自由精神,free spirit
1)free spirit自由精神
1.Unhurriedness:the Display of Free Spirit of Human Individual Life;逍遥:人类个体生命自由精神的张扬
2.At present,with the neglect of students autonomy and free spirit in education in China,it has positive significance for importing the theory of soul-awakening from the school of culture education of Germany.面对我国目前教育对学生主体性、自由精神的忽视,引进德国文化教育学派的"心灵唤醒"说有积极的意义。
3.As a independent writer,he is playing the role of a lonely traveler with free spirit.王小波作为自由撰稿人一直扮演自由精神的独行者,他超脱体制的自由创作姿态为中国文坛树立了作家创作的新风范。

1.The Critical Spirit and the Liberalistic Spirit Come Into Being New Talent;批判精神和自由精神:创新人才产生的原动力
2.The Happiness of Pericarp --The Free Spirits of Europe Painting果壳的快乐——论欧洲绘画的自由精神
3.Unhurriedness:the Display of Free Spirit of Human Individual Life;逍遥:人类个体生命自由精神的张扬
4.On Life Aesthetics of Ancient Greek Mythology;古希腊神人合一的自由精神——对古希腊神话的生命美学观照
5.Where after All Is Spirit of Freedom in Confucian Culture--Is Confucian Liberalism Available;儒家文化的自由精神究竟何在——兼论儒家自由主义如何可能
6.The Statue of Liberty embodies the spirit of freedom.自由女神像体现了热爱自由的精神。
7.Nature and Freedom--Viewing Nature and Spiritual Freedom from TaoYuan Ming s Experience;自然与自由——由陶渊明看自然与精神的自由
8.Spiritual Freedom in Following the Natural Principles--On Carefree Wander of Zhuangzi依循自然的精神自由——庄子“逍遥游”解读
9.the ninth century was the spiritually freest period.九世纪是精神最自由的时代。
10.Spirit of the Bandung Conference and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area万隆精神与中国-东盟自由贸易区
11.Freedom,Conscience,Creativity--On university spirit;自由·良知·创造——大学精神诸篇
12.Freedom and Rigor--Two plastic art s spirit;自由与严谨——造型艺术的两种精神
13.The verse spirit flies freely--The network verse trail and discover;诗歌精神的自由飞翔——网络诗歌窥探
14.The Thought On the Freedom and Order;自由与秩序之思——读《论法的精神》感悟
15.Analysing "Zhuangzi":Pursuing a Spirit Realm of Free Life;追求生命自由的精神境界——解析《庄子》
16.Spiritual Homestead for Free Life─Brief Discussion on the Formation of Artistic Conception;自由生命的精神家园——浅谈意境的构成
17.Creation Transcending:Creation of Subject Spirit s Freedom of the Language of Art;超越:艺术语言主体精神自由的创造
18.From Freedom to Lost Romantic Atmosphere--The Development and Expand of Romantic Spirit;从“自由自在”到“丧失诗意”——浪漫精神的发展与演变

spirit of freedom自由精神
1.The spirit of freedom is the core of Chuang Tzu thought.自由精神是庄子哲学思想的核心。
2.They directly advocated the spirit of freedom,and lashed out at the trend of old backward customs.早期电影深受多元文化的影响,直接倡导自由精神,鞭笞落后反动的旧式习俗思潮,这一切为早期中国电影的发展注入了无限活力,对整个社会也产生了深远的影响。
3.This essay argues that the relationship of philosophy and Christianity is the basic question of Hegel’s philosophy, and he attempts to synthesize philosophy and religion on the basis of his speculative philosophy and the spirit of freedom.本文认为哲学与基督教的关系是黑格尔哲学中的基本问题,他试图在思辨哲学和自由精神的基础上使哲学与基督教获得新的综合。
3)freedom spirit自由精神
1.On Dai Zhen s Freedom Spirit and Its Significance;论戴震的自由精神及其意义
2.This paper discusses the three effects of Qu Yuan s literary writing tradition on May 4th new literature, namely, the creation of freedom spirit, the inheritance of the Sun family, and the resuscitation of romance and sentimentality.探讨了屈骚文化传统对五四新文学 3方面的影响 ,即自由精神的塑造 ;太阳家族的遗传 ;浪漫与感伤的复苏。
3.This paper deeply discusses the influence of Zhuancius thought to Li Bai s behaviour and artistic creation from three aspects: in- the- world thought, freedom spirit and aesthetics ideal.本文从用世之心、自由精神、美学理想三方面较为深刻地论述了老庄思想对李白立身行事及艺术创作的影响。
1.With his unfettered attitude,Zhuangzi attempted to explore the meaning of life-freedom,which is illustrated in his remark "Set your mind at flight by going along with things as they are"."乘物以游心"的庄子在乱世以自由逍遥的精神追求探究人生意义,执着的行魂史铁生处盛世思接远古,以个体的自由精神彰显生命本色。
5)spirit freedom精神自由
6)spiritual freedom精神自由
1.From the possession of body to spiritual freedom——understanding the past and the future of the black from the monetary Images in Beloved;个体占有与精神自由——从《宠儿》的金钱意象中解读黑人的过去与未来
2.The theme of Zhuang Zi s philosophy is breaking away from the plight of life and achieving freedom, the spiritual freedom of getting rid of restriction, depending on oneself, escaping from the world, being undisciplined, and absolutely doing nothing.庄子哲学的主题就是摆脱人生的困境,实现自由,即不受限制,依靠自我,遁世散漫,绝对无为的精神自由。
3.It confirms the primary principle of existence before essence’and illustrates man’s spiritual freedom and free choice in the situation of despair and absurdity.存在主义文学主要关注的是人的生存状态,它肯定人的存在先于本质这一存在主义首要原则,表现人在绝望、荒谬的境遇之中的精神自由和自由选择。

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)