.The Influences of Chinese Traditional Values and Customer Perceived Values on Chinese Consumer Behavior中国传统价值观与顾客感知价值对中国消费者消费行为的影响
5.The Influence of the Traditional Value on the Early Modern Intellectuals;传统价值观对早期近代知识分子的影响
6.On the Traditional Cultural Concept and the Contemporal Pluralistic Concept of Cultural Value;论传统文化观与当代多元文化价值观
7.The Values Systems of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and the Values of Traditional Chinese Literature;20世纪中国文学价值系统与传统文学价值观
8.They pass on culture, traditions and values.学校还得传递文化、统和价值观念。
9.The Development and Contemporary Value of the Traditional Concept of Justice and Benefit;传统义利观的历史发展及其当代价值
10.The Traditional Morals and Values in the Conventional Rules of Liangshan s Yi Nationality;凉山彝族习惯法中的传统道德价值观
11.Exploiting and Applying the Resources of Traditional Culture and Localizing the Values of Social Work;传统文化与社会工作价值观的本土化
12.Dialectical analysis of the Chinese traditional comcept of "people as the center";略论中国传统“民本观”的现代价值
13.Comparison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values;中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观
14.Chinese Traditional Morality and Education of Values for University Students;中国传统道德与大学生的价值观教育
15.Contemporary Value of Traditional Art in the Realistic Perspective现实主义观照下传统艺术的当代价值
16.Comparison of Traditional Moral View of Filial Piety Culture with Contemporary Moral Values;传统孝文化道德观与当代道德价值观之比较
17.Analysis on Values of "Morality" and "Interest"--Modern shift of the Traditional Chinese Values on "Morality "and "Interest ";义利价值观辨析——中华传统义利观的现代转换
18.The Influence on Youth s Values and Countermeasures Caused by the Traditional Outlook towards Honor and Dishonor;论传统荣辱观对青年价值观的影响及对策

traditional value传统价值观
1.A Study on the Traditional Values of Contemporary Chinese College Students and Its Influence on Mental Health;当代大学生的传统价值观及其对心理健康的影响
2.Modern productions make it necessary of the traditional value to vary, what will it change? how to make? Also it is an important question that we must face in economical actions , because modern productions include not only the physical production but also the culture .现代化建设使传统价值观的转变成为必然 ,现代社会应持什么样的价值观 ?这也是经济建设过程中我们所面临的一个重要问题 ,因为社会主义现代化建设不仅包括物质文明建设 ,而且包括精神文明的建设 ,因而 ,建立一个与现代化建设相适应的社会主义价值观就成为了必
3)the traditional main value idea传统主流价值观
1.There was very complicated and delicate relation between the traditional main value idea whose main intention was the Confucian culture and the happening and development of modern literature.以儒家文化为核心内涵的传统主流价值观与中国现代文学的发生、发展有着非常微妙而复杂的联系 。
4)concept of traditional news value传统新闻价值观
5)traditional legal values传统法价值观
6)traditional cultural values传统文化价值观
1.The Chinese values system is mainly composed by traditional cultural values and the Western cultural values.在现代中国消费者的价值体系构架中,中国传统文化价值观演进结果和西方文化价值观渗透结果不容忽视。
2.His exploration of China s modernization was seriously restricted by his traditional cultural values.因为是早期,传统文化价值观念对他的现代性探索起了极大的制约作用。
3.The temporal Chinese values system is mainly composed by traditional cultural values and the Western cultural values.在现代中国消费者的价值体系构架中,中国传统文化价值观演进结果和西方文化价值观渗透结果不容忽视。
