情境意识,situation awareness
1)situation awareness情境意识
1.The traffic controller's situation awareness and aviation safety;空中交通管制员的情境意识与航空安全
2.Objective To develop event-based method for measuring air traffic controller s situation awareness(SA).目的提出基于事件的空中交通管制员情境意识的测量方法。
3.Two radar control simulation scenarios were created to examine the individual difference in air traffic controller situation awareness.51名管制学员参加两个模拟雷达管制任务情境的实验,采用主观评定法测量他们在执行任务时的情境意识,以考察情境意识的个体差异。

1.Situation Awareness: Approaches, Measures and Applications;情境意识的理论模型、测量及其应用
2.Representation, Context and Visual angel--Knowledge, Society and Ideology in the View of the Classical Sociology of Knowledge;表征、情境与视角:——古典知识社会学视野中的知识、社会与意识形态
3.On the Female Aesthetic Conscientiousness of Man of Letters in the Tang and Song Dynasties;点染红绿 情境自然——唐宋文人的女性审美意识
4.The Sense of Dimension and the Training of the Scene Recurrence of the Specialty of the Environment Art Designing;环境艺术设计专业中的空间意识与情境再现训练
5.Better Understanding the Situation and Improving the Situational Chemistry Teaching;深化对情境的认识,改进化学情境教学
6.In the new historical context, this consciousness of "Yuan Poetry" has also undergone a potential change.但在新的历史情境中,这种“元诗”意识也发生着潜在的变化。
7.On Mathematics "Situation-Problem" Teaching Cultivating the Mathematical Question Sense of Primary Pupils;数学“情境—问题”教学对小学生数学问题意识培养的探究
8.The Strategies and Experimental Researchs on the Stimulation of Creative Consciouness in Middle School Students by Constructing Teaching Situations;构建教学情境,激发中学生创新意识的策略与实验研究
9.Female Complex·Female·Femininity;女性情结·女性·女性意识——关于多元语境下对普希金文本的解读
10.On Situational Subconscious Representation--An Analysis of Hubert Dreyfus' Theory of Intelligence without Representation论情境化潜意识表征——评德雷福斯的无表征智能理论
11.The four ingredients of consciousness are awareness of consciousness,content of consciousness,intentionality of consciousness,and affection of consciousness.意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。
12.On the Senses of Ecology and Environment in Industrial Design;论工业设计中的生态意识与环境意识
13.Making Paintings Magnificently Conceived by Putting Affections on the Objects --My outlok on Artistic conceptions;缘物寄情 寓意于境——我的山水画意境观
14.A Research on Relationship between University Students Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior;大学生环境意识与环境行为关系研究
15.Ideology Predicanent and Outlet in Globalization Circumstance;论全球化境遇中意识形态困境与出路
16.Juvenile Environmental Education and conscious Cultivation;试论青少年环境教育与环境意识培养
17.the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion.有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。
18.Theoretical Nutrition for Affective Education Given by "Artistic Conception Theory";“意境说”给予情境教育的理论滋养

Information Consciousness情报意识
1.The article reviews the fact of the citation papers of the teachers and the usage of the electric resource database,discovers the reason that the information consciousness of teachers and students is so weaks and the information resour.文章考察了高校教师论文引文与师生利用电子资源数据库的实际,发现高校科研情报利用不足的原因主要是师生情报意识薄弱与情报源自有的技术缺陷,提出高校图书馆针对这些情况应有的情报服务对策是加强文献检索普及与特色数据库建设的力度。
2.The figure of patent application is affected by many elements,and information consciousness affects the patent application badly.专利申请量的多寡受着多种因素的影响,情报意识的强弱严重制约着专利申请。
3.So the present library,as the"treasure-house of ideas",how & what to do to meet the new challenge?This paper mainly analysed the existing situation and peculiarity of teacher users information consciousness and thus put forward some appropriate measures in order to enhance their information consciousness so as to ma.那么 ,作为人类“知识宝库”的图书馆 ,如何适应这一新形势 ?本文从情报工作的角度 ,结合实际 ,重点分析教师用户的情报意识现状以及特点 ,并提出相应措施 ,期望能对强化教师情报意识有所帮助 ,以充分发挥图书馆的情报职能 ,为更好地培养出大批高质量的合格人才发挥应有的作
3)information awareness情报意识
1.Importance and methods of cultivating the postgraduate students information awareness;研究生情报意识培养的重要性及其培养途径
4)sense of information情报意识
1.Based on the study of the features of editing and the quality of editors,the essay holds that the sense of information is the most important aspect of an editor’s quality,which enables him/her to properly discriminate information,knowledge and data.文章运用知识学、情报学的原理和方法对编辑工作和编辑的素质进行了研究 ,认为编辑的情报意识是编辑能够正确地鉴别信息、知识、情报及其价值的一种最重要的专业素质 ,编辑的这种情报意识始终贯穿于编辑工作的每个环节 ,并对做好编辑工作起着极为重要的作用 ;文章还对如何培养编辑的情报意识作了较为详细的论
2.The work of the reference room of the colleges and departments of the universities should strengthen the sense of information and co-work with the library.高校院系资料室工作 ,应在与图书馆工作相互配合的同时 ,强化情报意识 。
5)sad consciousness悲情意识
1.Many of her poems are full of sad consciousness;such sad consciousness originated from her own characteristic tragic.她的很多诗歌充满了悲情意识,这种悲情意识源于她自身的性格悲剧。
6)sympathetic consciousness同情意识
1.It can be seen that Eliot′s humanistic ideas include her sympathetic consciousness and her altruism.爱略特的人文主义思想主要包括她的同情意识和利他主义思想,这种人文主义思想与她从小所受的基督教信仰以及费尔巴哈、孔德等人的影响有关。

规定情境  戏剧表演、导演术语。指作家在剧本中为人物活动所规定的具体环境和实际情况以及艺术家们在二度创作中对剧本和演出所作的大量内容补充。这一术语由К.С.斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基首先提出。他在《演员自我修养》中解释了"规定情境"的涵义。规定情境有外部的和内部的两个方面。外部的情境就是剧本的事实、事件,也就是剧本的情节、格调,剧中生活的外部结构和基础。这是演员创作所必须依据的一切客观条件的概括,也是形成人物性格的各种外因的根据。内部情境是指内在的人的精神生活情境,包括人的生活目标、意向、欲望、资质、思想、情绪、情感特质、动机以及对待事物的态度等等,它包含了角色精神生活和心理状态的所有内容。内部规定情境是演员创作所要依据的一切主观条件的概括,也是展示人物性格的各种内因的根据。外部情境与内部情境之间往往有着直接的、内在的联系,不可能把它们分割开来。    演员在创造角色的过程中,必先分析全剧及其规定情境:人物所处的环境、情况、人物关系、人物的精神生活和心理状态(如生活目标、意向、欲望、动机、思想、情感等)。根据演员本人的生活经验,在想象中站到剧中人物的地位上,假设出人物"此时"、"此地"所处的具体境况和特殊遭遇,以激发人物应有的自我感觉,来合理安排人物的行动和生活,充实和深化剧本的规定情境,从而进入良好的创作境界。