1.By making comparison between old-style dialect and new-style dialect spoken in Yueyang city,this article describes the phonetic system of the new-style Yueyang dialect,covering mainly its tones and phonetic characteristics.本文针对岳阳市方言老派与新派差异较大的现状,对新派岳阳方言的语音特点进行了描写,主要内容包括新派岳阳方言的声韵调及其语音特点。
2.This paper discusses the main phonetic differences between the old-style and the new-style of Taiyuan dialect,and point out phonetic evolvement of Taiyuan dialect in past several decades,in addition,it shows the reasons for this evolvement,that is,the power from inside phonetic system due to spontaneous adjustment,the economic principle of linguistic evolvement and the influence of Mandarin.文章讨论了太原方言新派和老派在语音方面的主要差异 ,指出太原方言几十年来语音方面的演变情况 ,并且说明了这是由于语音系统内部自发调整的力量、语言演变的经济原则和普通话的影响等原因造成

1.gentlemanly demeanor, the latest fashion.男士风度,新潮新派
2.On the Thinking Pattern of the Application of Western Technology by Westernizationists and Reformists洋务派、维新派中体西用的思维结构
3.Discussion about the dispute of "Chinese learning" and "Western learning" between Westernizationists and Reformists论维新派与洋务派的“中学”与“西学”之争
4.Shallowly Discussed The Debate About Abolishing The Eight-part Essay Examination Between Bourgeois Reformers and Diehards浅谈维新派与顽固派关于废除八股取士的争论
5.The Protestant denominations include the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists.新教派别包括卫理公会派、 长老会派、 浸礼派.
6.The protestant denomination includes the Methodist, the Presbyterian and the Baptist新教派别包括卫理公会派、长老会派、浸礼派
7.The protestant denomination include the methodist, the presbyterian and the baptist.新教派别包括卫理公会派、长老会派、浸礼派。
8.Japan and China to Send a New Feeling to Send the Relatively New Feeling;日本新感觉派与中国新感觉派的比较
9.Implication: liberalism, neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.涵义﹕派,自由派,新正统派,新福音派等不是正统基督教信仰。
10.Neo-Austrian School: Action School of Industrial Organization新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派
11.Michael: Are New Year parties the same as Xmas parties?迈克尔:新年派对和圣诞派对一样吗?
12.On the Debates between Revolutionary and Constitutionalist Schools before 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命前革命派与立宪派论战新论
13.A New Study of Taizhou School and the Importance of School Study;学派研究的意义与《泰州学派新论》评述
14.On New Era s Modern School and Roots-Tracing School in Literature;论新时期“现代派”与“寻根派”文学
15.He has been assigned to a new post.他被派到新的工作岗位。
16.He was gazetted to a new regiment.委派他赴一新团任职.
17.European Evangelical Alliance欧洲福音派新教会联盟
18.Centre Union-New Forces中间派联盟-新力量党

the latest fashion新潮新派
3)New Tide School新潮派
4)new academism新学院派
1.More than indicating the coming revolution in architectural design and conceptual constitution, the growing up of new academism also implicates the configuration of architect in the architectural system of China.近几年来,新学院派的崛起在表面上预示着国内一次建筑创作革命的到来,蕴涵了主流建筑观念重新洗牌的可能;在其背后则暗合了中国建筑体制之中建筑师的背景结构。
6)new feeling school新感觉派
1.Women Being at Loose Ends in Metropolis——on the image of women in New Feeling School novels;都市中的“自我”迷失者——谈新感觉派小说中的女性形象
2.On Mu shiying s Novel Art as New Feeling School;穆时英的新感觉派小说艺术
3.An Alternative Reading of the Japanese New Feeling School对日本新感觉派文学的另类解读

新派1.新的政治势力;新的集团。 2.指新的作风;新的风习。