环境伦理建设,the construction of environmental ethics
1)the construction of environmental ethics环境伦理建设
1.In certain meaning, the shortage or deletion of the conscious of environmental ethics is one of the deep-seated ethical reasons that cause environmental problem, therefore, we must reinforce the construction of environmental ethics.因此,要加强环境伦理建设,提高环境伦理意识已是刻不容缓。

1.Environmental Ethics Construction in Building a Harmonious Community;和谐社会构建中的环境伦理建设——兼论企业的环境伦理责任
2.A Survey on the Water Problem of Shiyang River Basin and the Establishment of Environmental Ethics石羊河流域水环境问题与环境伦理建设
3.On the Establishment of Environmental Ethics during the Development of Tibetan Tourism;论西藏旅游业发展中的环境伦理建设
4.On Development of Discipline of Environmental Ethics in China;创造中国环境伦理学学派,建设中国环境伦理学
5.Thoughts on Environmental Ethic While Constructing the Environment-friendly Society of the China’s West;西部建设环境友好型社会的环境伦理学思考
6.The Ethical Basis Of System Construction About Ecosystem Environment;生态环境问题制度建设的伦理学基础
7.On the Theoretical Mishap in Organizing Teaching Materials of Environmental Ethnics;论当前环境伦理学教材建设中的理论硬伤
8.Discussion on the Environmental Ethics of Sustainable Development in New Countryside Construction;论新农村建设中的可持续发展环境伦理观
9.Harmonious Environment Ethics--A Logical Choice of Ecological Civilization Construction和谐环境伦理——生态文明建设的必然选择
10.Constructing a Mode of Production with Built-in Environmental Ethics--a Look at Marx s Ethics on Environment;构建内含环境伦理理念的生产方式——兼论马克思的环境伦理思想
11.The Idea of Environmental Ethics of Noncentricism;无中心主义的环境伦理理念——建构环境伦理学的一种新尝试
12.Huapo Myth and Evolvement of Zhuang Nationality′s Environmental Ethics;花婆神话与壮族环境伦理的历史建构
13.An Economic Analysis of Enterprises' Environment Behavior and Ethics Construction企业环境行为的经济分析与伦理构建
14.Constructing cyclic economy:the best option for applying environmental ethical doctrines;构建循环经济是实现环境伦理原则的最佳选择
15.Ways of Environmental Ethics to Practice -Environmental ethics on environmental protection mechanism;环境伦理走向实践的路径探索——建构以环境保护机制效能为取向的环境伦理
17.Construction of the New View of Nature in the Sight of environmental ethics:on Environmental Ethics Orientation of Building Harmonious Society环境伦理学视阈下新自然观的构建——兼论构建和谐社会的环境伦理取向
18.The Environmental Ethics on the New Humanistic Foundation;建立在新人道主义基础上的环境伦理学

environment ethics环境伦理
1.The problem of sandy desertification in China is researched by the way of environment ethics in this paper.从环境伦理学视角分析了中国的土地沙漠化问题,认为我国土地沙漠化的发生发展有科学环境伦理观缺失的原因,但环境伦理问题并不是中国土地沙漠化的唯一根源,故我国土地沙漠化问题的根除也不是仅仅通过环境伦理学途径就可以完全解决的,但环境伦理学的建设及大众环境伦理意识的提高对土地沙漠化的防治将产生重要作用。
2.In view of the ecological problems arising in urban development,the conception of the city ecological development is raised,so people develop the conception of environment ethics,which can make mankind do efforts to keep the harmonious developments betweeneconomy and ecological environment.为此提出城市生态化建设,在城市生态化建设过程中,环境伦理的建设十分必要,本文提出了环境伦理建设的原则和措施。
3.The opposite of Human center doctrine and Life center doctrine,is a focus of current environment ethics study,is also an obstacle for environment ethics development.人类中心主义和生命中心主义的对立 ,是当前环境伦理研究的焦点 ,也是环境伦理发展的一个障碍。
3)environmental ethics环境伦理
1.Case study on environmental ethics in sustainable regional development:Responsibilities for different communities;区域可持续发展中的环境伦理案例分析:不同社会群体责任
2.Ponder over the transformation of the legislative purpose of the environment in terms of environmental ethics;从环境伦理角度思考环境立法目的的改造
4)Environmental ethic环境伦理
1.Thoughts on Environmental Ethic While Constructing the Environment-friendly Society of the China’s West;西部建设环境友好型社会的环境伦理学思考
2.Consideration on Corporation s Environmental Ethic of Sanming Economic Development;三明市经济发展中的企业环境伦理沉思
3.The significance of environmental problem with environmental ethic was analyzed.本文分析了环境伦理对解决生态环境问题的价值,提出了公众环境伦理教育的内容以及针对政府、企业、学校、农村和社区等不同对象进行的环境伦理教育中各有特点的具体内容和方法。
5)environment ethic环境伦理
6)ethics environment伦理环境
1.In this paper, some behavior phenomenon at present ,such as forgeting what is right at the sight of profit and not to speak sincere, is reviewed, dialectical relation of interests and sincere is analysed, that sincere is the basic way where enterprises manage is pointed out, and building ethics environment of interests and sincere concurrently is discussed.文章针对当前某些见利忘义不讲诚信的行为现象进行了反思,分析了利益和诚信的辨证关系,指出诚信是企业经营的根本之道,并探讨了营造利益与诚信兼得的伦理环境。
2.To solve these problems,we should promote the curriculum reform on nursing ethics,try to improve the quality of nurses;in addition,paying enough attention to create ideal medical ethics environment and strengthen medical management are very important.要解决这些问题,宜促进护理伦理学课程改革,努力提高护士自身素质;同时,营造理想的医疗护理伦理环境,加强管理,也是落实当代护理伦理职责的必由之路。

《新的环境和新的经济建设任务》  斯大林论述改善国民经济管理工作的演说。    1931年 6月联共(布)中央召开经济工作人员会议,研究苏联第一个五年计划时期工业发展中的新情况和领导工业的新方法。斯大林在会上作了这个演说,强调工业发展的新条件要求按照新方式来工作。他阐述了七个问题:①工业要有组织地招收劳动力,要采用同集体农庄签订合同的办法招收工人,而不能再依靠劳动力的自流,同时要实行劳动机械化。②企业中的工人要固定,消灭劳动力的流动现象。为此,必须打破旧的工资等级制,取消平均主义,合理规定工资,改善工人的消费品供应和居住条件。③改善劳动组织,消灭无人负责现象。在企业中合理配置劳动力,使工人能有效地工作,提高劳动生产率。④应当造就工人阶级自己的生产技术人员和知识分子,一方面由受过高等教育的人所组成,同时也要由企业中的实际工作人员、熟练工人、工厂和矿井的工人阶级中有文化的人来补充。⑤改变对旧的工程技术人员的态度,多多关心和照顾他们,更大胆地吸收他们参加工作。⑥实行并巩固经济核算制,消灭不善于经营的现象,不断降低成本,使工业的各部分毫无例外地加强工业内部的积累,以保证工业和农业的进一步发展。⑦经济工作的领导者要用新方法来领导经济建设。领导者要了解新的环境,研究新的条件来改造自己的工作;要有实事求是的精神;要精通业务和深入实际;必须把公司划小,分为几个公司,使公司接近工厂,了解工厂;要把公司委员会管理制改为一长制;领导要深入群众,向群众学习。    斯大林的讲话对于苏联第一个五年计划的完成和改善国民经济的经营管理,有着重要意义。