
1.The Historical Research on Construction of Chinese Clean and Honest Administration Culture;中国廉政文化建设的历史探源与借鉴
2."Connection": The Chinese Way and the Western Way;中西“关系”文化的历史探源与比较
3.The Historical Origins Research of Soviet-Jewish Emigration in the 1970 s;20世纪70年代苏联犹太移民问题历史探源
4.The historian explored the causes of the revolution.该历史学家探究了这次革命的根源。
5.Investigating the Development and the Usage of the History Teaching Material Resources of the Senior High School;探究高中历史课程资源的开发与运用
6.A Preliminary Study on the History of Xiang Embroidery and Its Regional Cultural Features;初探湘绣的历史渊源与地域文化特征
7.Cause of the Problem of Agriculture, Countryside and Peasant: Historical Transmutation and Actual Probe;“三农”难题成因:历史嬗变与现实探源
8.The Origin and Development of Mentougou District Culture;门头沟区文化的历史渊源与发展探讨
9.Search on the History Resources of Minnan Culture Tourism;闽南文化历史资源的旅游业开发初探
10.The Seamless Junction between History Teaching and Internet Resource and Internet Resource;历史教学与网络资源无缝接合之探索
11.Probing on the Resources of Social Insurance Theory and Its History Development;社会保障理论渊源及其历史发展探讨
12.Origin of Metaphor;隐喻探源——兼论我国历史上的隐喻研究
13.The museum retraces the history of the relationship between the United States and Morocco.此博物馆在探源美国与摩洛哥的关系之历史。
14.On the Historical and Cultutral Origin of Plastic Imsage of Luohan in Qiong Zhu Temple in Kunming昆明筇竹寺“五百罗汉”造像的历史文化探源
15.Plus the introduction, this article includes four chapters:Chapter one mainly discusses the headstream of social justice.第一章主要探讨社会公正思想的历史源流。
16.The Analysis of the Development of the Human Resource in History Teaching of Senior High;中学历史教学中人力课程资源开发问题探析
17.Exploration to the Family Course Resource Developing and Making Use of History;对开发与利用历史家庭课程资源的探究
18.An Original Inquiry into the Ideological Trend of Literature Humanities & Its Historical Outline during the May 4th Social Transformation Period;五四转型期“文学人学”思潮探源及其历史梳理

resources of historical culture历史文化探源
3)exploration history勘探历史
4)WANG Chao-you's agricultural cooperative历史探讨
5)historical probe历史探索
1.A historical probe to the educational concept of national defence of the Chinese Communist Party;中共三代领导集体国防教育思想的历史探索
6)History Probing历史探究

《医林纂要探源》《医林纂要探源》 《医林纂要探源》   综合性医书。十卷。清·汪绂辑于1758年。作者集诸家医书分类编辑而成。卷一医源,共47条,阐述阴阳五行、脏腑部位功能、脉象;卷二-三分析药性180余味;卷四-十选辑方剂630余首,以张仲景、李东垣方居多。全书资料比较丰富,条理清晰。然终属述而不作,无多创见。现存五种清刻本。