1.Experimental study on the treatment of chrysophenine dyeing wastewater by UV/Fenton reagent;UV/Fenton试剂法处理直接冻黄染料废水的实验研究
2.Experimental study on the chrysophenine with UV/ferric oxalate;UV/草酸铁络合物处理直接冻黄染料的实验研究
3.Study on decolouration of simulated chrysophenine dye wastewater by Mg/Al layer double hydroxides层状氢氧化镁铝对直接冻黄的脱色性能研究

1.Study on decolouration of simulated chrysophenine dye wastewater by Mg/Al layer double hydroxides层状氢氧化镁铝对直接冻黄的脱色性能研究
2.direct-expansion refrigerating plant直接蒸发式冷冻装置
3.fluid contact freezing液体制冷剂直接接触冻结
4.Direct Transfer of Vitrified Sheep Embryos;绵羊玻璃化冷冻胚胎直接移植试验研究
5.Caution: Direct contact with liquid may cause chemically-resistant clothing to freeze, become brittle, and crack.警告:同液体的直接接触会导致化学防护服冻结、变脆和破裂。
7.Instead of building directly over permafrost, they chose to build some parts on high bridges.他们不在冻土上直接修筑铁路,而是选择某些部份盖在高架桥上。
8.Study on Novel Direct Cover Vitrification for Rat Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Autotransplantation大鼠卵巢组织直接覆盖式玻璃化冷冻保存和自体移植的研究
9.Study on ways of direct colorimetric assay of boric and borax in frozen food冷冻食品中硼酸及硼砂的直接比色测定方法探讨
10.a yellow jelly fungus.一种黄色的果冻菌类。
11.The Establishment of Direct Competition ELISA and Non-toxic System of AFM;黄曲霉毒素M_1直接竞争ELISA与无毒体系的建立
12.Spectrophotometry to Directly Measure Tartrazine and Ponceat 4R of Beverage;分光光度法直接测定饮料中的柠檬黄和胭脂红
13.A Technological Investigation of the Production of Manganese Sulfate Using Soft Manganese Extract and Sulfuric Iron Ore in Sulfuric Acid;软锰矿——黄铁矿直接酸浸生产硫酸锰的工艺研究
14.The Research on Physiological Changes of Cotyledons of the Decapitated Cucumber Seedlings During Flowering;去顶黄瓜苗直接成花期间子叶生理变化的研究
15.Kinematic Analysis of HUANG Xu s Round off 1/2 Turn into Kasamatsu Stretched in Horse Vault;黄旭跳马踺子跳转180°接直体笠松的运动学分析
16.Effect of organic solvents to the solubility of direct yellow liquid dye有机溶剂对直接黄液体染料溶解度的影响
17.Determination of the Flavor Components of Yellow Water by GC Direct Injection Method直接进样气相色谱法测定黄水的主要组分
18.Does anyone care if I go ahead and open the meeting until Mr. Huang gets here?如果我直接开始主持会议,直到黄先生到来,各位介意吗?

Chloraxol Yellow CG直接冻黄 G
3)Direct Yellow G直接冻黄G
4)2,2'-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)azo]-benzenesulfonic aci disodi直接冻黄GX
5)fast cooling method直接冻存法
1.The result indicated that the suitable method of cryopreservation was fast cooling method,the survival of cryopreserved pollen were significantly affected by the method and time of dehydration.采用直接冻存法和程序冻存法对豫杂一号泡桐花粉进行超低温保存研究。
6)direct yellow R直接黄R
1.The photocatalytic degradation of direct yellow R dye with natural manganese mineral particle has been investigated.利用廉价的天然锰矿作光催化剂,在常温常压下光催化降解直接黄R染料废水。

直接黄棕 D3G分子式:C31H22N8Na2O6S分子量:680.69CAS号:暂无性质:棕色粉状物。溶于水呈橙棕色,也溶于乙醇,微溶于丙酮和溶纤素,不溶于其他有机溶剂。遇浓硫酸呈暗红色紫至紫黑色,稀释后呈棕色;遇浓硫酸部分溶解呈红棕至橙棕色。其水溶液加10%氢氧化钠呈黄棕色。对纤维素纤维染色,染料吸尽性尚好,温度在100℃亲合力最大,拔染性好。对硬水较敏感。制备方法:以对氨基苯磺酸钠、间苯二胺、水杨酸和联苯胺为基本原料。对氨基苯磺酸钠经重氮化后,与音苯二胺进行偶合,得到偶合物(Ⅰ)。联苯胺重氮化后,马为联欢苯胺重氮盐。而后用联苯胺重氮盐与水杨酸和偶合(Ⅰ)进行双偶合,然后经盐析,过滤及干燥而得产品。原料消耗(kg/t)联苯胺(100%) 155水杨酸 130对氨基苯磺酸钠(100%) 215间苯二胺(100%) 98亚硝酸钠 190盐酸(31%) 300纯碱(工业) 330硫酸(100%) 290氢氧化钠(100%) 300精盐 1550用途:主要用于棉、麻、粘胶等纤维素纤维织物的染色,也可用于蚕丝、锦纶、粘/锦混纺织物的染色。还可用于纸张、皮革的染色。