内聚焦,internal focalization
1)internal focalization内聚焦
1.The narration of the novel is centered by zero focalization,with some external focalization and much internal focalization.《宠儿》的叙事聚焦以零聚焦为主,偶尔让位于外聚焦,同时频繁地采用了内聚焦
2.Based on the stylistic analysis of Katherine Mansfield s Miss Brill , this article is intended to explore how the internal focalization manifested on the spatial and temporal plane as well as psychological and ideological plane in the story contributes to the unveiling of its theme.本文通过文本分析试图揭示内聚焦技巧在《布里尔小姐》中的若干叙事层面的运用与小说主题之间的关系。
3.This thesis attempts to use the theory of narrative focalization to analyze Plage,in which the whole development process of plage is factually unfolded to the resdes through zero focalization,internal focalization and external focalization.本文运用热拉尔·热奈特(Gérard Genette)的叙事聚焦理论分析加缪的《鼠疫》,通过零聚焦叙事、外聚焦叙事、内聚焦叙事三方面解读该文学作品,以此观察作者是如何把鼠疫的全过程真实地展现给读者的。

1.The author thinks that this two pieces of works are not of absolute objective external focalization, but of the multiple focalization-external, inner and zero focalization.其实这两篇小说并不是纯粹的外聚焦 ,而是内聚焦、外聚焦乃至零聚焦的混合体
2.On the Internal Focalization in Miss Brill;浅析《布里尔小姐》中的内聚焦技巧
3.A Probe into Application of Inner Focus to Feminine Novels and Its Cultural Connotations;内聚焦在女性小说中的运用及其文化意味探析
4.The Internal Focalized Narration in Ulysses: A Alienated Spiritual World;《尤里西斯》的内聚焦叙述:一个异化的精神世界
5.The Cubic Construction of the Internal Focalized Narration in Ulysses;《尤利西斯》中立体化内聚焦叙述方式的建构
6.On the inner-focusing narrative pattern of the first person in Bajin s novels;论巴金小说中的第一人称内聚焦叙事模式
7.The Preliminary Study of the Diagnosis of Barrett s Esophagus with Confocal Endomicroscopy;共聚焦内镜诊断Barrett食管的初步研究
8.On the Contents Design of Online Courses;聚焦网络课程教学设计中的“内容设计”
9.The Bioeffect of Focused Ultrasoud Near Feild on ECV304 in Vitro聚焦超声近场对体外内皮细胞ECV304生物学效应
10.Evaluation of confocal laser endomicroscopy for diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus in vivo共聚焦激光显微内镜对Barrett食管诊断价值的研究
11.Diagnosis of Atrophy Gastritis and Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia with Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in Vivo共聚焦激光显微内镜对萎缩性胃炎诊断价值
12.Detection of fluorescent material in arsenic-resistant cells with LSCM抗砷细胞内荧光物质激光共聚焦显微镜检测
13.Nursing Care for Patients Underging Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Examination共聚焦激光显微内镜检查术的护理配合
14.The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.会聚眼睛向内的协调转动,从而聚焦在近处的某物体上
15.autofocus zoom lens自动聚焦变焦距镜头
16.To adjust or come to a focus.使聚焦调整或达到焦点
17.Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy for Early Gastric Cancer and Gastric Intraepithelial Neoplasia共聚焦激光显微内镜对早期胃癌及胃上皮内瘤变的诊断价值
18.focus-coil assembly电磁聚焦组件;聚焦线圈系统;聚焦线圈系统

internal self-focusing内自聚焦
3)narrative of internal focus内聚焦叙事
4)shift of focalization不定内聚焦
5)internal focalized narration内聚焦叙述
1.The internal focalized narration in Ulysses takes the three protagonists as its focal characters,through their eyes and consciousness to percept the world.《尤利西斯》的内聚焦叙述,以三个主要人物为聚焦人物,通过人物的双眼和意识感知故事世界。
6)point of view of fixed inside focuses内聚焦视角

-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯CAS: 108-29-2 分子式: C5H8O2 分子质量: 100.12 沸点: 207-208℃ 熔点: -31-208℃ 中文名称: 4-戊内酯、γ-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯 英文名称: dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-Furanone、dihydro-5-methyl-2(3h)-furanon、4-hydroxypentanoic acid lactone、4-hydroxyvaleric acid lactone、4-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-valerolakton 性质描述: 无色至微黄色液体。凝固点-31℃,沸点205-206.5℃,83-84℃(1.73kPa),相对密度(25/25℃)1.0578,折光率(nD25)1.4301。能与水、许多有机溶剂、树脂和蜡等混溶。10%水溶液的pH为4.2。 生产方法: 由不饱和羧酸通过闭环反应来合成,例如乙酰乙酸与硫酸共热,或乙酰丙酸在镍、铜等催化剂存在下加氢。 用途: γ-戊内酯有较强的反应能力,可用作树脂溶剂及各种有关化合物的中间体。也用作润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子型表面活性剂的胶凝剂、加铅汽油的内酯类添加剂,用于纤维素酯和合成纤维的染色。γ-戊内酯具有香兰素和椰子香味。我国GB2760-86规定为允许使用的食用香料。主要用以配制桃、椰子、香草等型香精。