哲理思考,philosophical thinking
1)philosophical thinking哲理思考
1.Ling qingxuan expanded the scale of the theme,created new models of the prose,deepened the philosophical thinking of the prose.得益于佛教的智慧,林清玄扩大了散文的题材范围,创造了新的散文范式,加深了散文的哲理思考,增强了散文的悠远感和超越感。
2)philosophical thinking哲学思考
1.This paper compares their philosophical thinking of existing dilemma and the different road to redemption,pre- sents the ideal that occur in common ultimate solicitude to people of distinguished novelists in different nations.大江健三郎和史铁生都是有着浓厚哲学气质的小说家,文章通过两人对生存困境的哲学思考,以及各自所寻找的拯救之路的异同进行比较,展现了不同民族的卓越文学家对人类共同的终极关怀。
2.When choosing dissertation s tides and writing dissertations,some graduates in science of en- gineering are short of philosophical thinking,and can not catch.笔者针对工学硕士研究生在选择论文题目和学位论文写作过程中较普遍存在的哲学思考欠缺、站住偏低的现象进行了初步分析与探讨。
3.He believes that the university should emphasize both teaching and research and that the university teachers and students should be engaged in philosophical thinking and interact with each other through equal communication for the proper handling of the fact and pursuit of the truth.雅斯贝尔斯是德国存在主义哲学家和教育家,他认为大学应教学与研究并重,重视人的精神生活,并以人的生成为最终目的;大学师生应从事哲学思考,并通过相互间的平等交往来相互沟通互动,以此来实现对事实的把握和对真理的追求。

1.Return to Marx--Pondering over the teaching reform of the course principles of marxism;读懂马克思——“马克思哲学原理”课教学的哲学思考
2.A Philosophical Reflection on System Thinking and Strategic Thinking;关于系统思想与战略思维的哲学思考
3.Philosophic Thinking about“Three Represents Theory”;学习“三个代表”重要思想的哲学思考
4.Philosophical Reflections on Building Marxist Man Study;建构马克思主义人学理论的哲学思考
5.On the Philosophical Bases of Developing University Students Creative Ability of Thought;培养大学生创新思维能力的哲学思考
6.Philosophy: Loves the wisdom, or loves the knowledge?--And on Validity of Chinese Philosophy;爱智慧的哲学思考——兼论中国哲学的合法性
7.A Philosophy Thinking about Constructing the Party Ideologically;关于“着重从思想上建设党”的哲学思考
8.Philosophical Thinking of Huyuan s Educational Thought of "Understanding the System to Achieve Use;胡瑗“明体达用”教育思想的哲学思考
9.The Philosophical Reflection of Marxist "Keeping Pace with the Times;马克思主义“与时俱进”之哲学思考
10.Relation,comparison and introspection --Philosophical consideration of quality education;相关·比较·反思——对素质教育的哲学思考
11.Philosophical Viewpoints about "Three Representatives" of the Jiang Ze-min;关于江泽民“三个代表”思想的哲学思考
12.Philosophical Reflections on the Problems in College English Teaching;对大学英语教学几个问题的哲学思考
13.A Philosophical Approach to Traditional Mathematics and Its Mechanization;由传统数学到数学机械化的哲学思考
14.Philosophy as Philosophy:Contemplation on the Nature of Philosophy as a Branch of Science;哲学作为哲学——对哲学学科性质的思考
15.A person who lives and thinks according to a particular philosophy.哲人,贤哲按某一特定哲学生活和思考的人
16.Thinking the Integration of TCP with Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学与中国哲学相结合的思考
17.Thoughts Triggered by the Discussions of Marx s Philosophical Thinking in His Late Years;马克思晚年哲学思想争论引起的思考
18.An Idea of the Innovation in Teaching the Philosophy;关于马克思主义哲学教学改革的思考

philosophical thinking哲学思考
1.This paper compares their philosophical thinking of existing dilemma and the different road to redemption,pre- sents the ideal that occur in common ultimate solicitude to people of distinguished novelists in different nations.大江健三郎和史铁生都是有着浓厚哲学气质的小说家,文章通过两人对生存困境的哲学思考,以及各自所寻找的拯救之路的异同进行比较,展现了不同民族的卓越文学家对人类共同的终极关怀。
2.When choosing dissertation s tides and writing dissertations,some graduates in science of en- gineering are short of philosophical thinking,and can not catch.笔者针对工学硕士研究生在选择论文题目和学位论文写作过程中较普遍存在的哲学思考欠缺、站住偏低的现象进行了初步分析与探讨。
3.He believes that the university should emphasize both teaching and research and that the university teachers and students should be engaged in philosophical thinking and interact with each other through equal communication for the proper handling of the fact and pursuit of the truth.雅斯贝尔斯是德国存在主义哲学家和教育家,他认为大学应教学与研究并重,重视人的精神生活,并以人的生成为最终目的;大学师生应从事哲学思考,并通过相互间的平等交往来相互沟通互动,以此来实现对事实的把握和对真理的追求。
3)philosophic thinking哲学思考
1.Philosophic Thinking on the Case Teaching;关于案例教学的哲学思考
2.This paper discusses the concept and meaning of sustainable development, and the philosophic thinking caused by sustainable development, and dialectically expounds that the kernel of sustainable development is the development.分析、论证了可持续发展的概念、意义以及所引发的哲学思考,辨证地阐述了可持续发展的核心是发展。
4)Philosophy thought哲学思考
1.Philosophy Thoughts on Globlization;关于全球化问题的哲学思考
2.And its psychological awakening of individual life mainly originates from poets and individual philosophy thoughts, as serve for deep soul of existing of human being and also is singular.从心理意义上看,它的个体生命意识的觉醒,主要来自诗人们富有个性的哲学思考,思考人的存在的强大灵魂,是独特的。
5)philosophical thought哲学思考
1.Philosophical thought of the problem of librarian s spiritual phenomena;图书馆员精神现象问题的哲学思考
2.Philosophical Thought on Historical Orientation of Corruption Combating during the Times of Social Transformation;对转型期反腐倡廉工作历史方位的哲学思考
3.On the philosophical thought of recognizing,attracting and using talents in enterprises;企业人才识别、吸引和使用问题的哲学思考
6)philosophical reflection哲学思考
1.Philosophical Reflection on the Relations between Ethnic Problems and National Security;民族问题与国家安全关系的哲学思考
2.Philosophical Reflection on the Relationship between Man and Nature;人与自然关系的哲学思考
