1.Summarize the Islamic Inscriptions of Hui in Zhejiang;浙江回族伊斯兰教碑刻概述
2.An Exposition of Pingliang s Inscriptions on Religion;平凉地区宗教碑刻资料述论
3.A Collection of Stone Inscriptions of Suzhou Social Hist ory since the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the first formal publication of stone inscriptions of social history in China.《明清以来苏州社会史碑刻集》是国内正式出版的第一本社会史碑刻集,共收录500篇碑文,分社会角色与社会群体、社会生活与社会合作、社会信仰与社会心态、社会问题与社会管理4大类,立体地勾画出明清以来苏州社会历史的变迁。

1.New Samples of Stele Carvings碑刻类书稿的新典范——喜读《保山碑刻
2.Decipherment, especially of ancient inscriptions.破译,尤指古代碑刻
3.Quite a number of tomb engravings are displayed over there.不少碑刻陈列在那儿。
4.The northern stone tablet calligraphy originated in the Northern Dynasties (386-581) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618).碑刻为北派,以赵、燕、魏、齐、周、隋为序,
5.The Ancient Inscriptions Data Value in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture;临夏回族自治州古代碑刻的史料价值
6.The inscription was engraved in the stone of the memorial.碑文刻在了纪念碑的石头上。
7.a stone that is used to mark a grave.可以用来刻墓碑的石头。
8.Before the tomb is a pavilion in which stands a stone tablet bearing words to the effect that the emperor's horse-drawn carriage parks here.陵前有碑亭,一石碑上镌刻着“桥陵龙驭”四字。
9.An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.墓志铭刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭
10.A study on two Major Styles of Stone Engraving: Hard and Soft --from "The Stone Tablet of Cao Quan" in Dong Han Dynasty;从《曹全碑》看东汉碑隶石刻刚柔两大风格体系
11.an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there.刻在墓碑或纪念碑上的碑铭用来纪念埋葬于此的人们。
12.The names of national heros were inscribed on a monument民族英雄的名字被刻在纪念碑上。
13.The tombstone is inscribed with her name and the date of her death.墓碑上刻有她的名字和去世的日期。
14.And there were several lines carved on each of the stones.而且每块墓碑上都刻了好几行字。
15.They inscribed their grandfather's name on a tomb他们将祖父的名字刻在墓碑上。
16.The Chinese characters are barely visible etched into the headstones and burial bricks.刻在墓碑上的汉字几乎已经无法辨认。
17.I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602.我见到一块刻有1602年字样的墓碑.
18.The name was almost worn away from the stone on which it had been cut.刻在石碑上的名字差不多完全磨掉了。

1.A Preliminary Study on Extant Inscriptions in Qingjiang Mosque of the Qing Dynasty;清江清真寺现存清代碑刻的初步研究
2.The Ancient Inscriptions Data Value in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture;临夏回族自治州古代碑刻的史料价值
3.This paper mainly makes a textual research into the original stories, ink marks and inscriptions of Zhu Yizun’s poetry, including: Firstly, the original story for Reminiscence of the West Imperial Tombs; secondly, the ink marks of Inscribing the Picture of Li Shangshe on the Cow; and thirdly, the inscriptions of The Epitaph Presented Imperially to Lady Li.该文主要考证朱彝尊若干诗文作品背后的本事和外在的手书墨迹、碑刻
3)tablet inscription碑刻
1.As an integration of engraving,calligraphy,literature and history,tablet inscription is very important carrier in researching history and culture.洹河流域的历史遗存非常丰富,碑刻作为一种特殊的文化遗存,集雕刻、书法、文学、历史为一体,是研究古代历史文化的重要载体。
2.The tablet inscription is a special kind of documents and it couldn’t be replaced by the others because it is very durable and truthful.碑刻作为一种特殊的文献形式,靠其保真性和持久性等一系列特点,占据着其他形式的文献所不可取代的学术地位。
3.Through a field study in the Taliu-inhabited area and of their genealogies, tablet inscriptions and history books, the author objectively expounds their formation.本文在田野调查的基础上,通过收集他留人的谱牒、族谱和碑刻档案,并查阅了大量的相关文献史料,阐述了他留人这一特殊族群的历史形成过程。
1.The author,with the steles in the Northern Wei Dynasty as the research object,has made a research on the officials of generals.以北魏碑刻材料作为研究对象,对其中的“将军”类职官进行研究。
5)stele inscription碑刻
1.With a long history,traditional opera in Zhejing province embraces plenty of cultural relics and historic sites,among which stele inscriptions of traditional opera can be found all over the province.浙江戏曲历史悠久,文物古迹遗存丰富,其中戏曲碑刻即遍布全省各地。
6)inscriptions on a tablet碑刻,碑文,碑铭
