日本动画,Japanese animation
1)Japanese animation日本动画
1.First of all, it wasproduced that Chinese animation and Japanese animation are all underthe influence of western cartoon, but they have their own characteristicsunder the same background.中国动画片尽管走过了一段辉煌时期,但理论上鲜少有人论及,是影视研究的新领域,日本动画在二十世纪末则以强大的竞争力鲸吞了中国市场。
2.However, although having great influences in culture and much profit in economic, Japanese animation can\'t sidestep its themes on violence, war and Militarism.日本动画片以其精彩的故事情节、错落有致的叙事结构、丰富的人物形象和语言、多变的绘画色彩和风格等被广大的观众所认知和喜爱,特别是得到了全世界越来越多的青少年的推崇。
3.Chinese and the Japanese animation has not given up in the respective developing process to the unique individuality pursue.首先采用由点及面的方式,通过对中日动画具体作品的分析,找出其带有普遍性和代表性的艺术风格特征,并通过中日动画艺术横向比较,分析研究中日动画艺术风格的特点;然后由表及里,揭示动画艺术及其相关艺术形式之间的横向联系;再次,通过纵向挖掘,进一步比较中日动画艺术风格形成的文化基因,分析中国传统民间文学、儒家思想以及“物哀”思想、“深层文化”对中日动画艺术风格所产生的深远影响,并在此基础上总结出日本动画艺术对中国动画艺术发展的启示。

1.The Interaction of Japanese Animation Magazine and the Animation Production;论日本动画资讯杂志与动画产业的互动关系
2.Death Worship in the Japanese Cartoons--On the Death Culture in the Japanese Cartoons日本动漫的死亡崇拜——谈日本动画中的死亡文化
3.Analysis on the Details absent in Animation--from the perspective of Japanese Animation Development;动画片的细节缺失——从日本动画的发展谈起
4.Features of Design Thought of Cartoon in America and Japan;美国动画与日本动画设计思维的几个特征
5.From the AI YAZAWA's Works of Japanese Animation and Comics Association从矢泽爱的作品看日本动画与漫画的关联
6.Naruto, the Japanese manga series, came fourth in the list.日本动画片《火隐忍者》名列第四。
7.Yoshida san: I think that Japanese CG is probably more limited in scope than western CG animation.我认为日本动画在设计的范围上比西方动画更有限。
8.On the Cultural Connotations and Social Significance of the Japanese Cartoon, Young Kid Sarutob Sasuke: Proceeding From the Post-war Booming of Japanese Cartoons;论日本动画片《少年猿飞佐助》的文化内涵和社会意蕴——从战后日本动画片腾飞谈起
9.Understanding Life,Talk about the Japanese Animation of Real Life Portrayal and Retrospect感悟生活——谈日本动画对现实生活的描绘与反省
10.I feel my understanding towards Japanese CG is still not enough to criticize it.我觉得我对日本动画的了解还不够,不敢妄下评论。
11.The Models of Japanese Animation Industry and What We should Learn from It;日本动画产业的发展模式及其对我国的政策启示
12.Description: I threw a couple of anime character lookalikes in the group of Nameless Boy admirers.在羡慕无名的少年中的同学们我画了一些长得像日本动画人物的女生。
13.Italian actress Stefania Sandrelli and the Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki will be presented with special Golden Lion awards.意大利女演员斯黛芬妮·德雷莉和日本动画导演宫崎骏将在本届电影节上被授予金狮荣誉奖。
14.The Development of China Animation Observing from The Animation of Japanese and The American;从日本和美国动画透视中国动画的发展
15.The Animation Stars of the World;世界动画明星扫描(三)日本篇(上)
16.What is Seen and Heard in Animation:the Creative Strategies in Making Japanese Animation in 1990s;动画中的视听语言 20世纪90年代日本电视动画片制作技巧研究
17.Japanese Aesthetic Views on Nature in Miyazaki's Cartoons从宫崎骏的动画片看日本人的自然审美观
18.A Comparative Study of the Near Modern Traditional Chinese Painting and the Japanese Picture Characteristic;近现代中国画与日本画的特征之比较

Japanese animated cartoon producers日本动画人
1.The circumstances of Japanese animated cartoon producers are coming down dramatically,accompanying the ceaseless expansion of Japanese animate.可以说,伴随着日本动画产业的不断膨胀,日本动画人的"境遇"却在戏剧性地下降。
3)Japanese cartoon日本动画片
1.The fast growing Japanese cartoon industry has become a mainstay of Japanese economic development.飞速发展的日本动画片产业是日本经济发展中不可忽视的重要支柱。
4)Japanese animation and comics日本动画与漫画
5)Japanese commercial animation日本商业动画
1.A research of Japanese commercial animation therefore makes sense.在题材、绘画技法、人物设计等方方面面都与近邻日本有着显著的差距,对于日本商业动画的分析研究就成为一个较为突出的课题。
6)Japanese comics日本漫画

日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)National Standards of Japan: see standards system of Japan Ri比n GuOJia BiaoZhun日本国家标准_(NationalS切旧d印心5 of la户川见日本标准体系。