美国动画,American animation
1)American animation美国动画
1.With a history of a hundred years American animations has experienced the innumerable difficulties, and is maintaining the exuberant vitality continuously and the empire hegemonic position .已有百年历史的美国动画,尽管经历了无数风风雨雨,但它一直保持着旺盛的生命力,始终维护着帝国的霸主地位。
2.Through analysis to the naturalism formation, as well as to the naturalism to the artistic style development influence, to the US naturalism development and to the American animation influence, this article inquired about the in-depth esthetic value and the development power of the American animation, hoped for getting the enlightenment to the development of our national animation.本文通过对自然主义的形成,以及自然主义对艺术风格的发展影响,到美国自然主义的发展及其对美国动画影响等方面的分析,力图探寻美国动画的深层审美价值和发展动力,希冀能对我国动画业的发展有所启示。

1.The Development of China Animation Observing from The Animation of Japanese and The American;从日本和美国动画透视中国动画的发展
2.Features of Design Thought of Cartoon in America and Japan;美国动画与日本动画设计思维的几个特征
3.A Study on Cultural Orientation and Esthetic Value of American Animation;美国动画的文化取向及其审美价值研究
4.On the Post-modernistic Change in American Cartoon Movies;小议美国动画电影后现代主义美学转向
5.The Style of Stars and Model of Disney--The Model of American Cartoon s Revelation to Chinese Cartoon Industry;明星机制与迪斯尼模式——论美国动画片运作模式及对中国动画产业的启示
6.Movement,Life and Aesthetic Feeling Studying from China Line Drawing运动、生命、美感——从中国线描绘画谈起
7.The Formation and Aesthetic Connotation of National Characteristics of Chinese Animition;中国动画民族特性的形成及审美内涵
8.The Influence of the Cartoon From America and Japan onto the Chinese Youngsters;美、日动画片对我国青少年的文化影响
9.Sentimental and Illusion Appreciation on S. Korean cartoon MyBeautifulGirl,Mar-I;伤感与梦幻——评韩国动画片《美丽密语》
10.Balance between Criticism and Subversion--Probe into Aesthetic Style of French Animation批判与颠覆中的平衡美——法国动画美学风格探析
11.An Analysis of American and Japanese Animation s Content Designs,Concurrently Discussing the Chinese Animation s Creative Direction;浅析美日动画的内容设计兼论中国动画的创作方向
12.Jackson Pollock was an American painter who worked by splashing and dribbling paint on canvas.杰克逊·波洛克是一个用泼洒和颜料流动的方法作画的美国画家。
13.A Look at the Development of Chinese Animation Art Style from "The Legend of Nezha";从《哪吒传奇》看中国动画美术风格的发展
14.The Mental Activities and Their Functions of Aesthetic Attention in Appreciation of Chinese Painting;审美注意在中国画欣赏中的心理活动及其作用
15.American Culture and American Childhood Education from the "Dora" Animated Series从“朵拉”系列动画教育片看美国文化与儿童教育
16.A portrait of Mona Lisa by Nick Walker, where the Da Vinci icon is mocked up as Marge Simpson.尼克·科尔的蒙娜丽莎画像,画中这位达·奇的偶像被装扮成了美国著名的动画形象马吉·普森。
17.Facing this world, the Chinese animation education is however far arrear of Europe and America, Korea and Japan.面对这个世界,中国动画教育(特别是三维动画教育)却远远落后于欧美、韩国与日本。
18." Valiant" is an latest cartoon film that executed by the British Cartoon Studio and the American Cartoon Film Company of Disney.《战鸽快飞》是英国动画制作公司和美国迪斯尼公司联合推出的一部最新动画片。

American Animation Market美国动画市场
1.The Independent Adult Animation offers an experimental platform for the American Animation Market, and accelerates the creation, management and delamination of American animation production.独立成人动画为美国动画市场提供了实验的平台,有效地促进了美国动画产业的创作、经营与多元化发展。
3)Contemporary American cartoon美国当代动画片
4)American animation movies美国动画电影
1.Entering the 21st century,in the context of cultural globalization,American animation movies,which are based on the advanced technology,innovative ideas,and the mature industrial production,enjoy a good reputation in the whole world.进入21世纪,在文化全球化的语境中,美国动画电影凭借先进的技术、创新的理念和成熟的产业化制作享誉全球,动画电影已经成为美国举足轻重的类型片,动漫产业已经成为美国重要的支柱产业。
5)animation aesthetics动画美学
1.Art Assumption and Imaginative Possibility——The analysis on the mechanism of animation aesthetics;艺术假定性与想象可能性——动画美学衍生机制探析
6)Japanese and American animation日、美动画

美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)美国国家标准(见美国标准体系)national standards of USA: see standards system of America Meiguo guOJia bicozhun美国国家标准(national见美国标准体系。of USA)