影像风格,image style
1)image style影像风格
1.From "narration" to "investigation"——Discussion about the image style and its transformation in News Investigation;从“叙事”到“调查”——《新闻调查》影像风格及转变的探析

1.An insight into the Continuity of Wang Jiawei's Film Image Style by the Film--The Night of Blue Strawberrry从《蓝莓之夜》看王家卫影像风格的延续
2.From "narration" to "investigation"--Discussion about the image style and its transformation in News Investigation;从“叙事”到“调查”——《新闻调查》影像风格及转变的探析
3.The Responses of Image Form and Style of Video-film Advertising to Originality影视广告的影像形式与风格对创意的回应
4.On the influence of dance theme on the stone relief style in the Han Dynasty;论歌舞题材对汉画像石造型风格的影响
5.The Narrative Style and Image Expression under Realism;冷峻现实主义下的叙事风格与影像表达
6.The Artistic Style of Portrait Mirrors in Kuaiji and Its Influence on the Yue Decorative Porcelain;试论东汉会稽画像镜的艺术风格及对早期越窑堆塑瓷装饰的影响
7.Image Style and Thought Origin of Esoteric Buddhism Statues in GuangYuan Grottoes广元石窟密教造像的图像风格与思想源流
8.a Pre-Raphaelite portrait具有拉斐尔前派风格的肖像画.
9.His style is reminiscent of Picasso's.他的艺术风格很像毕加索的.
10.Style and Symbol--A Study on the Lotus Image in WeiJin and NanBei Dynasties;风格与象征——魏晋南北朝莲花图像研究
11.The Artistic Style of the Stone Portrait of Nanyang and Seal Cutting;浅论南阳汉画像石与篆刻的艺术风格
12.Influence of Literary Style before Qin Dynasty on Liu Xie s "Strength of Character;先秦文学风格观对刘勰“风骨论”的影响
13.Influence of the national style of the TL upon original style transfer目的语民族风格对原文风格传译的影响
14.The changes of news writing style is under the influence of the times, the national trait and the individual writer.新闻语体的语言风格的变异,受时代风格、民族风格和个人风格的影响最为明显。
15.City Cinema in Film: Context, Narration and Style;电影中的都市电影院:语境、叙事与风格
16.The Effect of Parenting Styles and Students' Personality on Their Thinking Styles家长教养风格与高中生人格对高中生思维风格的影响
17.You should be capable of drawing cartoon/ manga style portraits according to people's photos.能够根据真人的照片来画卡通/画风格的肖像。
18.Like all virtuosos, Fermi had a distinctive style.像所有的艺术家一样,费米有他自己的独特风格。

images of black style黑色影像风格
3)aesthetic style of image影像美学风格
1.Through studying the mutual relationship between the restriction and the freeexpression of image, we find different strategies of control or management can produce differentaesthetic style of image.本文以对影像的限制与影像的表达自由之间的互动关系为出发点,考察美国不同时期的控管策略对影像美学风格产生的不同影响。
4)Raster Images栅格影像
1.Research of Geocoding Database Based on Raster Images;基于栅格影像的地理编码数据库开发研究
5)picture specification影像规格
6)Fengyun satellite image风云影像
1.By processing the Fengyun satellite image of Eurasia with procedures of spatial enhancement, spectra enhancement, radiation enhancement, etc.通过欧亚大陆风云影像的空间增强、光谱增强、辐射增强等系列处理和地质解释 ,提取了发育于该区的各种线性构造的相关信息。

阿拉伯风格曲  阿拉伯风格原指阿拉伯建筑中花巧的装饰图案。在音乐上,阿拉伯风格曲指旋律富于装饰的作品。R.舒曼(作品18)、C.德彪西等的阿拉伯风格曲是一种带有幻想性、即兴性的抒情特性曲。