自然环境条件,natural environment condition
1)natural environment condition自然环境条件
1.The influence of the natural environment conditions upon the highway engineering mostly incarnate five aspects:route selection, stability and durability of pavement and subgrade, main highway natural diseases(including freezing and thawing, frost boiling, snow disease, dilapidation, silde, cataclysm and so on), construction conditions and road maintenance etc.自然环境条件对公路工程的影响,主要体现在路线选取、路基强度和稳定性、路面稳定性和耐久性、公路主要自然病害(包括冻融、翻浆、雪害、风沙害、崩塌、滑坡和地震灾害等)、施工条件和养护运营环境等5个方面,分析自然条件和公路工程的关系,提出公路区划中地质地貌环境参数和水热状况环境参数,阐述了环境参数的提出过程,为新疆公路自然区划三级区的划分提供依据。

1." Environmental conditions appearing in nature of electric and electronic products--Dust,sand,salt mist"GB/T4797.6-1995电工电子产品自然环境条件尘、沙、盐雾
2.Environmental conditions for electric and electronic products appearing in nature--Living organismsGB/T4797.3-1986电工电子产品自然环境条件生物
3.Environmental conditions appearing in nature of electric and electronic products-Precipitation and windGB/T4797.5-1992电工电子产品自然环境条件降水和风
4.Environmental conditions appearing in nature of electric and electronic products--Temperature and humidityGB/T4797.1-1984电工电子产品自然环境条件温度和湿度
5.The Road Landscape Planning and Design Combining the Natural Environment Conditions in Parks;公园中结合自然环境条件的道路景观规划设计
6.Environmental conditions appearing in nature for electric and electronic products-Solar radiation and temperatureGB/T4797.4-1989电工电子产品自然环境条件太阳辐射与温度
7." Environmental conditions for electric and electronic products appearing in nature--Altitude and air pressure, deepness and water pressure"GB/T4797.2-1986电工电子产品自然环境条件海拔与气压、水深和水压
8.Results The unique natural environment condition is the main reason of forming ecological cultrue of Gaochang Uygurs.结果独特的自然环境条件是高昌回鹘生态文化形成的主要原因。
9.Research on the Wind Environment of Traditional Dwelling House in the Case of Natural Ventilation;自然通风条件下传统民居室内外风环境研究
11.Computation of thermal environment of light-weight steel temporary house under natural ventilation condition自然通风条件下轻钢活动板房热环境计算研究
12.Located in medium and low latitudes, China's sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and resource conditions.中国的海域处在中、低纬度地带,自然环境和资源条件比较优越。
13.Natural geographical and human condition are also important for the formation.地理自然条件和人文环境对流派的产生有重要影响。
14.Valuation of Natural Resources and Environment:Contingent Valuation Method and Its Application Principles in China;自然资源与环境价值评估:条件估值法及应用原则探讨
15.The Degrading Dynamics of Three Pesticides in Natural Environment or under Microbial Intervention三种农药在自然环境及微生物介入条件下的降解动态研究
16.Of course, Le Zun's decision to hew out a cave shrine on Mount Sanwei must also have had a great deal to do with the social and physical conditions of the site.当然乐尊选择三危山做道场,与这里良好的社会环境和自然条件也是分不开的。
17.Study on Two Dimensional Barcode Recognition in Inartificial Conditions;自然环境下的二维条码自动识读技术的研究
18.Obviously the turbulent society at that time could by no means provide those conditions.显然当时动荡的社会环境,很难具备这样的条件。

natural conditions自然条件
1.A study on modeling the terminal lake of Shiyang River Drainage Basin under the natural conditions;自然条件下石羊河终闾湖泊模拟研究
2.The natural conditions in Xinjiang are very complex.新疆自然条件复杂,地貌类型多样,水、热地带性差异明显,公路建设遇到的问题较多。
3)natural condition自然条件
1.Analysis of natural condition and seabed evolution of Huachang Bay;花场湾自然条件及海床演变分析
2.In course of harnessing the Fenhe River and reconstructing the coking plants, in the light of the specific situation in Shanxi province lillustrates the decisive elements in location selecting of the expanded or newly - built coking plants of large or medium size,in 3 respects of the transportaion, influencial factors of the natural condition and the way-out of the furnance gas.结合山西本省情况从焦化厂的外部运输,自然条件影响因素,焦炉煤气的出路三个方面,阐述了“在治汾改焦”过程中,改扩建和新建大中型焦化厂进行厂址选择的决策依据。
3.It represents the contents and characters of terrene ism,lists the three representative persons who insist in terrene ism,main analyses and introduces the Barragan,a Mexican architect and his works characters from the background,natural condition,field,the traditional culture and color,to make us know his characters deeply.阐述了地域主义的含义及特点,简单列出了三个主张地域主义的代表人物,着重从背景、自然条件、场所、传统文化和色彩等方面对墨西哥建筑师路易斯巴拉干及其作品特点进行了分析介绍,以使人们更深入地了解他的特色。
4)natural environment自然条件
1.The use and maintenance of the military generating set in all kinds of natural environment;军用电站在不同自然条件下的使用维护
2.In natural environment, organisms evolution along to be more adapted for their environment.本文依据现代综合进化论的观点分析认为,由于选择因素的不同,在自然条件下、人工条件下以及污染条件下, 生物进化的方向、性质及其稳定性也各不相同。
5)natural environment自然环境
1.Research on natural environmental test of anti-corrosion paint of amphibian armoured equipment;两栖装甲装备防腐蚀涂料自然环境试验研究
2.The research on the acceleration rule of the natural environmental diversification;自然环境变化的加速度规律
3.A comparative study on the natural environment of the Yangtze River Xintankou -Luoshan and Tiane Zhou Baiji Dolphin National Natural Reserve;长江新螺段和长江天鹅洲白既鱼豚国家级自然保护区自然环境状况的比较研究
6)nature environment自然环境
1.On the basis of analysing the impact of hydropower projects in different size to nature environment, the impact trends of flow geography, water quality, mud and sand, zoology environment are concluded in order to provide references to impact assessment of other hydropower project.通过分析不同规模的水利枢纽工程对当地自然环境的影响,得出水利枢纽工程对当地水文、水质、泥沙、水生生物和陆生生物影响的规律,为水利枢纽的环境影响分析提供参考依据。
2.The nature environment near the tall building hospital is rather bad.高层医院近身的自然环境比较差 ,因此 ,在其中居住的病人和工作的医护人员会觉得与大自然隔离 。
3.Especially,the article focuses on two aspects,the first is the architectural emblem and symbol quality of school building,the second is the relationship of human environment and nature environment.通过泰山联合大学方案设计实例 ,探讨了文化性建筑中所涉及到的系列问题 ,其中重点探讨了文化性建筑中校园建筑形象的标志性和象征意义 ,以及建筑的人文环境与自然环境的关系等问

自然环境优劣度自然环境优劣度 【自然环境优劣度】城市土地地貌及其他自然因素对城市土地利用以及社会经济活动的影响。对土地开发影响较大的自然条件,如地形坡度、土地承载力、洪水淹没及排水状况,地质构造等因素,是影响城市土地质量及地价的重要因素,开阔的空间、充足的阳光、清新的空气、绿色的植物,将赋予土地更高的使用价值,是人们理想的居住和工作场所。