1.Study on the Goods-Building Information and Art Symbol, Creation;造物信息与艺术符号创生的研究
2.The creation of static-state space is an important research object.静态空间的创生是人居环境设计中的一个重要研究课题 ,本文以对中国古典文学的解读为切入点 ,从环境心理、行为角色、空间式样等维度对静态空间的创生方法进行研究。
3.The general models for information creation system and information realization system are concretely designed overcoming the limitation of the model advanced by Shannon for information system.在克服申农信息系统模型局限性的基础上,具体设计了信息创生系统和信息实现系统的一般模型,并由此表明了一般信息系统的多样性和复杂性。
1.Enactment Awareness: The Decided Pursuance of Teachers Curriculum Sense;创生意识:教师课程意识的应然追求
3)ecological innovation生态创新
1.This thesis talks about the ecological innovation.本文对生态创新产业的现状、发展及意义进行了分析和探讨。
2.The research on sustainable development and use of mineral resources in Guangxi and ecological innovation strategy has the significant reality function and the profound meaning to the sustainable development of socioeconomic in Guangxi.“广西矿产资源可持续开发利用与生态创新战略研究”对于广西经济社会的可持续发展有着重大的现实作用和深远意义。

1.Dimensions of Ecological Innovation: Research Review of Deep Ecology Thinking;生态创新之维:深层生态学思想研究述评
2.Innovation Networks,Innovation Ecology and Independent Innovation of Enterprises;创新网络、创新生态与企业自主创新
3.Innovation Ecosystem:A New Idea for Innovation Management;创新生态系统——创新管理的新思路
4.Eco-Technology Innovation:A New Ennovation Strategy of Technology;技术创新生态化:一种新的技术创新观
5.The Scientific Technology Innovation View--Ecology Technology Innovation;科学的技术创新观——生态化技术创新
6.On the subsistent mechanism of regional technological innovation ecosystem;论区域技术创新生态系统的生存机制
7.Innovation on Construction of Medicinal Plant Physiology and Ecology for The Specialty of Biological Technology药用植物生理生态学课程建设与创新
8.Innovation in Ecological Farm Planning Based on Ecological Civilization Ethics;论生态文明伦理观下生态农庄规划创新理念
9.Ethnic Ecological Interests and Ethnic Ecological Policy Innovation;少数民族生态利益与民族生态政策创新
10.On the Creativity of Ecological Ethics;启新、拓新与创新——论生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献
11.Strengthening Independent Innovation,Accelerating to Form Eco-Industrial Clusters in Xinjiang加强自主创新 催生新疆生态化产业集群
12.On Legal Institution Arrangement for Ecologicalization of Technical Innovation论技术创新生态化的法律制度安排
13.Research on Knowledge Innovation Based on Enterprise s Information Ecological System;企业信息生态系统下知识创新的研究
14.Formulate coal chemical eco industrial chain by reliance on technical innovation;依靠科技创新,构建煤化工生态产业链
15.Study on the Internal Ecological Factors Affecting Enterprises Innovation;影响企业创新力的内部生态因子分析
16.Discussing for the Development of the Innovation Thinking in Eco-Design Education;浅谈生态设计教育中创新思维的培养
17.Comparative Research on the Original Ecology Writing between Alai and New Realistic Novelists;阿来与新写实小说原生态创作之比较
18.A New Explanation of Creativity of the Technical Subjects Going toward the Ecological Century;走向生态纪的技术主体创造性新阐释

1.Enactment Awareness: The Decided Pursuance of Teachers Curriculum Sense;创生意识:教师课程意识的应然追求
3)ecological innovation生态创新
1.This thesis talks about the ecological innovation.本文对生态创新产业的现状、发展及意义进行了分析和探讨。
2.The research on sustainable development and use of mineral resources in Guangxi and ecological innovation strategy has the significant reality function and the profound meaning to the sustainable development of socioeconomic in Guangxi.“广西矿产资源可持续开发利用与生态创新战略研究”对于广西经济社会的可持续发展有着重大的现实作用和深远意义。
4)creating and founding element创生要素
5)innovation ecology创新生态
1.This paper analyzes the influencing factors of capability of independent innovation in enterprises based on the relevant concept of innovation network,innovation ecology and independent innovation.在介绍创新网络、创新生态以及自主创新有关概念的基础上,分析了企业自主创新能力的影响因素,从技术链上的技术合作视角阐释了企业自主创新机理,最后,从创新生态角度审视了企业自主创新。
6)Student Entrepreneurship学生创业
