1.The thesis studies the problems in teaching the course of Information Economics and proposes the new methodology of multilateral interaction.文章针对“信息经济学”课程教学实践中存在的问题,提出了互动方式的多边性方法论在该课程中使用的新观点,并总结了该课程讲授过程中的经验体会。
2.This paper attempts to characterize background variables in literary-translation criticism, which include cultural encounter, interaction and intervention since translation is commonly viewed as an activity of inter-cultural communication.本文拟讨论文学翻译批评的背景变量问题,包括文化态势、互动方式和介入机制三个核心概念,假如我们把翻译活动视为跨文化的交际活动。

1.The Establishment of the Interactive Concept and the Expansion of the Interactive Mode in the TV Program;电视节目互动观念的确立及互动方式的拓展
2.The Influence of Internet on the Homosexual Interaction and Identity;互联网对同性恋互动方式与身份认同的影响
3.Cooperation and Competition:An Important Way of Social Interaction in Construcing Harmonious Gender Relations;合作与竞争:构建性别和谐的重要互动方式
4.Interactions between Research of International Relations and Research of International Law;国际关系与国际法研究的互动方式分析
5.Exploration on the Interaction between the P.E. Curricular Courses and the Sports Community in College高校体育课程与学生体育社团互动方式的研究
6.Living Space Design Means of Expression-in-depth Interaction;生活空间设计的表达方式—深入互动
7.A Research of Interactive Dynamic Water-surface Modeling and Rendering交互式动态水面建模与绘制方法研究
8.Interactive Comprehensive Research-training Program--On Training Methods of the Teacher Training Organizers;互动式综合研修:培训者培训方式的思考
9.Diagnostic startup - interactively load device drivers and software诊断启动-以交互方式装入驱动程序及软件
10.Great emphasis in this course, is put on group work and interactive projects.课程的授课方式侧重小组活动和互动项目。
11.Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.不同生物族群生活之间的互动,以相互竞争、食或共生的方式生活著。
12.symbolic interactionism象征式互动论象徵式互动论
13.Interactive case teaching is an important innovation in teaching methodology.互动式案例教学法是教学方法的一项重要改革。
14."And information technology is profoundly changing how we interact.“而信息技术正在深远地改变着我们互动的方式。
15.Research on Interacting MIP and SIP for Mobility Support in All-IP Wireless Network;无线IP网交互式MIP/SIP移动性管理方案研究
16.The Influences on Mass Media Content by the Interaction between Journalists and News Resources;记者与消息来源的互动对新闻呈现方式的影响
17.The Application of an Eclectic Interaction Approach to English Teaching in the Senior High School;折衷式互动教学方法在高中英语教学中的应用
18.The Interactive Pattern of Policy-type Finance and Place Finance and Using Skill Discussion;政策性金融与地方金融的互动模式与运用探讨

3D interactive manner3D互动方式
3)interactive assessment method互动式评估方法
4)Mutual Promoted互动教学方式
5)self-help interactive approach自助互动方式
6)interactive teaching methods互动式教学方法
1.Based on the features of the course of Computer Organization Principles, this paper explores the measures for selecting teaching materials, organizing teaching contents, carrying out experimental education and using interactive teaching methods in order to develop students?good habits in learning.文章根据《计算机组成原理》课程的特点,从教材的精选、教学内容的组织与编排、实验教学的实施、互动式教学方法的应用等教学环节,探索了培养学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量的教学方法和手段。

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl