1.,contains a morpheme "shi" which is originally a copula,and a similar phenomenon has been found in other languages.现代汉语中表示条件、让步、转折等关系的连词多包含一个来自判断词“是”的语素,其他语言也有类似的情况。
2.Based upon above discussion, the article questions the popular standard about how to determine the maturity of copula.本文从人们的认知心理和判断句的语用情况两方面探讨了有判断词句产生的原因 ,同时论述了有判断词句发展的层级性。

1.The effect of Chinese Defining word si~(21) on the Sentence Structure of Cun Yu;汉语判断词"是"对村语判断式的影响
2.When Was "shi" in Ancient Chinese Used as a Link-verb?;古代汉语中的“是”何时开始作判断词?
3.On How Originate and Developed Stratificationof Predicative-sentences Containing “是”--Also on the Criterion of Mature Copulas;试论有判断词句产生的原因及发展的层级性——兼论判断词成熟的鉴别标准
4."shi"(是) in the《The Analects》--and discussion of the development of "是" as a linking verb;《论语》中“是”的辨析——并论“是”作判断词的演变
5.The Metaphysical Mystery of "Shi" in Chinese --Why has "Shi" Become a Predicate?;汉语“是”的形而上学之谜——“是”为什么发展为判断词?
6.The Development and Relationship of Three Words in an Ancient Language Book of C hina;从《世说新语》看判断词“是”的发展与“非”“不”的关系
8.Influence of Perceptual Fluency on Serial Position Effect--A Comparison Among Recognition,Early/Late and Picture/Word Judgment;知觉流畅性对系列位置效应的影响——再认、早晚判断、图词判断的比较
9.Their themes were confined in the legal judgments of some capable and upright officers.它以清官决狱断案为主题,以状词、词和判词为叙事结构骨干。
10.The effect of meaning and morphology factors on doing vocabulary multiple-choice items by overseas students;词形、词义因素在留学生汉语词汇选择判断中的作用
11.The way of construction of erduo;论“耳朵”的构词方式——兼谈判断复合词构词类型的标准
12.I'll stay judgment till I hear the other side.我要延缓判断直到我听完另一方的说词。
13.Eulogiums will not bias me; I shall judge for myself.颂词是不会使我有偏见的,我要自己作判断。
14.A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.判断一个人应根据他的行为, 而不是他的言词。
15.A Study of Multiple True-false Test Format as a Measure of Second Language Vocabulary Knowledge;多项正误判断题在外语词汇测试中的应用研究
16.Judgment of English Antonyms and A Logic Analysis of Its Antonymy;英语反义词的判断及其反义关系的逻辑解析
17.On the Reference Transformation of the Auxiliary Word“De”Getting Involved --From Narrative to Reference to Judgment;助词“的”介入的称说变动——从叙述到指称到判断
18.The Effect of Presentation Time and Word Property on the Judgements of Remembering and Knowing;呈现时间与词的属性对记得和知道判断的影响

lexical decision词汇判断
1.ome important methods in research on process of lexical access,such as lexical decision,priming,gating,phonetic decision and computer simulation,were introduced.介绍了在词汇提取加工过程的研究中常用的一些方法,即词汇判断法、启动技术、闸门法、语音判断法和计算机模拟方法;扼要地说明了使用各种研究方法的基本程序及其优缺点。
2.The influence of the related degree of a polysemous word′s meanings on the lexical decision times was explored.采用词汇判断法,考察双字多义词各意义间的联系程度对词汇判断时间的影响,同时考察,意义间联系程度不同的多义词与单义词的词汇判断时间的关系。
3.Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of polysemy in the identification of Chinese two- character words in the lexical decision tasks.运用词汇判断任务,考察了汉语双字词识别中的多义性效应。
3)judgment of word class词类判断
1.But none of them doubts the judgment of word class of the head word in this structure.不少学者对汉语中所谓的"副词+名词"结构从各方面进行了研究,但是无一质疑该结构中心词的词类判断。
4)linking verb判断动词
1.The change of demonstrative pronoun Shi(是) turning into linking verb Shi(是) is not true, so the conclusion that linking verb Shi(是) developed from demonstrative pronoun Shi(是) is not credible.《系词》一文所揭示的指示代词"是"发展为判断动词"是"的变化轨迹不真实,故其结论"系词‘是’是从指示代词‘是’发展来的"不可信。
2."shi"(是) in the《The Analects》——and discussion of the development of "是" as a linking verb;“是”从指示代词演变为判断动词,取决两个基本条件:一是上古汉语判断句普遍不用判断动词,由此形成“句法空位”表示判断的形式。
5)quasi-judging word准判断词
6)assertion copula判断系词
