生态地质学,ecological geology
1)ecological geology生态地质学
1.The Kernel of ecological geology is dynamic balance of ecological system centreing around human.生态地质学理论的核心是以人类为中心的生态系统的生态动态平衡。
2.Basic theory of 1∶50000 ecological geological investigation is ecological geology.本文简要介绍作者新创立的生态地质学理论,并应用这一理论对大巴山区的岩石圈、生物圈、大气圈、土壤圈和水圈的生态地质环境作综合评价。

1.Eco-geological Mechanism on the Vegetation Patches Distribution Pattern and Its Evolution in Erjina Basin;额济纳盆地植被斑块分布格局及演化的生态地质学机制
2.Rise and Fall of Paleoculture: The Eco-geological Study of Cultural Layers in Yuchisi Site of Mengcheng County文明的兴衰:蒙城尉迟寺遗址古文化层生态地质学研究
3.Geoecology of the Ejina Basin in North-Western Arid Region, P.R.China;中国西北干旱区额济纳盆地地质生态学研究
4.The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了分析类比.
5.Preliminary conception of the appliciation of ecological geochemistry for farmland gradation and quality dynamic monitoring生态地球化学成果应用于农用地分等及质量动态监测初步构想
6.Research on Methodology of Landscape Ecology Applied in Eco-environmental Quality Assessment of Lalu-marsh;拉鲁湿地生态环境质量评价的景观生态学方法应用研究
7.Original Studying on University Campus Tourism Development;浅谈高校旅游的开展——以中国地质大学(武汉)南望山地质生态园为例
8.biogeochemical ecology生物地球化学生态学
9.Research on the minority college students shape features in southwest China;西南地区少数民族大学生体质形态调查分析
10.pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees.病态地产生流胶物质。
11.Biogeochemical Processes of Organic Materials in the Salt Marsh of the Changing Estuay;长江口湿地生态系统中有机质的生物地球化学过程研究
12.The Analysis on the College Students Attitudes towards the Test of the Standardof Students Fitness;黄冈地区大学生对《学生体质健康标准》测试态度的分析
13.Information System Construction of the Agro-geological and Eco-geochemical Survey and Evaluation in the Pearl River Delta珠三角农业地质与生态地球化学调查评价信息系统建设
14.Study on Quality Ecology(5): Evaluation about Eco-quality Management System;质量生态学研究(5)——生态质量管理系统评价
15.Study of Ecological and Geological Zonization for the Production of High-quality Flu-cured Tobacco of China;中国优质烤烟生态地质背景区划研究
16.Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.这座工厂排出的化学物质改变了整个地区的生态.
17.Geo-info Tupu and Application in Ecological Environment Quality Assessment;地学信息图谱及其在生态环境质量评价中的应用研究
18.Dynamic Analysis of the Ethnic Students Endurance Qualities Situation in Southwest Area from 1985 to 2000;西南地区少数民族学生耐力素质状况的动态分析

1.The Formation and Development of Eco-geology in Ice-free Area,Antarctica;南极无冰区生态地质学及其形成与发展
4)ecoenvironmental geology生态环境地质学
5)ecologic-hydrogeological sciences生态水文地质学
1.This article studies Jiuzhaigou scenic area from the angle of eco-geology and discusses its sustainable development in order to provide the support of its sustainable tourism development.文章从生态地质角度对九寨沟景区进行研究,并对景区可持续发展进行探讨,从而为九寨沟景区旅游业的可持续发展提供支持。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学