影戏,shadow play
1)shadow play影戏
1.Brief Analysis on Functions of Chinese Shadow Play s Entertainment and Aesthetics;影戏的娱乐、审美功能简论
2.The Commentary of 20 Centuries Hundred Years the Chinese Shadow Play Studies;二十世纪中国影戏研究百年述评
3.On dramatic form and characteristics of Large-shadow play影戏戏剧形态及其艺术特征考

1.Drama Anthropology and Huanxian Daoqing Puppet Shadow Drama in This Visual Field;戏剧人类学及其视野下的环县道情皮影戏
2.In modern society, it's very difficult to find the mysterious drama again.今天,神奇的皮影戏已很难再觅踪影。
3.Leather-silhouette, “Hell”(Introduction): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends.皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中“阴间地府”中十八层地狱。
4.non-video (amusement) game非影像(娱乐)游戏
5.Effect of Game Player Experience and Game Difficulty on Playing Results玩家游戏体验与游戏难度对游戏结果的影响
6.someone who writes scripts for plays or movies or broadcast dramas.为戏剧、电影或广播戏剧写剧本的人。
7.propaganda films, plays, posters, etc宣传的影片、 戏剧、 海报等.
8.She goes to the theatre (cinema) every week.她每星期都去看戏(电影)。
9.Are you going to the theatre or the cinema?你去看戏还是去看电影?
10.The actors were rehearsing in the tent.演员们在摄影棚内排戏。
11.indoor games, photography, activities室内游戏、 摄影、 活动
12.(of a film, play,etc)be shown or performed(指电影、戏剧等)上演,演出
13.music for a film,play,etc(电影、戏剧等的)配乐
14.role played by an actor in a play, film,etc(戏剧、电影等中的)角色
15.Bali theatre influenced the West theatre of post- modernism through Artaud and his theory of "cruel theater".巴厘戏剧通过阿尔托的“残酷戏剧”理论,影响到西方现代派戏剧。
16.The development of marionette had a great influence on the future development of opera.木偶戏的发展对以后的戏曲有十分重要的影响。
17.The Initial Study of PC Game Player's Aggression in Different Play Mode and Rules;电脑游戏设定对游戏者攻击性影响的初步研究
18.A Study of Video Game Player s Aggression in Different Game Playmode;游戏方式差异对电脑游戏者攻击性影响研究

hand shadow play手影戏
1.The author believes the "Zashouyi" and the "hand shadow play" in Liao and Song dynasty have an important influence on the shadow play.但作者以为出现于辽、宋时期的“手伎”表演,尤其又是其中之一的“手影戏”,对影戏的形成也有重要影响。
3)the theory of galantyshow影戏说
4)Hunan Shadow Play湖南影戏
1.The History and Present Conditions of Hunan Shadow Play;湖南影戏的历史及其活动现状
5)custom of shadow play影戏民俗
1.The scholar in the first instance of 20th neglected studying of the custom of shadow play and the relation of custom and shadow play.中国影戏的研究是在西方人文学术思想、学术理念,尤其是民俗学等的影响下开展起来的,但自其起始之初,人们对影戏民俗,以及影戏和民俗的关系并没有给予应有的重视。
6)studying of shadow play影戏研究

影戏1.亦称"影灯戏"。用纸或皮剪作人物形象﹐以灯光映于帷布上操作表演的戏剧。 2.今亦指电影。