意识形态国家机器,ideological state apparatuses
1)ideological state apparatuses意识形态国家机器
1.American government spreads "truths" in favor of the country’s interests through ideological state apparatuses(ISAs) in an effort to legalize the knowledge about the Vietnam War which they intend to convey to the public.美国政府通过意识形态国家机器传播有利于国家利益的"真理",把希望公众了解的越战信息戴上合法知识的面具,通过美化美国政府,歪曲、贬低越南,影响公众对越战的想象。

1.The Study to Althusser's Theory of Ideological State Apparatus阿尔都塞意识形态国家机器理论研究
2.Ideological State Apparatuses, Consumerism, and U.S. Capitalism: Lessons for the Left;意识形态国家机器、消费主义和美国资本主义:左派的教训
3.Relationship between the State and Education from the Perspective of Neo-Marxism--Roger Dale s View of Educational Ideological State Apparatus;西方马克思主义视域中的教育与国家关系——罗杰·戴尔的教育意识形态国家机器
4.Ideological and Political Education:As Ideology State Apparatus--Studies of a Meta-problem of Ideological and Political Education作为意识形态国家机器的思想政治教育——一个思想政治教育元问题研究
6.The Analysis of the Deviation and Conformity of the Civil Political Consciousness and State Ideology;公民政治意识和国家意识形态的背离与整合
7.State Ideology: On the Contemporary Interpretation of Marx and Engels Thought about Ideology;国家意识形态:马克思恩格斯意识形态思想的当代阐释
8.Dealing Reasonably with the Influence of Occidental Ideology on China西方国家的意识形态战略与中国的理性应对
9.Ideology and Ownership Structure of Enterprises in Developed Countries;发达国家的意识形态与公司所有权结构
10.On Harmony and Conflict between Confucian Ideology and Law in Traditional China;论传统中国儒家意识形态与法律的协调与冲突
11.The Issues of Ideology in Sino-Soviet Relations During 1949~1958;论1949~1958年中苏国家关系中的意识形态问题
12.The Effects of Ideological Differences in Northeast Asian Countries on the Regional Cooperation;东北亚国家意识形态差异对区域合作的影响
13.Research on the Architectural Art of the Ancient Greek National Ideology浅论古希腊国家意识形态下的建筑艺术
14.Analysis on the Deviation of the Civil Political Consciousness From the State Ideology;试析公民政治意识和国家意识形态背离的潜在性
15.The Theory of Marist Ideology and the Building of China Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与中国意识形态建设
16.Ideology theory and contemporary China s ideology theoretical research;意识形态理论与当代中国意识形态理论研究
17.No country should impose its ideology or development model on others任何国家都不能把自己的意识形态及发展模式强加给别的国家
18.From "Imaginary Community" to "Real Community" :The State Idea in The German Ideology;从“虚幻的共同体”到“真实的共同体”:《德意志意识形态》的国家观

ideological state apparatus意识形态国家机器
1.Althusser\'s theory of ideological state apparatus largely reflected in his book "Ideology and ideological state apparatus" of a text, but also scattered in some of his late works, including a number of manuscripts which are not published during his lifetime but were found after he died.阿尔都塞的意识形态国家机器理论除主要体现在他的著作《意识形态及意识形态国家机器》一文之外,还散见于他中后期的一些著作,包括生前未公开发表死后来才发现的一些手稿中。
2." The other one was ideological state apparatus.中国伶人家族因为职业关系,而被中国传统社会"隔离",从人身自由和人格精神多个方面对伶人进行了全面的"隔离"包围,主要包括婚姻、科举、服饰、社会行为、公共舆论等"隔离"方式,前四种"隔离"都是一种强力制度,属于国家机器范畴,"是在政治社会中实现强制",后一种"隔离"则是属于一种意识形态国家机器,"是在市民社会中建立权威"。
3)Ideological State Apparatuses (AIE)国家意识形态机器
4)the state ideology国家意识形态
1.The civil political consciousness and the state ideology belong to different layers of political consciousness,which therefore results in the deviation in them.公民政治意识和国家意识形态是属于不同层面的政治意识,由此会导致它们之间的背离。
2.October 19,1949 is the 13th anniversary of Lu Xun s death,at which time New China is just founded,cultural integration of the new regime has already begun,the speech way of the state ideology is being constructed,and an ideological transformation will be fully carried out.1949年10月19日,是鲁迅逝世13周年纪念日,此时为新中国成立的第一时间,新政权的文化整合已经开始,国家意识形态的话语方式正在建构,知识分子的思想改造即将全面进行。
5)state ideology国家意识形态
1.The civil political consciousness and the state ideology all belong to the category of political consciousness,but on the other hand they belong to different one.公民政治意识和国家意识形态都属于政治意识范畴,但它们又属于不同层面的政治意识范畴。
2.I study the beginning period of Stories (1963-1966) in terms of its relations with state ideology.对于创刊之初的《故事会》(1963-1966),本文主要从其与国家意识形态关系角度切入,探讨一体化时期代表国家意识形态的强制性政治话语的运作方式,以及这种强制性政治话语与民间话语叙事机制之间的相互摩擦、渗透、磨合乃至相互妥协的复杂关系。
3.There are three periods of developing process in Singapore\'s state ideology,namely political nationalist,developmentalism,and developmentalism with some liberal democratic values.新加坡的国家意识形态经历了政治民族主义、发展主义和具有一定自由民主价值的发展主义三个阶段。
6)The Security of National Ideology国家意识形态安全
