1.Research on Output, Composition and Disposal Countermeasures of Municipal Domestic Waste in Shanghai City;上海生活垃圾产生量、组成特性及处置对策研究
2.Influence Factors Investigate on Output and Component of Municipal Solid Waste in China Cities;国内大中城市生活垃圾产生量与成分的影响因素分析
3.Study on the Output Forecast of Waste Edible Oil in Shanghai;上海废弃食用油脂产生量预测研究
1.Methane production, oxidation, transportation rate and pool in sediments of an Avicennia marina mangrove at Dongyu, Xiamen;厦门东屿白骨壤林土壤甲烷的产生量、氧化量、传输率与库量
2.Through an analysis of the status quo of the production of urban refuse from urban areas and city\|country bordering areas as well as the factors affecting the production in Beijing and based on the environmental and sanitation planning in Beijing,two methods,i.通过对北京市城市和城乡结合部地区生活垃圾产生量现状,以及影响垃圾产生量因素的分析,根据北京市环卫管理规划,运用多元线性回归分析和类比分析法综合预测分析了北京市2002—2007年的生活垃圾产生量
3.The calculation formulas of leachate treatment scale and volume of regulating tank were conducted based on the calculation formula of leachate production.根据渗沥液产生量计算公式推导出渗沥液处理规模、渗沥液调节池容积的计算公式。
1.Estimation for Leachate Quantity at Waste Landfill Site;垃圾填埋场渗滤液产生量的估算
1.This paper introduces information on current status and countermeasures of living refuse,its generation,composition and calorific value Based on composition and calorific value,this paper considers that composting and resource recovery will be gradually taken as major refuse disposal measures, while incineration should be reduced as much as possibl本文介绍了成都市生活垃圾的现状与对策,包括近几年生活垃圾的产生量、组成和热值。
5)yield production产量生产
1.Progress on research of rice population was summarized, which includes yield production,grain filling,source sink characteristic and optimizing control on rice population.分群体产量生产、群体籽粒充实、群体源库特征和群体优化调控等 4个方面 ,对我国水稻群体研究的新进展进行了综述 ,并提出了未来水稻群体研究的 10个方

1.A number of things produced; output.产出,产量生产的东西的数量
2.The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.生产量生产的数量,特别是一座工厂的产量
3.planned throughput计划生产量(生产能力)
4.A total amount produced during a given period; output.产量在既定期间内生产出的产品总量;生产量
5.lifetime average(产奶量) 终生平均
6.Assume that Solarwind Company makes two products: Product A and Product B. The Product A is a high volume product, and the Product B is a low volume product.假定太阳风公司生产A、B两种产品。产品A产量高,产品B产量低。
7.The quantity produced as the result of one operation:一次操作所生产的数量,即一次生产量。
8.Control the total output of mineral primary products.控制矿产品等初级加工产品生产总量。
9.Assets are assets that generate future cash flow.资产是用资产产生的未来现金流量.
10.Current twig and leaf productions are obtained directly from the biomass values.活枝生产量和叶生产量可直接来自生物量。
11.Production Practice of Improving 90m~2Sintering Output and Quality90m~2烧结机提高产量和质量生产实践
12.Develop production according to need( e. g. productivity, safety, quality, through put times etc).根据要求(生产力、全、量及生产进度等)展生产工作。
13.Perform output, efficiency, yield and production related performance index analysis, initiate control and improvement action.完成对生产量和生产效率的分析,以促进生产.
14.Production processes may be divided into unit production, with small quantities being made, and mass production, with large numbers of the same kind of parts being produced .生产过程可分为小批生产,即少量生产,和大批生产,即大量生产同类产品。
15.Cooperate with production department, work together for the through put and quality.协调与生产部门的工作,保证产品的产量与质量.
16.The production of cold involves the production of liquefied gases.冷量生产涉及到液化气的生产。
17.Dependable production is just as important as the magnitude of output.可靠的生产和巨大生产量一样重要。
18.To manufacture or create economic goods and services.大量生产生产或制造有经济价值的产品或劳务

1.Methane production, oxidation, transportation rate and pool in sediments of an Avicennia marina mangrove at Dongyu, Xiamen;厦门东屿白骨壤林土壤甲烷的产生量、氧化量、传输率与库量
2.Through an analysis of the status quo of the production of urban refuse from urban areas and city\|country bordering areas as well as the factors affecting the production in Beijing and based on the environmental and sanitation planning in Beijing,two methods,i.通过对北京市城市和城乡结合部地区生活垃圾产生量现状,以及影响垃圾产生量因素的分析,根据北京市环卫管理规划,运用多元线性回归分析和类比分析法综合预测分析了北京市2002—2007年的生活垃圾产生量
3.The calculation formulas of leachate treatment scale and volume of regulating tank were conducted based on the calculation formula of leachate production.根据渗沥液产生量计算公式推导出渗沥液处理规模、渗沥液调节池容积的计算公式。
1.Estimation for Leachate Quantity at Waste Landfill Site;垃圾填埋场渗滤液产生量的估算
1.This paper introduces information on current status and countermeasures of living refuse,its generation,composition and calorific value Based on composition and calorific value,this paper considers that composting and resource recovery will be gradually taken as major refuse disposal measures, while incineration should be reduced as much as possibl本文介绍了成都市生活垃圾的现状与对策,包括近几年生活垃圾的产生量、组成和热值。
5)yield production产量生产
1.Progress on research of rice population was summarized, which includes yield production,grain filling,source sink characteristic and optimizing control on rice population.分群体产量生产、群体籽粒充实、群体源库特征和群体优化调控等 4个方面 ,对我国水稻群体研究的新进展进行了综述 ,并提出了未来水稻群体研究的 10个方
6)output rate产量,生产率

成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系  【成交且、未平仓合约,与价格的关系】成交量和未平仓合约量的变化会对期货价格产生影响,期货价格变化也会引起成交t和未平仓量的变化。因此,分析三者的变化,有利于正确预测期货价格走势。 1.成交t、未平仓合约里增加,价格上升,表示新买方正大t收购,近期内价格还可能继续上涨。 2.成交t、未平仓合约t减少,价格上升,表示卖空者大t补货平仓,价格短期内向上,但不久将可能回落。 3.成交t增加,价格上升,但未平仓合的t减少,说明卖空者和买空者都在大t平仓,价格马上*下映。 4.成交t、未平仓t增加,价格下肤,农明卖空者大t出咨合的,短期内价格还可能下跌,但如抛省过度,反可能使价格上升。 5.成交t、未平仓t减少,价格下肤,农明大t买空者急于卖货平仓,姐期内价格将峨续下降。 6.成交量增加、未平仓量和价格下跌,表明卖空者利用买空者卖货平仓导致价格下跌之际陆续补货平仓获利,价格可能转为回升。 从上分析可见,在一般情况下,如果成交量、未平仓量与价格同向小幅变化,则其价格趋势可继续维持一段时间;如两者与价格反向变化时,价格走势可能转向。当然,这还需结合不同的价格形态作进一步的具体分析。