第六代,Sixth Generation
1)Sixth Generation第六代
1.From the "Fifth Generation" to the "Sixth Generation",Chinese contemporary avant-garde movies come through the change from didacticism to post-modernism,which reflects the changing rule of Chinese social culture trend during new era.从"第五代"到"第六代",中国当代先锋电影经历了从启蒙主义到后现代主义的流变,其演进脉络反映了新时期中国社会整体文化思潮的运转逻辑。
2.The name of the fifth generation is characteristic of new historical school,which,in integrating the cultural map of Chinese films,predetermines the name of the "sixth generation"directors.“第五代”的命名具有新历史主义特征,在整合中国电影文化地形图的同时完成了“第六代”导演命名的修辞预设。
3.The creation of the sixth generation is an empiricist one,which embodies the consciousness determined by the reality.第六代的写作是一种社会存在决定的经验写作。

1.The Cinematic China:A Comparative Study of Directors from the Fifth and Sixth Generation;“影像的中国”:第五代、第六代导演比较论
2.The Cultural Strategy by Movie Conductors of the Fifth and Sixth Generation;“第五代”与“第六代”的文化策略
3.The Postmodern Cultural Characteristics of the Sixth Generation s Films;“第六代”电影的后现代主义文化特征
4.A Comparison of Directors between Ang Lee, the Fifth Generation and the Sixth Generation;李安与中国第五代、第六代电影导演比较论
5.The Sixth-Generation Directors' Aesthetics-"Treating Ugliness as Beauty";“以丑为美”:第六代导演的审美观
6.Reconstructs the Sixth Generation of Movie the Generalrealistic Logic to Read the Solution;重建第六代电影的一般现实逻辑读解
7.The Individualization Screen Writing--On the Sixth Generation of Chinese Film;私语化的银幕书写——论中国电影第六代
8.The Analalysis of Specificity of Death Narrative about the Sixth Generation Film;“第六代电影”中死亡叙事的特异性分析
9.Embarrassed: the argument of "the sixth generation" has caused theoretic crisis;尴尬:“第六代”之争引发理论危机
10.Wandering & Conversion: The Changing Theme of the "Sixth Generation;飘泊与皈依:“第六代”的主题变奏
11.Avant-garde in Ruins--Expound in The Sixth Generation Film s Postmodernism;废墟上的先锋——论第六代电影的后现代性
12.Duplication and Disruption: Post-modernistic Interpretation of the “Sixth-generation” Movies;复制与断裂:“第六代”电影的后现代性解读
13.From the "Stage" to the "Platform"--The Different Perspectives of Film Narrative between the Fifth and Sixth Generations;从“戏台”到“站台”——读取中国第五代、第六代电影叙事差异的视点之一
14.The Sixteenth National Congress of CPC中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会(十六大)
15.16th National Congress of Communist Party of China (16th NCCPC)中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会
16.The sixth letter of the modern English alphabet.字母F现代英语字母表的第六个字母
17.Six:Tiny bubbles,for those leisurely soaks we love so much.第六件:小泡泡,代表我们最爱的泡泡澡。

the Sixth Generation第六代
1.Embarrassed: the argument of "the sixth generation" has caused theoretic crisis;尴尬:“第六代”之争引发理论危机
2.The Postmodern Cultural Characteristics of the Sixth Generation s Films;“第六代”电影的后现代主义文化特征
3.The historical reflection of the Fifth Generation constructs the narrative value in the stage-like space for performance, but the Sixth Generation focuses on the individual spirit in the platform-like space, which is the representation of the r.对第五代和第六代导演进行代际划分不仅是自然时间差异的结果 ,而且是不同风格的指代 ,在叙事位格、叙事视角、叙事空间和价值向度上都卓有体现。
3)the Sixth Generation Directors第六代
1.Twenty years has elapsed since the Sixth Generation Directors emerged on the Chinese movie stage.第六代导演从20世纪90年代初登上中国电影的历史舞台,至今已经走过了近20年的历程。
4)the sixth generation directors第六代导演
1.Marginal narrative becomes a means of "cultural breakthrough" for the sixth generation directors against the fifth generationones.第六代导演在20世纪90年代开始在中国的影坛出现并表现出强劲的力量。
2.At the historic moment,the Sixth Generation directors emerged.到了20世纪90年代,第五代导演仍保持着旺盛的创作力,但新的社会环境和文化语境呼唤新的电影形式,这时,第六代导演应运而生。
5)sixth-generation film第六代电影
1.From basic elements of a film,one obvious change of "the sixth-generation film" is the change of characters perspective.从电影的基本构成元素看,"第六代电影"一个显而易见的变化是人物视点的变化。
6)The Sixth Generation Film第六代电影
1.The Sixth Generation Film directors no longer regard the death as a body of grand narrative, but think more about the phenomenon of death and seek deeper implied meaning from its aesthetic form.第六代电影人不再把死亡当作宏大叙事的一个载体,而是对死亡现象有了更多的思辨,并且在对其的审美表现上进行了更深层寓意的编码。
2.From 1990s the Sixth Generation Film has added fr.第六代电影从上个世纪九十年代登上影坛至今,始终以其直面中国当下社会现实的勇气和对电影叙事的重新注重以及对精神探求的难以舍弃,为中国影坛增添了鲜活的生命力。

-[(1-氧代-9-烯十八烷基)氧代]聚氧乙烯CAS:9005-07-6分子式:(C2H4O)nC36H66O3沸点:260℃中文名称:(Z,Z)-α-(1-氧代-9-烯十八烷基)-ω-[(1-氧代-9-烯十八烷基)氧代]聚氧乙烯 α-油酰基-ω-油酰氧基-聚环氧乙烷英文名称:.alpha.-(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)-.omega.-[(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)-Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)