新好莱坞,New Hollywood
1)New Hollywood新好莱坞
1.The Aesthetics Characteristic of New Hollywood Film;论新好莱坞电影的美学特征
2.Combined with the literature, the society and the culture, "The Cross Section of American Film After world war Ⅱ: The Rebel Youth in the American Film" has discussed the perplexity and anger of juniority in the American film, including the BG film and the New Hollywood film.主要涉及的影片包括BG电影和“新好莱坞”电影。
3.The foundation of New Hollywood not only refreshed American film system but also saved the declining condition of film market at that time which was confronted by invasion of commercial.新好莱坞的确立,不仅使美国电影有了新的形制,挽回了在商业电视冲击和变动不居的社会文化思潮影响下电影市场不断滑坡的颓势,更前所未有的巩固并加强了美国商业电影在世界范围内的霸主地位,造就了全世界独一无二、庞大而有力的美国电影文化产业。
2)new Hollywood system新好莱坞体制
3)New Hollywood Movie新好莱坞电影
1.Hollywood Blockbuster: Display Week 2008 Comes to Los Angeles;好莱坞大片:2008显示周驾临洛杉矶
2.Hollywood and the spread of the American modern life style——Europe in 1920s as a case;好莱坞与美国现代生活方式的传播——以20世纪20年代的欧洲为例
3.The Shanghai "Gesture":Hollywood Exports a "Slanted" Image of China;上海“手势”:好莱坞全球市场输出与“扭曲”的中国形象

1.Hollywood Reporter好莱坞报道(美刊)
2.Tina: Yeah. A match made in Hollywood heaven!恩,这绝对是“好莱坞好莱坞设”的一对!
3.a constellation of Hollywood talent好莱坞的一群才俊.
4.Hollywood talents.好莱坞的演艺人才。
5.A current Hollywood producer said,好莱坞的一位制片人说,
6.cowboys and Hollywood films.牛仔和好莱坞电影闻名。
7.the tinsel and glamor of Hollywood好莱坞的浮华与诱惑力
8.Hollywood, California, USA美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞
9.Cloning is a hollywood-style term.克隆是好莱坞的用词。
10.Hollywood in China:1897-1950;好莱坞在中国:1897—1950年
11.Brad Pitt is my favorite Hollywood actor.布莱德彼特是我最喜爱的好莱坞演员。
12.America and Congress love Hollywood, because Hollywood is lovable.美国和国会都喜爱好莱坞,因为好莱坞是惹人爱的。
13.Chinese Hollywood Dream: Hollywood as an Acceptant History of Early Chinese Films;中国的好莱坞梦想——中国早期电影接受史里的好莱坞
14.Sure, Hollywood loves to feel good about itself.好莱坞一向自我感觉良好。
15.It looks like the houses in Hollywood.看起来好像是好莱坞的房子。
16.She is the most beautiful and skillful actress of Hollywood.她是好莱坞最漂亮、演技最好的女演员。
17.One such moment came when I went to Hollywood to break into the movies.我去好莱坞打入电影界的时刻到了。
18.In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.奥斯卡金像奖是好莱坞最高荣誉奖。

new Hollywood system新好莱坞体制
3)New Hollywood Movie新好莱坞电影
1.Hollywood Blockbuster: Display Week 2008 Comes to Los Angeles;好莱坞大片:2008显示周驾临洛杉矶
2.Hollywood and the spread of the American modern life style——Europe in 1920s as a case;好莱坞与美国现代生活方式的传播——以20世纪20年代的欧洲为例
3.The Shanghai "Gesture":Hollywood Exports a "Slanted" Image of China;上海“手势”:好莱坞全球市场输出与“扭曲”的中国形象
