1.The Explanation of the Ci About Xu Zi Shuo;《虚字说》诸“”训释

1.sense of modesty and yielding让之心 让之心
2.give in [ hand in ] one's resignation提交职书, 递交
3.bid farewell to = take one's farewell of向…告别 [行]
4.The apparent meaning and intended meaning of irony;反语修面”和“里”之新探
5.Rhetonic has three types: Figure rhetoric, Cultural rhetoric and Philosophical rhetoric.格学可以有三种:修格学、文化格学和哲学格学。
6.Comparison between A Talk on Grammatical Rhetoric and Chinese Rhetoric in rhetoric view《语法修讲话》和《汉语修学》修观的比较
7.resign a commission去(陆海军)职位
8.To alter the wording of(a text).改变(文章的)措
9.Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the enemy is about to advance.卑而备者,进也;
10.with humble words and lavish gifts卑重(厚)币(礼)
11.3. The Book of Changes, "Hsi Tzu".[3]见《周易-系上》。
12.Welcome/opening/closing speech/address欢迎/开幕/闭幕
13." Old Cheng asked. "Left your job?老程问:“了工?”
14.write [deliver] a eulogy of [on]...记载 [陈述] …的颂
15.A Study of the Figure Parallelism;英语Parallelism修
16.The Interpretation of Lici,Guci,Zhongci in the Rites--Complement and Correction for the Interpretation in the Chinese Dictionary试说《仪礼》中的“三”:礼、固、终——兼补正《汉语大词典》的遗漏和释义
17.Rhetoric Study,Rhetoric History,Rhetoric Review修研究、修学史和修学评论——修学研究的几个问题
18.The act or an instance of vacating.空出,撤出,职的行为或实例

1.The Qongyang Commentary explained the meanings of the Spring and Autumn Annals by words, Word orders, writing or not writing and rules of writing which had two levels of meanings: obvious meaning and profound implication.《公羊传》通过《春秋》之序、笔削、书法阐释《春秋》之义。
1.XUN Zi, with “Name”as the core, establishes a logical thought system of rectifying name with name, phraseology and disputation.荀子以“名”为核心,构建了一个比较完整的名、、辩说的正名逻辑思想体系。
1.A Brief Survey on the Rhetoric Features of The Art of War ;《孙子兵法》修特色述略
2.The use of rhetoric and aesthetical transformation in English advertising slogans;广告英语中修的应用与美感传递
5)Chu Ci楚辞
1.Cookeries of Famous Court Dishes in Chu Ci;楚所载宫廷名肴的烹饪艺术
2.The Simple Study on Building Thoughts in Ancient Times of Chu Ci;《楚》中的古代建筑思想初探
3.The Interpretation of "阳离" in Tian Wen,Chu Ci;《楚·天问》“阳离”解
1.To inquire into the methods of the management and the attendant proceeding in engaging the nurses, it is introduced in this article that the details of the engaging nurse resignation or refuse, the reason of the engaging nurse resignation or refuse is analysed, the experience of the use for reference is provided for the management of the engaging nurse.为探讨招聘护士 (简称 :聘护 )管理工作的方法和应注意的事项 ,本文介绍了职或退聘护的详细资料 ,并分析了职或退聘护的原因 ,为军队聘护的管理提供借鉴的经
2.Based on the research of the appointment and removal mechanism of the US and UK independent director, the legislation of the independent director system in China should be improved in aspects of nomination, appointment, resignation and removal.通过介绍英美独立董事任免机制,对我国在独立董事提名、任命、职、罢免等方面完善立法提出建议。
3.Solving the ownership of listed companies gradually,expanding the sources of independent directors and improving the voting mechanism of shareholders can perfect the employment and resignation mechanism of the independent directors.独立董事多由熟人推荐、任命受上市公司大股东控制、出于风险和薪酬等因素选择主动职,完善独立董事选择和退出机制需逐步解决上市公司股权问题、扩展独立董事的来源渠道和改善股东大会的表决机制,这已成为新的课题。

《敦煌歌辞总编》  唐代敦煌歌辞总集。辑者任半塘,又名任二北,当代学者。此书收入隋唐五代期间的歌辞1160余首,约60万言,并据150种敦煌写本加以考释汇校,是敦煌歌辞最丰富的总集。    全书分为七部分:①选集,《云谣集杂曲子》33首(一作30首);②隻曲,110首;③普通联章,397首;④重句联章,160首;⑤定格联章,330首;⑥长篇定格联章,134首;⑦大曲,20首。七部分中,除《云谣集杂曲子》保存唐写本原序外,其余均按体裁分编。各体中又按内容重新编次,反映民间生活的排列在前,涉及宗教迷信的一律置后,以示有所侧重。歌辞分首分片,均按曲调定式、叶韵同异、辞意若何而定,不拘泥写本原貌。凡有互见写本的歌辞,均详加校勘;遇疏误难辨的字句,尽力研磨代拟;无以为正者,则姑付阙如。每首辞后的校语,既详考诸本异同,又有必要的疏证,或正调名,或疏文字,或明意境,对于阅读和研究歌辞都具有参考价值。