1.Study on sludge reduction by aerobic/anaerobic alternation and circulation methods;好氧/厌氧交替与循环工艺用于污泥减量化研究
2.The ECP-1 electronic variable painting can produce marvelons dreamy vesult, it is controled by electronic circuit to make the colourful light alternation display on painting background.ECP-1型电子变色画屏是以电子电路产生的可控电流使色灯交替循环发光作背景光源,以背投的方式使画屏的颜色随背景光源的颜色的变化而变化,产生奇妙的梦幻效果。

1.simple alternation problem单次交替题 单次交替
2.2,3,4 ... now switch. ... 2 3 4……现在 左右交替……
3.alternate circularports and annular spaces交替圆形和环形通道
4.alternate track table written to disk写入磁盘的交替磁道表
5.alternate binaural loudness balance test双耳交替响度平衡试验
6.alternating dry and wet test with sea water海水干湿交替腐蚀试验
7.response alternate program communication block应答交替程序通信块
8.alternatively-fired exhaust gas boiler废气-燃油交替式锅炉
9.combined element and character interleaving码元和字符混合交替
10.non-trade-off Phillips curve非交替的菲利普斯曲线
11.A degree of ablaut.音级元音交替的级别
12.The rainy season alternates with the dry season.雨季与旱季轮流交替
13.The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.涨潮和落潮交替更迭。
14.Physical therapy alternates with chemical.理疗和化疗交替进行。
15.having a strongly waved margin alternately concave and convex.深波状的,凹凸交替的。
16.these terms can be used interchangeably.这些术语可以交替使用。
17.secondary instrumental conditioning次级工具式交替学习
18.alternation of generations【生物】世代交替 [更迭]

1.Free radical copolymerization was used to synthesize alternating copolymer SMA, P(St/CS-alt-MA) and multi-block copolymer PSt-b-PAA.本文通过自由基溶液聚合分别合成了交替共聚物SMA、P(St/CS-alt-MA)和多嵌段共聚物PSt-b-PAA,并研究了聚合物在溶液中的自组装行为及在乳液中的应用。
4)pperating mode replacement工况交替
5)water alternating gas水气交替
1.Numerical simulation of near-miscible flooding of water alternating gas considered hysteresis effect;考虑滞后效应的水气交替近混相驱数值模拟
2.The implement of gas injection displacement project in Suizhong 36-1 oil field was a once more natural gas reinjection project after LD10-1 and BZ34-1 oil fields in Gulf of Bohai,but in this reinjection project the aim was to increase the oil recovery factor and to explore the method of Water Alternating Gas,so as to achieve the purpose of carbon emission reduction.绥中36-1油田气驱替项目的实施是继渤海湾旅大10-1油田/渤中34-1油田之后的又一次天然气回注项目,但本次的回注是以提高原油采收率为目的,探索水气交替驱的方法,从而也达到了减排的目的。
6)solvent displacement溶剂交替
1.Study on process for plant extraction intensified by solvent displacement;利用互溶溶剂交替浸取强化植物提取过程

交替交替alternative  交赞!目teltl.d粉;~p皿稍.a],对策论中的 对策过程中的一个位置,按照对策的法则,可能在某个移步中从一个给定的位置上转移到该位置.对应的移步或刻画移步的指标也称为交替.