2)what it is to be其所是的是
1.In Aristotles eyes, form is "what it is to be" as well as a "such"; and it is also the "internal cause"as well as the highest end.亚里士多德把形式等同于"其所是的是",又认为形式是"这类",是一物"内伏的是因",是最高目的。
3)justify his action是其所为
4)He is well suited with his place.他们是适得其所。
5)something about an object所是
1.Treating everything as "the known" and taking "I know something" as the starting point, the theory provides a systematic elaboration of the fundamental concepts and principles following the basic principle of "Knowing entails the known;the known entails something about an object;something about an object is established through activities of the knowledge holder.所知学将一切都作为“所知”来处理,从“我有所知”入手,坚持“知必有所知,所知必有所是,所是是由相应的知者实际从事的活动确立的”的基本理论原则,系统地阐述了所知学的基本概念和原理。
6)each taking his own way各行其是

1.Otherwise, everything will be in a mess, with everyone going his own way. How can we allow that?没有这一条,就是乱哄哄,各行其是,怎么行呢?
2.all the work should be put under unified leadership. Nobody should go his own way.工作要有统一的领导,不能各行其是
3.The four modernizations will get nowhere if each unit insists on going its own way, as so often happens now.现在这样各行其是不行,这样干,四个现代化就没有希望。
4.All his life he had hated scenes like poison, avoided rows, gone on his own way quietly and let others go on theirs.他一生中就恨和人反目,总是尽量避免大吵大闹,自己不声响地独行其是,也让别人各行其是
5.The Underlying Causes of the Differences between UK and USA in the Recognition of the People’s Republic of China;论美英在承认新中国问题上各行其是的深层原因
6.Credit and honesty are not only the need of economic activity but also the need of all trades, especially the educational field.诚信不只是经济活动的需要,同样也是各行各业的需要,尤其是教育。
7.Chinese Singaporeans speak many dialects (mother tongues) and there must be a single language for them to communicate effectively.华族各籍贯各有其"母语",人多口杂,若没有一个共同的语言,各说各话,当然是不行的。
8.The special feature of this system is that it realizes the24 hour intime monitoring of the pressure value at each point on the cable line.其特点是可以对电缆线路上各点的气压值进行24小时实时监控。
9.Indicates whether this column computes a value for each row based on other columns instead of taking user input.指示此列是否基于其他列而非用户输入来计算各行的值。
10.Most businessmen have to travel all the time, especially those involved in international trade.大多数商人,尤其是那些从事国际贸易的人,经常要到各地旅行。
11.A god that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the god of commerce, travel, and thievery.墨丘利神各路神灵的使者,其本身是商业、旅行及盗窃的守护神
12.6. All the handicraft trades perform useful services.(六)手工业的各行各业都是做好事的。
13.It is an opportunity for every business to think about.这实在是一个良机,值得各行各业深思。
14."The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references,"行政、立法、司法机关要各司其职,各负其责,
15.travel (especially by foot).旅行(尤其是步行)。
16.The method is to familiarize ourselves with all aspects of the enemy situation and our own, to discover the laws governing the actions of both sides and to make use of these laws our own operations.那就是熟识敌我双方各方面的情况,找出其行动的规律,并且应用这些规律于自己的行动。
17.All companies and organizations can be qualified to become the Future500 member, which register and do business in China and their performances precede the average of their sector.凡是在中国境内注册并进行经营活动,其各项业绩优于行业平均水平的所有企业都有资格申报。
18.Responsible departments of the trades and responsible departments for the enterprises at various levels are responsible for the control over the quality of products in the respective trades within their authorization, which covers:各级行业主管部门和企业主管部门负责本行业产品质量的管理工作,其职责是:

what it is to be其所是的是
1.In Aristotles eyes, form is "what it is to be" as well as a "such"; and it is also the "internal cause"as well as the highest end.亚里士多德把形式等同于"其所是的是",又认为形式是"这类",是一物"内伏的是因",是最高目的。
3)justify his action是其所为
4)He is well suited with his place.他们是适得其所。
5)something about an object所是
1.Treating everything as "the known" and taking "I know something" as the starting point, the theory provides a systematic elaboration of the fundamental concepts and principles following the basic principle of "Knowing entails the known;the known entails something about an object;something about an object is established through activities of the knowledge holder.所知学将一切都作为“所知”来处理,从“我有所知”入手,坚持“知必有所知,所知必有所是,所是是由相应的知者实际从事的活动确立的”的基本理论原则,系统地阐述了所知学的基本概念和原理。
6)each taking his own way各行其是

"中美合作所"集中营旧址  位于重庆市西北郊歌乐山下。占地面积约4平方公里。1943年国民党政府和美国政府签订秘密协定,成立中美特种技术合作所,搜集有关对日作战情况,为国民党当局训练特种技术人员。所址原是国民政府军事委员会调查统计局(简称军统局)关押政治犯设立的看守所。抗日战争胜利后,这里完全成为国民党当局关押、刑讯、残杀革命人士和共产党员的集中营。新四军军长叶挺曾被囚禁于此,著名共产党人罗世文、车耀先、江竹筠,爱国将领杨虎城、黄显声,革命志士宋绮云等均在此被杀害。1949年11月27日国民党撤离大陆前,对关押在此的300多位革命人士进行了残酷的集体大屠杀,制造了震惊中外的"一一·二七"大惨案。1988年中华人民共和国国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。    旧址包括渣滓洞、梅园、杨家山、造石场、白公馆、五灵观、红炉厂、王家院子、熊家院子、小杨公桥、朱公馆、步云桥、岚垭等处,有办公楼、餐厅、舞厅、礼堂、军火库、仓库和大小监狱20余处,其中规模较大的为白公馆和渣滓洞。白公馆原为四川军阀白驹的郊外别墅,为一楼一底的砖木结构房屋,总建筑面积为1200平方米,共有牢房16间,包括一间终日不见阳光的地牢。渣滓洞原为一人工采煤的小煤矿,分内外两院,外院为特务办公之处,内院是囚禁革命者之地,为一楼一底的砖木结构房屋,有男牢房16间,女牢房 2间,总建筑面积约1300平方米。    中华人民共和国建立后,人民政府收殓烈士遗骨,修建了烈士墓,建立纪念碑,恢复部分旧址原貌。1963年成立专门机构,建立了展览馆。