1.To increase the production of each well of the s and gas reservoir for Upper Palaeozoic Erathem in Changqing oil field,aiming to the problems of low pressure and low permeability,the in house integrated stud y and field test have been conducted systematically since the Ninth "5 year pl an".自“九五”以来 ,长庆油田从提高上古生界砂岩气藏单井产量的目标出发 ,围绕低压、低渗技术难点 ,系统开展了室内综合研究与现场试验 ,并进行了CO2 压裂、大规模压裂现场试验等 ,使压裂改造理论研究与现场施工技术水平进一步提高 ,基本形成了“地质评价 ,室内试验 ,支撑剂、压裂液体系优选 ,优化设计 ,实时监测与质量控制 ,压后评估”配套技术模式 ,在长庆气田大发展过程中发挥了重要的技术支撑作用。
2.This thesis discusses the ChangQing Petroleum Bureau’s integration of oil-field chemistry industry in order to for.本文研究的目的在于生产油田化学品的各长庆石油勘探局油田化工企业如何通过进一步的重组,充分发挥长庆地区的资源优势,形成大型的油田化工企业,以达到优化配置资源,增强企业竞争力的目的。

1.Note: The value added of industry included the data of Changqing oil field.注:工业增加值中含长庆油田甘肃部分。
2.Research on the Incentive Plan about the Subunit in the Changqing Bureau;长庆局二级单位管理者激励方案设计
3.The Study of Production Capability Construction Project Management in PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;长庆油田公司产能建设项目管理研究
4.Appraisement on Operrating Benifet for Jing-xian Pipeline of Chang-qing;长庆靖咸输油管道运营效益评价研究
5.A Research on the Corporate Cultural Building of the Changqing Well Construction Company;长庆钻井总公司的企业文化建设研究
6.The Analysis and Selection of Cpeb's Organization;长庆石油勘探局组织机构分析与选择
7.Research of Internal Finance Control of Changqing Bureau Abroad Project;长庆局海外项目的内部财务控制研究
8.The Study on Financial Early-warning System for Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau;长庆局建立企业财务预警系统的研究
9.Study on the Diversification Development Strategy of Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau;长庆石油勘探局多元化发展战略研究
10.Study and Design of Chanqing Intranet Networks Administration System;长庆企业网网络管理系统研究与设计
11.On the Mental Changes of Bai Juyi towards the End of the Throne of Emperor Li Chun and at the Beginninng of the Throne of Emperor Li Heng;论元和末、长庆初白居易之精神裂变
12.the carnival period was extended,庆祝狂欢节的时间长了,
13.Tonight there will be a tribal ceremonial of great importance to mark the chief 's birthday今晚有一项重要的部族庆典,庆祝酋长的生日
14.Tonight there will is a tribal ceremonial of great importance to mark the chief's birthday.今晚有一项重要的部族庆典,庆祝酋长的生日。
15.Attended the102 nd Anniversary Dinner of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.会长谢庆土及副会长卢成全出席吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华工商总会庆祝成立102周年会庆晚宴。
16.Chongqing Everlasting Rolling Shutter Products Co., Ltd.重庆天长卷闸制品有限公司
17.In February 1982, Master Sugehara passed away.管原惠庆长老于1982年2月仙逝。
18.Text: Mayor Wang Shunsheng attended the ceremony.【正文】顺生市长参加了开工庆典。

Changqing gas field长庆气田
1.Application of Neutron-Density Overlapping to Identify Gas Reservoir in Changqing Gas Field;中子-密度重叠识别气层法在长庆气田的应用
2.Single-point testing" empirical productivity formula and test conditions for gas wells in Lower Paleozoic of Changqing gas field;长庆气田下古生界气井单点法经验产能公式及测试条件研究
3.Reservoir description of Lower Paleozoic in Changqing gas field during exploitation phase;长庆气田下古生界气藏开发阶段储集层描述方法
3)Changqing Gasfield长庆气田
1.All these problems in Changqing Gasfield are caused by the natural .为了提高天然气贸易计量的准确度,通过对各类流量计的性能优选,长庆气田2003年在“西气东输”天然气贸易计量系统中首次尝试应用Instromet、Daniel两种气体超声流量计,并开展孔板流量计的对比分析研究,大大提高了贸易计量管理水平及贸易计量准确度,取得了较好的应用效果及经验。
2.In addition to a brief introduction on current worldwide applications of downhole choker, the alcohol injection process by high-pressure gas collection in Changqing Gasfield and the serious plugging phenomena in some gas wells and gas collecting pipelines were analyzed in this paper.在简要介绍井下节流技术在国内外应用现状的基础上,针对长庆气田采用高压集气集中注醇工艺流程、部分气井及集气管线在生产运行过程中暴露出堵塞严重等问题,通过大量室内性能试验研究,对卡瓦式井下节流器及配套工具进行了改进完善,研发了预置工作筒式井下节流器,开展了室内试验研究和6口井的现场试验。
3.To avoid the formation of natural gas hydrate, Changqing Gasfield adopted the solution of methanol injection from the wellhead and central treatment of sewage produced by individual well via methanol recycle facility.冬季为了防止天然气水合物的形成,长庆气田采用了井口注醇的措施并通过甲醇回收装置对单井产污水进行集中处理。
4)Changqing oil fields长庆油田
1.Two retarded micellar acids are prepared from a commercial wax deposits remover,KY-3,which is widely used in Changqing Oil Fields,two concentrated acids,W-P and W-I,and a selected surfactant,RJH-103,on the basis of phase diagraphs:ZHJ-1(with W-P) for removing reservoir blockage in oil production wells and ZHJ-3-in water injection wells.基于三角相图方法,由长庆油田广泛使用的清蜡剂KY-3、专门配制的两种浓缩醚W-P和W-I及筛选出的表面活性剂RJII-103配制出了运用于油井解堵的胶束醚ZHJ-1和适用于注水井解堵的胶束酸ZHJ-3,浓缩酸W-I为解堵剂ZHJ-4。
2.To solve trouble problems of salts precipitations in reservoirs in Changqing Oil Fields, a scale removing compound, CQ-1, is developed.研制成功了由主螯合剂、铁螯合剂、表面活性剂、分散剂及pH调节剂等成份组成的清垢剂CQ-1,针对长庆油田采油井的不同结垢情况开发了一套使用CQ-1的化学清垢技术,在16口采油井的现场试验中获得了100%的经济成功率。
5)ChangQing oilfield长庆油田
1.Application of EILog-05 logging system in ChangQing oilfield;EILog-05成套测井装备在长庆油田的应用
2.Study and Application of PDC Bits Suitable for Longdong Area of Changqing Oilfield;适用于长庆油田陇东地区的PDC钻头研发与应用
3.Application of MITMTT Combination Technology for Casing Detection in Changqing Oilfield;MIT-MTT组合套损检查技术在长庆油田的应用
6)Daqing placanticline大庆长垣
1.Oil sources of Fuyang oil formation in Qijia Sag and Daqing Placanticline,Songliao Basin;松辽盆地齐家凹陷与大庆长垣扶杨油层油源
2.Changing Rules of Well Log Interpretation Permeability in Different Period in Daqing Placanticline;大庆长垣不同时期测井解释渗透率变化规律探讨
3.A Quantitive Analysis of the Nature Gas Accumulation Conditions in the West of Daqing placanticline;大庆长垣以西天然气成藏条件定量分析
