1.On the figure of speech and use of "Yuan" in Tianwen;《天问》中的““半是疑问代词
2.Functional Word "Yuan" in Wang YinZhi "Word Meaning of Classics"试析王引之《经传释词》中的虚词“

1.Any possible dirt in filling or shell should be cleaned timely.?盍希?翘迦缬谢?酃福?笆鼻宄?
2.The Similarities and Differences Between "Yuan " and " Yan " and Their Orbits of Developing in the Pre-Qin Period Chinese;先秦汉语“”“焉”的异同及其演变轨迹
3.Functional Word "Yuan" in Wang YinZhi "Word Meaning of Classics"试析王引之《经传释词》中的虚词“
4.In the Spring and Autumn Periods, the Jin Kingdom practiced a unique system which started the state-controlled field distribution.春秋时的晋“作田” ,开创了由国家来实施大规模分户授田之先河。
5.Wish with reasonable, have a content; Have common interest hence good, have a passion for to living words of you become bosom friend a friend.愿与知情达理,有内涵;有共同兴趣好、爱生话的您成为知己朋友。
6.This paper has made a new study on Yuantian which the Preqin-history-field has disputed for many years.本文对先秦史学界争论多年的“田”问题从新的角度进行了研究。
7.Your account may be temporarily suspended, please contact our Customer Service Executive at 128 100 at once.此讯息显示阁下的户口暂时被?蚪幔?粗碌?28100联络我们的客户服务员。
8.Some unseen fingers, like an le breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着潺(氵)的乐声。

Slow and cautious is his movement爰爰其行
4)gold coin of Chu郢爰
5)Wuyi Yuanjian无弋爰剑
1.They consider the Yan Emperor their forefather and their own ancester is named Wuyi Yuanjian and under the leadership of whom many clans have been set up.其本族的祖先为戎人无弋剑,后形成较多的种落。
6)the gold version of Chen Yuan's Seal of State Chu陈爰金版
