违宪,violation of the constitution
1)violation of the constitution违宪
1.Generally,violation of the constitution often means that the behaviors or the regulations violate the constitution.违宪,一般指违反宪法的行为。
2.The constitutive requirements of violation of the constitution is the norm of confirmation of violation of the constitution,which possess the basic theoretical value to constitution liability system,constitution remedy system and constitution practce.违宪构成是确定违宪的标准,对宪法责任制度、宪法救济制度及宪政实践具有基础性的理论价值。
3.There are many problems of violation of the constitution in The regulations of relocating urban housing, which are enforced by government department.目前房屋拆迁管理部门依据的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》存在诸多违宪之处。

1."But does it violate the Constitution?"但是这能构成违宪吗?”
2.Analysis of Unconstitutionality of the Bill of Property--Applying the Standard of the Constitutional Review;《物权法(草案)》违宪之再分析——违宪审查基准的运用
3.The Initiating Mechanism of Review of Constitutionality the Establishment And Improvement of the Complaint Right for Violation of Constitution;违宪审查的启动机制——论违宪申诉权之建立健全
4.An Inspiration for China s Construction of Unconstitutional Examination System from European Constitutional Courts;欧洲宪法法院给我国违宪审查制度建构的启示
5.The Course of Constitutionalism--The judicial review of the South Korea:the investigation of the system and background;宪政的历程——韩国违宪审查:制度与背景之考察
6.Investigation System of Violation of Constitution and Its Pattern Selection inJudicialization of Constitution;宪法司法化中的违宪审查制度及其模式选择
7.An Analysis on the Enforcement of the Chinese Constitution--On the examination system to the violation of the constitution;对我国宪法实施状态的分析——浅析违宪审查制度
8.It's the starting point to start the procedure of examination system for the whole action.违宪审查程序的启动是整个违宪审查活动的起点。
9.On the Generating Causes and Essence of the System of Review of Violating the Constitution;违宪审查的成因及属性探析——违宪审查制度建构的两个前提性问题
10.Inspiration from Interpretation of Constitution and Review of Constitutionality Case Before 1982 Constitution;1982年宪法以前的宪法解释与违宪审查案例之启示
11.Constitutional Restraints on the System of Constitutional Review of the US Federal Court--From the Perspective of Article Three of the US Federal Constitution美国联邦法院违宪审查的宪法限制——以《联邦宪法》第3条为视角
12.Such legislation is virtually per se unconstitutional.该立法实质上其本身就是违宪的。
13.US Appellate Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional美国上诉法院裁决效忠誓约违宪
14.On Survey and Perfection of Unconstitutional Review of China;中国违宪审查制度的审视与健全构想
15.A Comparison between Investigation System of Constitution Violation and its Practising Mode in USA,France and Germany;美、法、德违宪审查制度及实践模式比较
16.The Function of Constitutional Review during the Process of Transition in Eastern Europe;论违宪审查在东欧国家转型中的作用
17.“Property Rights(draft)”: Against the constitution or Not?;《物权法(草案)》违宪之争的理性解读
18.On the Judicial Review under the System of People s Congress;试论人民代表大会制度下的违宪审查

violation of constitution违宪
1.This article claims that the constitutional review procedure should be initiated by granting citizens right of petition in the case of violation of constitution, so as to defend the unity of l.在当代中国 ,《宪法》、《立法法》关于违宪审查的规定虽然不够完善 ,但毕竟初步建立起了违宪审查制度。
1.The constitution is more such, if there is some unconstitutional phenomenon without any good methods to solve it would be the biggest breakage to the authority of constitution.法律的生命就在于被遵守和被执行,宪法更是如此,如果有违宪现象的产生,但不能得到合理的解决,这就是对宪法权威的最大的破坏,其中规范性文件的违宪是一个更为重要的问题。
2.However,the NPC Standing Committee as legislator of Criminal Law amendment,which the action of changing Criminal Code by means of criminal law amendment could lead to suspicion of unconstitutional.但是,全国人大常委会作为刑法修正案的立法主体,其通过刑法修正案的方式对刑法典进行修改甚至制定新的罪名,却有违宪之嫌。
4)violation of constitution and law违宪违法
5)Judicial Review违宪审查
1.Chinese-style Judicialization Reform of Judicial Review of Constitution违宪审查司法化的中国式改造
2.In Egypt,the Supreme Constitutional Court exercises the power of judicial review.埃及的违宪审查属于专门机关审查模式,由最高宪法法院行使违宪审查权。
3.From the foreign experience, the democratic system of majority is the premise of the system of judicial review,but is a measure of protecting the rights of minority from the infringement of majority.从国外经验看,违宪审查制度是以多数人民主制度为前提,又用以对抗多数人民主对少数人权利的可能侵犯。
6)review of constitutionality违宪审查
1.Judicial Review:an Inevitable Choice for the Mode for the Review of Constitutionality;司法审查:我国违宪审查模式的必由选择
2.The Initiating Mechanism of Review of Constitutionality the Establishment And Improvement of the Complaint Right for Violation of Constitution;违宪审查的启动机制——论违宪申诉权之建立健全
3.American review of constitutionality is different from judicial examination.美国的违宪审查不能等同于司法审查,美国联邦主席同样享有在职权范围内解释宪法、进行违宪审查的权力,即行政审查。
