1.Image-building of modern women by skirt;论裙装对现代女性形象塑造的效用价值
2.Research on the structural design of skirt for special bodies;特殊体型裙装结构设计的研究
3.Investigation into the folk skirts in the central plain of Shanxi,southern mountainous areas of Anhui,southern areas of Yangtze River in Neoteric China;近代晋中、皖南和江南地区民间裙装探究

1.A short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline of a jacket, blouse, or dress.细腰狭裙装在夹克衫、衬衣或女服腰部的半短裙或二重裙
2.The pattern of this summer skirt is very pretty and attractive.这套夏日裙装,式样相当美观。
3.Research on A-line Skirt Effect on the Image-building of Women;A型裙装对女性形象塑造影响的研究
4.A 3D Skirt Model Based on LOOP Subdivision Algorithm基于LOOP细分曲面算法的三维裙装模型
5.The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm.柔情似水的毛衣裙装赋予女性独特的魅力。
6.wearing or furnished with a petticoat.穿裙或者用裙来装饰。
7.This dress packs easily.这件连衣裙易於装箱.
8.a dark dress, suit, etc深色的连衣裙、 西装等
9.Her dress was adorned with ruffles.她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。
10.a simple dress without adornment朴素而无装饰的连衣裙.
11.The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest.围裙上部,工装裤上部围裙的一部分或工装裤胸前的部分
12.More luxurious gowns were kept for evening.更多的华贵的长裙是为了晚装而准备。
13.No. No train. Just the dress.不 ,不加裙摆。就是这样连身套装。
14.A trimming on the front of a bodice.胸饰女连衣裙上身胸围的一种装饰
15.woman's suit(ie a skirt and short coat of the same material)女套装(面料相同的裙子和西服短上衣).
16.He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress.他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。
17.girl's pinafore ruffle corduroy overalls荷叶边围裙式条纹绒布女童工装裤
18.The dark skirt clashes against the red coat.这件深色裙子与红上装不协调。

folk costume民间裙装
1.Effective value of pleats in folk costume;民间裙装中褶皱的效用价值
4)Skirt sculpt裙装造型
5)A-line skirtA型裙装
6)skirt lift摆裙装置
