1.Influence of microwave pretreatment on activated sludge structure and dewaterability;微波辐射预处理对污泥结构及脱水性能的影响

1.Affecting Factors of Sludge-thickening and Dewatering in Water-Supply Plant;自来水厂污泥浓缩脱水性能影响因素
2.Water Distribution and Dewatering Performance of the Hydrothermal Conditioned Sludge水热改性污泥的水分布特征与脱水性能研究
3.Study on Sludge Filter Dewatering Property in Municipal Swage Treatment Plant;城市污水处理厂污泥过滤脱水性能的试验研究
4.inertial discharge centrifuge惯性卸料离心脱水机
5.Studies on Slurribility and Desulfurization Characteristics of Desulfurized Coal Water Slurry;脱硫型水煤浆的成浆和脱硫特性研究
6.Desulfurization Performance of Modified Activated Carbon on the Condition of Desorbing by Water水涤脱附条件下改性活性炭脱硫性能研究
7.Study on Separation of Rethreshed Stripped Mixtures and Their Cleaning Characteristics for Rice;水稻梳脱混合物复脱分离、清选特性的研究
8.Experimental Study on Adsorption of Modified Montmorillonite for Phenol, Ammonia-Nitrogen and Coking Waste Water;改性蒙脱石脱酚脱氨效果及其处理焦化废水的试验研究
9.Study on Dessication Tolerance and Storage Behavior of Cinnamomum Camphora (Linn.) Presl Seed樟树种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性研究
10.Study on Settling/dewatering Properties and Morphological Conditioning Characteristics of Sludge from a Water Treatment Plant;净水厂排泥水浓缩脱水特性及调质形态学研究
11.In the slurry dewatering test with commercial scale of Belt Press Filter, slurry went out the belt when it passed through the pressure area.在带式压滤机脱水工业性试验中,污泥从压力脱水区带两侧外溢。
12.The Study on the Catalytic Activities of Complex Metal Oxides Derived from HTLcs in the Dehydration and Dehydrogenization of Isopropyl Alcohol;类水滑石衍生复合金属氧化物对异丙醇脱氢脱水催化活性的研究
13.Study on the Process of Coal Gangue Dewatering with the Bypass and the Activity of the Dewateringcoal Gangue;旁路放风合并煤矸石脱水工艺与脱水煤矸石活性的研究
14.The Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrotalcites and Studies on Atalytic Activities of the Derived Composite Oxides;水滑石的合成、表征及衍生复合氧化物对乙醇脱水、脱氢催化活性
15.Study on the Bactericidal Performance of Polyquaternary Ammonium Salt in Raw Water Turbidity-Removal原水脱浊中聚季铵盐的杀菌性能研究
16.Study on Activated Sludge Treatment of Effluents in Waste Paper Deinking Process废纸脱墨废水活性污泥处理工艺研究
17.Electrochemistrical decolorization of C.I.Reactive black KN-B simulated wastewater活性黑KN-B染料模拟废水电化学脱色
18.Catalytic dehydration of ethanol to ethylene on HZSM-5 zeolites modified by rare earth稀土改性HZSM-5催化乙醇脱水制乙烯

1.This article carried on 4 groups to the strong sulfuric acid hygroscopicity and the dehydration property to test.本文对浓硫酸的吸水性和脱水性进行了4组实验,成功地利用微型化实验的手段对浓硫酸溶于水,浓硫酸吸收水分,浓硫酸与纸屑、棉花、木屑和蔗糖的反应进行了设计。
2.This article confirmed the strong sulfuric acid to have the dehydration property and the strong oxidized characteristic by the strong sulfuric acid reacting with the sucrose.从浓硫酸与蔗糖的反应,验证了浓硫酸具有脱水性和强氧化性的特性,同时成功地利用微型化学实验手段将浓硫酸的性质和反应产物的检验进行一体化实验。
3)dewatering performance脱水性能
1.Through determining the specific resistance of sludge to evaluate the dewatering performance,the feasibility and economy of disposing the dredged sediment from a lake in Wuhan by mechanical dewatering method were discussed.通过测定污泥比阻值来评价污泥的脱水性能,探讨采用机械脱水的方法处理武汉某湖泊疏浚底泥的可行性和经济性。
2.The flocculating and dewatering performances of sludge with ultrasonic pretreatment were tested.为确定超声预处理对污泥脱水性能的影响,在固定频率为25 kHz、不同声强及作用时间下,考察和比较了超声预处理前后污泥结合水及过滤比阻的变化,并就超声预处理污泥的絮凝脱水性能进行了相关测试。
1.Dehydration behaviours of phenol formaldehyde resin-borate hydrogels were studied by the measurement of dehydration proportions.利用凝胶脱水率的测定,研究了甲阶酚醛树脂/硼酸盐水凝胶的脱水性能。
1.The influence of bioleaching on dewaterability of municipal sewage sludge;生物沥浸处理对城市污泥脱水性能的影响研究
2.Enhancing dewaterability of municipal sewage sludge through the combined approaches of bioleaching and Fenton reaction不同能源物质配合及化学强化对生物沥浸法提高城市污泥脱水性能的效果
3.This paper analyses EPS's effect on floceulation,settleability,dewaterability and metal absorbing in sludge treatment system.分析了EPS在污泥处理系统中对污泥的絮凝性能、沉降性能、脱水性能及重金属吸附性的影响。
6)dehydration property脱水性能
1.Studies on the enhancement of dehydration property of tannery sludge by bioleaching technique.;生物淋滤法提高制革污泥脱水性能的研究

高渗透性脱水分子式:CAS号:性质:以水的丧失为主、电解质失去相对少的脱水症状。一般每丢失1L体液,甲时丧失的电解质在300mg渗量(osmotic equivalent)以下,甲而细胞外液渗透压高于正常。其特点是:(1)体液的浓度窄高,血浆浓度增高,常大于150mg渗量几;(2)细胞外液和内液减少,体重明显减轻;(3)患者常为唾液少、汗少、尿少及尿比重高。