意识形态话语,ideological discourse
1)ideological discourse意识形态话语
1.The transmission of ideological discourse through movies cannot be regarded merely as an ideological task which is to be carried out by rigid and simplified teaching; it should be infiltrated into the movie s narrative techniques.电影意识形态话语的传播,不能视为意识形态任务而进行简单生硬的说教,而应渗透在影片的整个叙事机制中。
2.In the light of the Marxist ideology theory, literary translation is a cross-cultural communication manipulated by the ideological discourses.依据西方马克思主义意识形态理论,文学翻译不能简单地理解为一种纯粹语言行为而是一个为意识形态话语操控的跨文化交际过程。
3.In order to achieve the above-mentioned ideological discourse, the left-wing film has adopted a series of words building strategy: a strategy of direct exposure to promote awareness of class struggle and national liberation; by exploring the fate of women to achieve critical social or ideological purpose of discipline; to film a song to convey political ideas.为了实现其意识形态话语,左翼电影采取了一系列的话语建构策略:采用暴露性的策略直接宣扬阶级意识与民族解放斗争;通过探索女性命运来达到社会批判或者意识形态规劝的目的;以电影歌曲来传达政治观念。

1.Isomorph of Ideological Expression and Medical Expression--On Lu Xun s Novels;意识形态话语与医学话语的同构——鲁迅小说研究
2.Literary Popularization" ANew Research of Ideological Discourse;文学大众化——意识形态话语的新探索
3.On the Ideological Discourse of Changyao's Autobiographical Long Poems昌耀自传性长诗的意识形态话语分析
4.The Analysis to ZHOU Pu-yuan;非主流意识形态话语中的周朴园形象解读
5.Ideological Discourse in Literary Translation: A Polysystem Perspective;从多元系统理论看文学翻译中意识形态话语
6.Reconstructing and Safeguarding the Words Power of Socialism Ideology in Contemporary China;当代境遇中社会主义意识形态话语权的建构和保障
7.Exploring Ideological Analysis in English News Discourse;英语新闻话语意识形态分析模式研究
8.Novels after the Period of the Cultural Revolution: Ideology and a Change in Discourse;“文革”后小说:意识形态与话语转换
9.Gender Ideology in Advertising Discourse-A Critical Discourse Analysis广告中性别意识形态的批评话语分析
10.A Probe into the Enigmatic Language of the Communication Theory in German Ideology;试论《德意志意识形态》中交往理论的隐性话语
11.Class discourses are orthodox ideology of contemporary China's law science.阶级话语是当代中国法学的正统意识形态。
12.Jin Guang Da Dao: The Literary Discourse Stipulated by Political Ideology Catalogue;《金光大道》:政治意识形态规约下的文学话语
13.Discourse Processing and Ideological Implications in Policy Review;《政策评论》中的话语处理和意识形态隐含
14.Power and Discourse: Ideology Controlling the Translating Practice;权力与话语:意识形态对翻译实践的操纵
15.Establishment of New Type Ideology;新型意识形态的建构——新英雄传奇主题话语之二
16.An Analysis of Ideology Discourse in Ancient Chinese literature study in 20th century;试析20世纪古代文论研究中的意识形态型话语
17.Discourse Hegemony,Sub-ideolody and Cartoon Industry under Globalization话语霸权、亚意识形态与全球化下的动漫产业
18.Ideology: The Invisible Impetus behind News Discourse;意识形态:新闻话语背后无形的手——中美2007“两会”报道解读

Hearing discourse and ideology听证会话语与意识形态
3)language of main ideology主流意识形态话语
4)ideological myths意识形态神话
5)On Legend and Ideaology神话与意识形态
6)context of ideology意识形态的语境
