袁牧之,Yuan Muzhi
1)Yuan Muzhi袁牧之
1.On the Moralizing Nature of Yuan Muzhi s Drama;袁牧之戏剧的启蒙性质解读
2.About Yuan Muzhi s Thoughts of Commercialization of Movie Industry;袁牧之商业电影思想的历史回眸与评析

1.About Yuan Muzhi s Thoughts of Commercialization of Movie Industry;袁牧之商业电影思想的历史回眸与评析
2.About Some Issues in Yuan Muzhi Studies;对电影家袁牧之研究中若干问题的探讨
3.A Rare “All-round Taent” in Chinese Movie History--The Art of Yuan MuZhi, Movie Artist of Nngbo Origin;中国电影史上罕见的“全才”——宁波籍电影家袁牧之的艺术道路
4.Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling, to attack Liu Bei.袁绍之弟袁术派大将纪灵率领十万大军攻打刘备。
5.The Compare and Research about Fan Ye s "Historical Records of the Later Han Dynasty" and Yuan Hong s "Disciplines of the Later Han Dynasty";范晔《后汉书》和袁宏《后汉纪》之比较研究
6.Symbol of Water:Heterogeneous Beauty in the Essays by YUAN Dao-hong and WANG Si-ren;水之喻:袁宏道、王思任小品文的异质美
7.Yuan Shikai's Interference Policy for Korea Economy(1885-1894)袁世凯对朝经济干涉政策之透视(1885—1894)
8.Later, he suffered defeat at the hands of Yuan Shih-kai, the chieftain of the Northern warlords.后来,他就失败于北洋军阀首领袁世凯之手。
9.Poem of the Poet: Soul Subject and Yuan Mei s Poetry Esthetic Characteristic;诗人之诗:性灵主题与袁枚诗歌的审美特征
10.Difference between the Alienation s Courses of the Northern New Army and the Hubei New Army;袁世凯、张之洞与北洋、湖北新军异化比较研究
11.Ye Shaoyuan s Jia Xing Ri Zhu 《甲行日注》;“长明灯作守岁烛”之遗民心谱——叶绍袁《甲行日注》
12.However,Sun Yuanxiang made some supplements to Yuan Mei in some aspects.虽在某些方面没有袁枚开放、大胆,却也有很多独到之处,对袁枚诗论有所补充。
13.At a result, the power of training new troops came to Rong Lu and Yuan Shikai who were both favoured by Cixi (empress dowager).北洋编练新军之权则落入慈禧太后所崇信的荣禄与袁世凯之手。
14.Pan [god of forests,pastures,flocks,and shepherds]潘恩[森林之神,牧神
15.admeasurement of common land for pasturage公地作为牧场之分配
16.Much of this success is due to the hard work of Yuan Longping, the 'Father of Hybrid Rice'.这一成就主要取决于“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的辛勤工作。
17.Eleven-fifteen brings us to Zigui, said to be the home of the poet Qu Yuan.据袁崧《宜都山川记》载:秭归是屈原故乡,是楚王子熊泽建国之地。
18.The Yuan brothers believed in "letting one's mouth and wrist go, resulting naturally in good form" and held that "the important thing in literature is genuineness."袁氏兄弟相信:“信腕信口,皆成律度”,又主张文学之要素为真。

Comment on YUAN Chong-huan s Death Again再论袁崇焕之死
3)Muye Battle牧野之战
1.Muye Battle,breaking out between Shang Dynasty and his substituter Zhou Dynasty,took place in the region today Xinxiang is located.牧野之战是一场商周间的王朝兴替战争,它就发生在大体相当于今天的新乡地区。
4)Etudes Op25 No.1《牧童之笛》
1.The Sound of Flute Comes from the Distance——Illustration on Music and Performance of Etudes Op25 No.1 by Chopin;笛声从远处飘来——肖邦《牧童之笛》的音乐解读及演奏
5)Makimura Nobuyuki牧村信之
