人伦关系,human relations
1)human relations人伦关系
1.The spirit of self-identification of ancient Chi-nese is of two main traits: the human relations in which theindividual exists, the moral character by which human con-duct is expressed.以儒学为主导的中国传统文化给人的存在提供了一个自我认同的精神家园,中国古代人的自我认同精神,具有在人伦关系中得以确立和以德性化的形式表现出来两个主要特征;自我认同精神的两种特征,在中国古典建筑文化中有相应的表现方式,只有理解这些,才能更好地欣赏中国古典建筑。
2.Developing harmonious human relations is a hot point in modern society.人际关系的和谐发展是现代社会的一大课题 ,“轴心时代”的古代雅典和先秦的人伦关系对现代社会仍有启示意义。

1.The “Non-Confucianist” Elementin Traditional Japanese Ethic Relation;日本传统社会人伦关系中的“非儒”因素
2.The logical relation between law and the good and evil depends on human relation in the social practice.法律与人性善恶的逻辑关系取决于社会实践中的人伦关系设定。
3.Features and Inspiration of the Human Relations in the Axis Time;“轴心时代”东西方人伦关系的特点及现代启示
4.Socialist Democracy Construction under Human Relationship;人伦关系视角的社会主义民主政治建设
5.The Golden Lotus depicts a kind of new human relationship, i.e., the r elationship between the boss and the salesclerks that has been established on th e basis of cooperation in business transactions.《金瓶梅》表现了一种新的人伦关系———商业老板与伙计之间的雇佣关系。
6.Environmental Ethics: The Ethic Fulcrum of the Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature;环境伦理:人与自然关系和谐的伦理支点
7.The Internal Ethical Analyses of Network Interpersonal Relationship网络人际关系的内在伦理矛盾分析
8.The Ethical Analysis of the Relationship between Individual and Society of Present China;当代中国个人与社会关系的伦理分析
9.The Study on the Relation between Man and Nature from the Angle of Sci-tech;科技伦理视野下的人与自然关系探析
10.The Necessity for Cultivating Land Ethics for a Harmonious Man-land Relationship;和谐人地关系亟需树立土地伦理观念
11.The Ethical Interpretation of Multi-Dimensional Relationships Between Man and Nature in Moby-Dick《白鲸》中人与自然多维关系的伦理阐释
12.Thinking on the Relationship between Man and Nature from Moral Perspective人与自然关系的伦理审视及道德思考
13.The Ethical Thoughts on Harmonious Relationship among Human,Technology and Environment;关于“人—科学技术—环境”契合关系的伦理思考
14.A Research to the Relationship between Human Ethic and Development of Science and Technology from the Study of Human Gene;由人类基因研究看科技发展与人类伦理的关系
15.Influence of Ethics Education on Ethical Beliefs of Dual Relationship of Trainees Attending Training of Psychological Consultation行业伦理教育对报考心理咨询师人员双重关系伦理意识的影响
16.A Study on the Theme of the Man-and-Nature Relationship in Lawrence s Fiction;戴·赫·劳伦斯小说人与自然关系主题研究
17.The Sublimation of Life Value--to Explore the Moral Relationship between the Right of Health of Human Beings and Right of Existence of Animals;动物生存权与人类健康权伦理关系探析
18.The Constructing of the Human and Natural Ethics Relations;从道德发生机理看人与自然伦理关系的构建

establishing interpersonal ethic relationship人伦关系塑造
3)the relation of human ethics and blood人伦血缘关系
4)ethical relationship between man and nature人与自然伦理关系
1.Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the traditional harmonious state of the ethical relationship between man and nature is sternly challenged, and ethical problems in environment and resources are becoming increasingly severe.随着科学技术的迅猛发展,人与自然伦理关系的传统和谐状况遭到严峻的挑战,环境伦理问题、资源伦理问题日益凸显。
5)ethical relation伦理关系
1.There are ethical relations between human beings and the nature.人与自然之间存在伦理关系,是因为人与自然的价值关系有一定的道德意义,人在与自然的关系中的行为需要用道德要求加以规范,人与自然的联系存在着诸多道德问题。
2.This paper,to begin with,reveales complex ethical relations and ethical connotations in which Leiss explained the relation between science and dominating nature,and second expounds the ethical essence of domination.本文首先从莱斯阐释的科学与控制自然的关系中揭示了其中蕴涵的多重复杂的伦理关系与伦理内涵 ;其次 ,阐述了控制的伦理本性 ;再者 ,从分析科学和控制自然内在悖论的伦理关系入手 ,阐述了莱斯关于人的活动的两个领域 :生活世界和科学世界 ;进而揭示了科学对控制自然的伦理意义。
3.Facing a series of problems in the field of science and technology such as ecology and energy crisis,people come to pay much attention to the ethical relation between human and nature.这三次科技革命 ,一次比一次突显了人在人与自然伦理关系中的主体性 ,同时也强化了自然的社会—历史性。
6)ethical relationship伦理关系
1.The book Feuerbach implies the ethical relationship between human being and nature from the beginning to the end.《费尔巴哈》自始至终暗含了人与自然伦理关系。
2.This paper holds that human beings should have the capacities of ethical thinking and ethical practicing, and that the contents of the ethical relationship between human and nature should be the rules of an ecological balance most profitable to human beings.人对自然是否有伦理关系 ?这一提问内蕴着三个方面的问题 :一是人对自然是否可能有伦理关系 ?二是人对自然具有怎样的伦理关系 ?三是人对自然是否应该有伦理关系 ?人对自然的确具有伦理思维与伦理实践的能力 ,但其伦理关系的内容应是最有利于人类利益的生态平衡规律。
3.As Marx points out in his On the Divorce Draft, the marriage relationship is essentially ethical relationship in mundane society, with the ethical entity namely family as its form; while the legal system of marriage is the acknowledgement and protection of this basic ethical relationship.马克思在《论离婚法草案》中指明了婚姻关系乃是世俗社会的伦理关系 ,它的外在表现形式便是家庭这一“伦理实体” ;婚姻法律制度则是婚姻这种基本伦理关系的承认与保护。

人伦  中国古代对人与人之间基本的道德关系及其相应的道德规范的统称。人伦亦称"五伦",指"父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有叙,朋友有信"。人伦一词,最早见于《孟子·滕文公上》,书中载,上古时候,人们"逸居而无教,则近于禽兽",圣人"使契为司徒,教以人伦"。在《尚书·尧典》中,已有"慎徽五典"的说法,即要以五种美德教导自己的臣民。据《左传》解释,"五典"就是"父义、母慈、兄友、弟恭、子孝"。后来,孔子提出"君君、臣臣、父父、子子",增加了君臣关系。最后由孟子在整理和总结中国以往道德关系和道德规范的基础上,全面地概括了封建社会里人们之间的这五种基本的道德关系,并提出相应的道德规范。    中国古代许多思想家,特别是儒家,最重视人伦。据孟子说,古代设立庠、序、学校,"皆所以明人伦也"。一旦"人伦明于上,小民亲于下"就能实现国治天下平的理想社会。2000多年来中国封建统治者一直强调用它处理人们之间的关系,以维护和加强封建的宗法等级制度。