电影市场,movie market
1)movie market电影市场
1.Analyses the present condition of the Chinese movie marketing, explains the key condition of integration marketing of Chinese movie, puts forward to study the marketing method of United States, and summarise to build up the system that integration marketing of Chinese movie market.分析了中国电影营销的现状,说明其整合营销必须具有的关键条件,提出要学习美国的营销方式,并总结出要建立中国电影市场整合营销的体系。
2.Price is the most active factor in economy,and the price of ticket is a barometer reflecting the conditions of the whole movie market.价格是经济生活中最活跃的因素,电影票价是直接体现整个电影市场状况的"晴雨表"。

1.New Technique Opens the Era of Long Tail in Movie Market;新媒体开启电影市场的“长尾”时代
2.On the Market of China s Films and the Commercial Achievements of "Hero";论中国电影市场与《英雄》的商业成效
3.Impacts of Congestion and Market Power on Market Outcomes in Competitive Electricity Market;电力市场中阻塞及市场力对市场结果的影响
4.Influence of EU Electricity Market on Cogeneration;欧洲电力市场开放对热电联产的影响
5.Effect of Forward Contract Market on Electricity Market Stability;远期合同市场对电力市场稳定性的影响
6.Impacts of Wind Farm on Power System Operating Cost and Market Price风电场对电力系统运行成本和市场价格的影响
7.Research on Effects of Market Entry on Market Performance and Market Structure in Domestic Household Appliances Industry;关于我国家电行业的市场进入对市场结构与市场绩效的影响研究
8.Influence of Correlation of Prices of Power Spot Market and Retailing Market on Strategy and Profit of Power Suppliers;实时电力市场和零售市场电价关联对供电公司决策和利润的影响
9.Russian Films Going into Overseas Markets--An Analysis of Khudojnazarov’s Luna Papa;走向国际市场的俄罗斯电影——读电影《月亮爸爸》
10.Analysis on Situation of Chinese Film Creation向市场集结的主流电影群——2008中国电影创作备忘
11.Influence of power grid tariff raise on power saling market in Xiamen;浅析电网电价提高对厦门电力销售市场的影响
12.Impacts of Generating Cost on Generation Price in Electricity Market;电力市场中发电成本对上网电价的影响
13.The Analysis of the Effects on Market Power in Telecommunication Industry Influenced by Network Convergence;网络融合对电信市场势力影响的分析
14.Study of the Influences of Relaxing Government Regulation on Chinese Telecom Market;放松管制对我国电信市场影响的研究
15.Impacts of Transition of Economy on Electricity Market Construction in China;转型经济对中国电力市场建设的影响
18.A Research on China's Domestic Art Films Market and Marketing Strategies中国艺术电影的市场与营销策略研究

Film market电影市场
1.It was in middle of 1990s when Chinese film market was in its midnight that the imported Hollywood movies such as The Titanic recovered the market for a while.90年代中期中国电影市场达到最低谷,进口大片的引进一定程度上激活了疲软的市场,而二十一世纪伊始中国本土的“商业大片”纷纷问世,把沉闷已久的票房重新带动起来。
3)post-cinema market后电影市场
1.Globalization has stridden across the economic context and hasbeen the normal context when we analyze the international affairs, on the background, Western Movies, Hollywood as their main part, have not only performed miracles of box-office income, but also advanced their business tonibble at the post-cinema market in China.全球化已跨越了经济领域的语境而成为当今分析国际问题的普遍性语境,在此背景下,以美国好莱坞为主的西方电影进入中国不仅创下票房收入奇迹,而且不断延伸蚕食中国的后电影市场
2.Under this condition, Western movies, especilly Hollywood as their main part,have not only created miracles of box-office income, but also advanced their business to erode the post-cinema market in China.全球化已跨越了经济领域的语境而成为当今分析国际问题的普遍性语境,以美国好莱坞为主的西方电影进入中国不仅创下票房收入奇迹,而且不断延伸蚕食中国的后电影市场
4)the film market in中国电影市场
1.By applying the audience psychology and receptive aesthetics, and making use of the latest achievements in marketing and consumer studies, the dissertation expounds the development and status quo of film audience consumption in the film market in China through sorting and analyzing the film marketing revenue and audience consumption surveys in China since 1995.本论文通过对电影观众学的理论吸收和接受美学的借鉴,结合当代营销研究和消费者研究的学科成果,通过整理、分析1995年以来的中国电影市场票房情况和中国电影观众的消费调查资料,勾勒出中国电影市场上观众消费的发展变化与现状。
5)Countryside movie market农村电影市场
6)post-film development market后电影开发市场
1.In fact, the post-film development market, as a black horse, opens up a new landscape for the film marketing, bringing new life to the whole film industry with great potentials and appreciates value.就电影产业发展和电影技术更新而言,传统的票房市场已经难以一统天下,后电影开发市场异军突起,为电影市场营销开拓了新的前景。

电影市场电影市场  电影市场电影产品的发行、放映活动的总和。电影市场主要由制片、发行、放映三个环节构成。制片市场又可再分为电影剧本市场、电影人才市场和电影制片劳务市场。电影剧本市场是电影剧本商品化的形式;电影人才市场是电影演员、导演和职员构成的市场;电影劳务市场主要是群众演员的聘用和场地外景、道具、服装、运输工具等等的租用活动所构成的市场。电影发行市场亦即拷贝市场,主要经营电影拷贝的发行业务,是电影制片和放映的中间环节,起着流通和平衡供求的作用,其基本职能是从事影片的购、销、调、存等活动。电影放映市场则指电影的放映活动,又可分为两大类,即农村电影放映市场与城市电影市场。中国电影市场有如下特点:①在电影发行市场上,目前由中国电影发行放映公司独家经营,电影拷贝的发行由该公司统包统管,统收统支。为了解决电影制片与市场相脱节的矛盾,目前该公司进行了发行体制改革,实行四种发行方式,即发行收入按比例分成、代理发行、按实际拷贝数定价、一次买断与厂家结算。厂家可以任选拷贝进行经营。②在电影放映市场中,实行多种经济成分并存的经济体制,亦即国家、集体和个人均可以从事放映活动;实行经济承包责任制,即中国电影发行放映公司与省、市、县等分公司、基层放映单位之间,层层实行普遍的经济责任承包;实行票价开放的经营方式。