
1.Compassion (in Sanskrit, karuna)(梵文: “karuna″’);
2.Of, relating to, or dependent on charity.善的善的,关于善的,依靠救济的
3.of,for or connected with a charity or charities善组织的;为善组织的;关于善组织的
4.The condition or quality of being lenient;leniency.宽厚,仁宽大仁的状况或品质;悲为怀
5.Of, relating to, or marked by philanthropy; humanitarian.善的,博爱的善的,善事业的;博爱的
6.Studying Charity History and Paying Attention to Charity Career--On A Brief History of Charity in China;研究善历史 关注善事业——兼评《中国善简史》
7.overflowing with kindness充满着和善(仁)
8.Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.悲,仁的对待,尤指对处于自己权力控制下的人;仁
9.John Keats in China (from 1920 to 1940);济在中国(1920-1940)
10.generosity as manifested by practicing charity (as for the poor or unfortunate).通过开办善机构来显示其仁
11.International Council of Goodwill Industries国际善事业理事会(善理事会)
12.majesty radiated from his goodness, though his goodness ceased not to be radiant;威神出自祥,而祥之气仍不停散布;
13."Oh, mercy, mercy, monsieur!"“噢,发发悲吧,发发悲吧,阁下
14.Clement:Inclined to be lenient or merciful.仁的:倾向于宽厚或仁的.
15.A lenient act.宽大,悲宽厚的行为
16.Inclined to be lenient or merciful.仁的倾向于宽厚或仁
17.The condition or quality of being lenient.宽厚,仁厚道的状况或品质
18."benevolence:an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts."仁:表现为有善良、善行为的意向。

3)Neosinocalamus affinis慈竹
1.Study on the Growth Status and Correlative Environment Factors of Bamboo, Neosinocalamus affinis from Chengdu Region;成都地区竹生长状况及其与环境因子关系的初步分析
2.Study on Lignin Content and Ratio of G with S of Neosinocalamus affinis and Bambusa rigida in Sichuan;四川竹和硬头黄木质素含量及G与S比值的研究
3.Effects of Fertilization on the Ash,Benzene-alcohol Extractive and Lignin Contents in Neosinocalamus affinis;施肥对竹灰分·苯醇抽出物和木质素含量的影响
4)Sagittaria sagittifolia L慈姑
1.The toxic effects of Cd~(2+) and Cr~(6+) on Sagittaria sagittifolia L.;Cd~(2+)和Cr~(6+)对姑(Sagittaria sagittifolia L.)的毒害效应
2.The Responses of Sagittaria sagittifolia L. to Environmental Cadmium Stress姑(Sagittaria sagittifolia L.)对环境镉胁迫因子的应答
3.The paper imitated different gradient concentrations of Cd~(2+), Cr~(6+) and Pb~(2+) to pollute water environment, dealt with the toxic effects of them on Sagittaria sagittifolia L.本文模拟不同梯度浓度的重金属Cd~(2+)、Cr~(6+)和pb~(2+)污染,从生理生化反应和细胞超微结构变化等方面,深入研究了三种金属离子对姑、菹草和槐叶苹的毒害效应,讨论了不同生境水生植物对重金属胁迫的反应机制,并初步探索了外源La~(3+)和Ca~(2+)对槐叶苹Cd~(2+)毒害的缓解作用及姑根尖细胞分裂周期中微管骨架的形态列阵。
1.Bamboo lignin conˉtainedre.应用UV、FT-IR、GPC和GC-MS研究了不同制备方法提纯的竹磨木木质素(milledwoodlignin,MWL)的结构特性,结果表明竹木质素属于愈疮木醇-芥子醇-对香豆醇(GSH)型木质素,竹木质素侧链含有少量的α_β碳碳双键,竹中含有数量相当多的紫丁香基结构单元,且紫丁香基结构单元的含量高于愈疮木基结构单元的含量;竹木质素含有酯键,主要是对-香豆酸的羧基与酚羟基发生酯化反应生成的。
2.Laboratorial experiment results of applying three Buckman cooking aids (Busperse 2282, Busperse 2262 and BLS 9011) to non-wood fiber (reed, bagasse, wheat straw and bamboo) pulping were presented in this paper.研究了巴克曼(Buckman)3种新型蒸煮助剂(Busperse2282、Busperse2262和BLS9011)在芦苇、麦草、蔗渣和竹不同方法制浆中的应用效果。
6)Sinocalamus affinis慈竹
1.Feasibility Study on Lyocell Fabrication from Sinocalamus affinis;竹制造Lyocell纤维可行性研究
2.Effect of main site factors on growth of Sinocalamus affinis in mountain region of north Guizhou;黔北山区主要立地因子对竹生长的影响
3.The influences of several extracts from sinocalamus affinis on Ca2+ influx and efflux in the isolated aortas and hearts of rats were investigated by using 45Ca as a radioactive tracer,and the calcium antagonistic effects were evaluated.用45Ca同位素示踪技术研究竹不同提取物对大鼠心脏和动脉Ca2+内流和外溢的影响。

慈【慈】 (术语)(参见:慈悲)